抹布的英文單字,抹布的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典


  • rag
    破布; 碎布; 破舊衣服; 碎片;
  • duster cloth
  • dishcloth
  • dishclout


編織抹布woven scrubbing cloth

車間抹布shop towel



干濕抹布dry wet wipes

破抹布pro macbook

汽車抹布car washing cloth

無妨抹布nonwoven cloth

紙制抹布paper made duster cloth


  • 請用干抹布擦桌子.

    please wipe the table with a dry cloth.

  • 這是塊擦桌子的抹布.

    this is a cloth for the table.

  • 將受影響的部分面朝下,放在一塊干凈的抹布或者紙巾上。

    set the affected area face down on a clean cloth or paper towels.

  • 給動物收容所也是個不錯的主意。打個電話給他們看看他們是否需要舊衣服來做抹布或者派別的用處。

    give them to an animal shelter. call your local animal shelter and see if they need donated t-shirts for rags or other uses.

  • 有時候它起的作用和抹布抹一下差不多。

    sometimes all it takes is a wipe with a damp rag.

  • 在糧倉,一塊浸滿汽油的抹布還在燃燒,表明這群野獸本來打算要做的事。

    in the granary, a rag soaked with petrol was still smouldering to show what these beasts had intended, 「 she wrote.

  • 狐貍先生掃落了窗戶上的雪,又把抹布放到裝滿肥皂水里的桶里洗了洗,才說道,「我想,這可能是因為窗子擦干凈后,雪就不會再粘在上面了吧。

    fox knocked some snow off his window and dipped a rag into a bucket of sudsy water. “i think it’s because the snow doesn’t stick to windows when they are clean, 」 said fox.

  • 她在敲打抹布使其干凈.

    she was beating the rug to clean it.

  • 機械師挺直腰板,在抹布上擦了擦手,對他說道:「呃...您看看這個引擎。

    the mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and said, 」so doc, look at this engine.

  • 使用浸過亞麻籽油的抹布.

    use a rag soaked in linseed oil.

  • 廚房里有很多地方可供細菌棲身,比如洗滌槽里的排水管、工作臺面、清潔海綿、抹布和擦洗工具。

    there are lots of places for germs to hang out in the kitchen, including the drain in your sink, the countertop, and the sponges, rags, scrubbers.

  • 如果是乙烯地板或木地板,就用一塊沾有清潔劑的是抹布,只擦洗有污漬污點的地方。

    for vinyl or wood floors, take a damp cloth with cleaner and spot wash getting rid of any particularly nasty spills or spots.

  • 她,以為埃德加看不見她,就從我手里把抹布奪過去,而且使勁狠狠地在我胳膊上擰了一下,擰得很久。

    she, supposing edgar could not see her, snatched the cloth from my hand, and pinched me, with a prolonged wrench, very spitefully on the arm.

  • “ 打掃一下房間. 「 她說著停了下來,把抹布纏在手上繞著.

    」 just cleaning,「she replied, stopping and winding a dusting towel about her hand.

  • 他的工作是上門推銷抹布和刷子。

    he worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes.

  • 人們往往將濕抹布、清潔海綿等清潔用品懸掛起來第二天繼續使用,不過那樣也會使它們成為細菌的滋生地。

    it」s tempting to leave your cleaning implement--a damp rag or sponge--hanging around to use the next day, but that could create a germ breeding ground.

  • 抹布會保護你的電腦不受靜電影響而受損。

    a damp cloth will protect your computer from the damaging effects of static.

  • 可惜,一切都來不及了,當喬治想完這些,那些螞蟻也已經被自己噴的殺蟲劑殺死了。喬治用一塊抹布將螞蟻抹到水池里,放水沖了下去。

    but, alas, by the time george has thought all this, the ants are already dead and mopped up on a wet cloth and rinsed down the sink.

  • 但我還是叫來了柜臺后面的女服務員,她緊閉著嘴,帶著抹布過來收拾殘局。

    i called to the woman behind the counter. she closed her mouth and brought a cloth to clean up the mess.

  • 用一塊清潔的絨質抹布吸一吸背面,進一步去除盡可能多的污跡。

    blot the back side with a clean terry cloth washcloth to further remove as much ink as possible.

  • 提示:只能加熱濕的紗布或抹布—否則會可能引發火災。

    warning: do this only with a damp sponge or cloth –otherwise it's a fire risk.

  • 我們用抹布擦去了它上面的積垢.

    we removed the accumulated filth of years from it with a cloth - brush.

  • 擦窗之前她先把抹布弄濕.

    she damped her cloth before cleaning the window.

  • 如果是墨水和草漬,用一塊抹布蘸一點伏特加,然后用力擦污漬,再沖洗就行了。

    for ink and grass stains, dip a clean cloth in vodka and rub spot. rinse thoroughly.

  • 在各各他的圣光下,所有我們設想的善良都只不過是骯臟的抹布

    in the light of calvary, all our supposed goodness is nothing but filthy rags.

  • 打個電話給他們看看他們是否需要舊衣服來做抹布或者派別的用處。

    call your local animal shelter and see if they need donated t-shirts for rags or other uses.

  • 於是辭去“正事」,開始買進這種廢棄的布筒,將它裁剪成幾平米的小布塊,作為抹布出售。

    he quit his 「normal」 job, began buying and cutting the scrap fabric into squares to be used as rags.

  • 他用抹布擦干凈了表面.

    he went over the surfaces with a duster.

  • 把萬能清潔劑,玻璃清潔劑,抹布,紙巾,舊牙刷放到每個洗滌槽下面,這樣淋浴后,清潔浴室就能找到儲備的清潔用具,馬上開始。

    try storing all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, a cloth, paper towels and an old toothbrush under each sink. you never have to leave the bathroom to get the supplies you need to clean it with.

  • 他用軟抹布擦亮了自己的柜臺。

    he gave his counter a polish with a soft duster.

  • 她從水槽里拿出一塊抹布,擦桌子,擺上四個碗和四個調羹。

    she got a cloth from the sink, wiped the table, and put four bowls and four spoons on the placemats.

  • 用一塊浸透了伏特加的抹布就可以去除保險杠貼紙和價格標簽留下的膠水了。

    remove the glue left behind by bumper stickers and price labels with a clean cloth soaked in vodka.

  • 鼓勵孩子使用抹布和海綿去收拾臟東西,而不是用紙巾和餐巾.這將減少所使用的紙的數量,保護樹木.

    encourage children to use cloth towels and sponges to clean up messes instead of using paper towels and napkins. this reduces the amount paper you use and helps to save trees.

  • 吊燈: 用一塊浸透伏特加的軟抹布擦洗有塵的吊燈表面。

    for chandeliers: moisten a clean microfiber cloth with vodka and rub over dusty surfaces.