42 Facts about the movie Death Race 2000 - Facts.net
Berny Segal

Written by Berny Segal

Modified & Updated: 15 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: M.imdb.com

Death Race 2000, the iconic cult classic film, has captured the imagination of movie lovers for decades. Set in a dystopian future where society has embraced a deadly race as a form of entertainment, this action-packed thrill ride has garnered a dedicated following over the years. Starring the legendary David Carradine and a young Sylvester Stallone, Death Race 2000 combines fast cars, intense racing, and a satirical take on society’s obsession with violence and spectacle. But did you know that there is a wealth of fascinating behind-the-scenes information about this cult favorite? In this article, we will dive deep and explore 42 exciting facts about Death Race 2000 that will quench your thirst for movie trivia while taking you on a nostalgic journey through the high-octane world of this iconic film.

Key Takeaways:

  • Death Race 2000, a 1975 cult classic, features a dystopian future, deadly cross-country race, and iconic characters like Frankenstein and Machine Gun Joe Viterbo. It’s a unique blend of action, satire, and social commentary.
  • The film’s dark humor, distinctive visual style, and thought-provoking themes have earned it a dedicated fan base and influenced pop culture. With its enduring legacy, Death Race 2000 remains a must-watch for lovers of cult cinema.
Table of Contents

Death Race 2000 was released in 1975.

The cult classic film hit theaters in 1975, captivating audiences with its thrilling and dystopian storyline.

It was directed by Paul Bartel.

Paul Bartel took the helm as the director of Death Race 2000, showcasing his unique vision and style.

The screenplay was written by Robert Thom and Charles B. Griffith.

Robert Thom and Charles B. Griffith penned the screenplay, bringing their creative talents to the table and crafting an engaging narrative.

The film stars David Carradine as Frankenstein.

David Carradine portrays the iconic character of Frankenstein, the mysterious and enigmatic driver in the deadly race.

Death Race 2000 is set in a dystopian future.

The movie takes place in a future society where a violent cross-country race is the ultimate form of entertainment.

The objective of the race is to score points by running over pedestrians.

In this brutal and shocking race, the drivers earn points by mowing down innocent pedestrians along the way.

Sylvester Stallone plays the role of Machine Gun Joe Viterbo.

Sylvester Stallone brings his charisma and intensity to the character of Machine Gun Joe Viterbo, one of the ruthless competitors in the race.

The film is known for its dark humor and satirical commentary.

Death Race 2000 combines action and satire, using dark humor to critique society’s fascination with violence and extreme entertainment.

The cars in the film are heavily modified and weaponized.

Each driver has a unique and deadly vehicle, outfitted with various weapons and gadgets to give them an edge in the race.

Death Race 2000 garnered a cult following over the years.

Despite initial mixed reviews, the film gained popularity over time and developed a dedicated fan base that appreciates its campy charm.

The movie was remade in 2008.

A modern remake of Death Race 2000 was released in 2008, starring Jason Statham in the lead role.

Death Race 2000 has influenced other films and pop culture.

The concepts and themes of the movie have left a lasting impact on the sci-fi and action genres, inspiring various other films, books, and video games.

The film tackles themes of violence, media manipulation, and societal decay.

Death Race 2000 delves into thought-provoking subjects, exploring the effects of a desensitized society obsessed with extreme entertainment.

The movie has a dystopian aesthetic with unique costume designs.

The visual style of Death Race 2000 incorporates elements of dystopia, with its bold and eccentric costume designs reflecting the characters’ larger-than-life personas.

The race starts in New York and ends in New Los Angeles.

The high-speed race spans across the United States, from the bustling streets of New York to the post-apocalyptic city of New Los Angeles.

Death Race 2000 was made on a modest budget.

Despite its success, the film was produced on a relatively low budget, showcasing the creativity and resourcefulness of the filmmakers.

It was initially rated X but later received an R rating.

Due to its graphic violence and mature themes, the movie originally received an X rating, but it was later re-edited to secure an R rating.

The film features memorable and over-the-top death scenes.

Death Race 2000 is notorious for its outrageous death scenes, showcasing the inventiveness of the filmmakers in creating gruesome and entertaining kills.

The character of Frankenstein wears a distinctive mask.

Frankenstein’s face is always hidden behind a signature black mask, adding an air of mystery to his character.

Death Race 2000 is a blend of action, comedy, and social commentary.

The movie strikes a balance between heart-pounding action sequences, comedic moments, and satirical critique of societal issues.

The film captures a distinct 1970s sensibility.

With its vibrant colors, exaggerated costumes, and unconventional storytelling, Death Race 2000 embodies the spirit of 1970s cinema.

The movie’s soundtrack enhances the intense racing scenes.

The energetic and pulsating soundtrack of Death Race 2000 heightens the excitement and adrenaline of the high-speed chase sequences.

It was inspired by the short story “The Racer” by Ib Melchior.

The film draws inspiration from Ib Melchior’s short story “The Racer,” exploring the themes of extreme competition and a dystopian future.

Death Race 2000 pioneered the concept of a deadly cross-country race.

The movie introduced the concept of a race where the drivers score points by causing mayhem and destruction, influencing future films with similar premises.

The film’s success led to a sequel called Deathsport.

Due to the popularity of Death Race 2000, a sequel titled Deathsport was released in 1978, further expanding upon the dystopian world.

Death Race 2000 has distinctive visual effects and practical stunts.

The film showcases impressive practical effects, including thrilling car stunts and explosive action sequences that add to the film’s excitement.

The movie explores the blurred line between heroism and villainy.

Death Race 2000 challenges traditional notions of heroism and villainy, forcing the audience to question their perceptions of morality within the race.

It contains elements of black comedy.

The dark and irreverent humor throughout Death Race 2000 adds an unexpected layer of entertainment to the otherwise grim storyline.

The film’s release was met with controversy.

Due to its graphic violence and provocative themes, Death Race 2000 faced backlash from some censorship groups upon its release.

Death Race 2000 has become a cult classic for its unique blend of genres.

The film’s cult status is attributed to its ability to seamlessly blend action, comedy, and social commentary, creating a one-of-a-kind viewing experience.

The character of Frankenstein has become an iconic figure in pop culture.

Frankenstein’s enigmatic and masked persona has cemented his place as an iconic character, inspiring numerous references and homages in other films and media.

The movie satirizes the obsession with celebrity culture.

In its critique of society, Death Race 2000 takes aim at the idolization of celebrities and the extreme measures people are willing to go for fame and fortune.

It remains relevant in its commentary on violence in media.

Decades after its release, Death Race 2000’s examination of the desensitization caused by violent media is still thought-provoking and relevant.

The film’s cult following led to merchandise and fan conventions.

Due to its dedicated fan base, Death Race 2000 has spawned merchandise, collectibles, and even fan conventions to celebrate its enduring legacy.

The movie showcases inventive and imaginative production design.

The dystopian world of Death Race 2000 is brought to life through striking production design, creating a visually captivating and immersive experience.

Death Race 2000 was initially penned as a spoof of futuristic racing films.

The original concept for the movie was to parody futuristic racing films, but it eventually evolved into a unique blend of dark comedy and social satire.

The film’s reception improved over time.

While Death Race 2000 faced mixed reviews upon its release, its reputation and critical reception have improved with the passage of time.

Death Race 2000 showcases a memorable cast of characters.

From the iconic Frankenstein to the flamboyant Machine Gun Joe Viterbo, the film features a diverse and memorable ensemble of characters.

The movie’s fast-paced editing contributes to its high-energy feel.

Death Race 2000’s editing style enhances the adrenaline-pumping nature of the race, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the film.

It has become a staple in the genre of cult cinema.

With its unique blend of action, satire, and memorable characters, Death Race 2000 has secured its place as a beloved cult classic.

The film explores the darker aspects of human nature.

Death Race 2000 delves into the primal instincts and violent tendencies that lie within humanity, questioning the consequences of indulging in these urges.

Death Race 2000 is a must-watch for fans of cult cinema.

With its enduring popularity, unique premise, and memorable characters, Death Race 2000 is an essential film for enthusiasts of cult cinema and lovers of offbeat storytelling.


Death Race 2000 is a classic cult film that has left a lasting impact on the action and dystopian movie genres. With its thrilling storyline, memorable characters, and thought-provoking themes, it continues to captivate audiences even decades after its release. The movie’s blend of intense action, dark humor, and social commentary make it an unforgettable viewing experience.

Whether you’re a fan of car racing movies or simply enjoy a good dose of adrenaline, Death Race 2000 is a must-watch. Its unique premise and high-octane thrills will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride!


Q: When was Death Race 2000 released?

A: Death Race 2000 was released on April 27, 1975.

Q: Who directed Death Race 2000?

A: The movie was directed by Paul Bartel.

Q: Is Death Race 2000 a remake?

A: No, Death Race 2000 is not a remake. It was remade in 2008 as “Death Race,” directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.

Q: Who are the main actors in Death Race 2000?

A: The main actors in the film are David Carradine, Sylvester Stallone, and Simone Griffeth.

Q: What is the premise of Death Race 2000?

A: The movie is set in a dystopian future where contestants race across the country and score points by running over pedestrians.

Q: Is Death Race 2000 a violent film?

A: Yes, Death Race 2000 contains graphic violence and is not suitable for all audiences.

Q: Has Death Race 2000 achieved cult status?

A: Yes, over the years, Death Race 2000 has gained a dedicated fan base and is considered a cult classic.

Q: Are there any sequels to Death Race 2000?

A: Yes, there have been a number of sequels and spin-offs in the Death Race franchise, including “Death Race 2” and “Death Race: Beyond Anarchy.”

Q: Where can I watch Death Race 2000?

A: Death Race 2000 is available on various streaming platforms and can be purchased or rented through online retailers.

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