The Ludgrovian - Winter 2022 by ludgroveschool - Issuu

The Ludgrovian - Winter 2022

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Welcome to the latest edition of the Ludgrovian which is packed full of fun and hopefully gives you a flavour of what we have been up to since September.

The day after the beginning of term, we received the sad news about the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and we spent the next few days coming together to reflect on her incredible life. As King Charles III said, she saw ‘the best in people’, something we all should strive to do.

These pages highlight many of our achievements as well as the fact that the boys have been busy. It is extraordinary how much we manage to pack into the term. At all times we aim to nurture the character and confidence of our boys so that they can be the best they can within a happy environment.

‘Pupils are not just physically healthy; they radiate cheerfulness and care for each other’ is just one snippet from our ‘Focused compliance and educational

quality inspection report’ that we received following our inspection by the ISI in the week leading up to half term. We were graded ‘excellent’ (the highest grade) in all categories and the report was clear that the school is in good health and we are very proud of the boys and our staff. Kindness and ambition underpin everything we do and hence why the quote above is special.

As we head towards 2023, our ethos and ambition remain the same though now with an even greater emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility.

As ever a huge thank you to everyone in our School community and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.

THE LUDGROVIAN ‘Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might’ Ecclesiastes IX v.10 Contents
Michaelmas Term highlights
The VIs’ Nativity
‘Excellent’ ISI report
Bugsy Malone is a knock out
Act of Remembrance
Boys welcome their VIP guests
OL Turf Club Drinks
Headmaster Winter 2022 ISSUE 11 WINTER 2022
from the

Michaelmas Term Highlights

The start of this academic year will forever be remembered by our new boys as the day HM Queen Elizabeth II died. During the period of national mourning that followed, boys new and returning were able to settle into ‘Ludgrove life’. Thereafter, the School continued with its normal packed programme of sports, curriculum and social activities - here is a taster of what they enjoyed this term.

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11
The brave boys who sang in the Solo Singing Festival Quantum Theatre’s A Christmas Carol Explorer and guest speaker, Charlie Walker The VIs enjoyed dressing up for Roald Dahl Day Challenging activity days for the Top Year and the IVs Start of the rugby season Mr McKinnel judged the Poetry Recitation final Odd Sock Day in support of Anti Bullying Week Learning Support Christmas parties Macmillan Coffee Morning Mtech Gold Discs Sunday Fundays
Winter 2022 ISSUE 11
Bradfield Science Challenge Harvest Festival donations for the Wokingham Foodbank The IIs enjoyed a Social Evening with St Mary’s Ascot LAMDA award recipients Thrilling Swimming Gala v The Harrodian Dribbling Competition Winners Sets’ Tea - Winners Nelson! End of term Carol Service The School watches King Charles address the nation Autumn Concert

VIs’ Nativity

The VIs’ Nativity shepherds in the festive season at Ludgrove

Joseph, Mary and all the VIs’ Nativity cast sprinkled a little festive magic when they retold the story of the first Christmas for their families, the boys and staff at Ludgrove.

The wonderful production had the audience tapping their toes to the energetically performed songs and laughing at all the modern references: “Sat nav is so unreliable!”.

Singing, dancing and enthusiastic acting culminated in a rousing chorus of ‘We wish you a merry Christmas’. Bravo boys - you even performed an encore!

Thank you to all the team - Ms Livermore, Mr Jenkyn-Jones, Mr Herron, Ms Knowles and the Maintenance team for their hard work to kick the School’s Christmas off in style.

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11

Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report from the ISI 2022

Ludgrove is recognised as ‘excellent’ in ISI report

Ludgrove is proud to announce it received the highest grading possible in the Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report from the ISI. Both the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of the pupils’ personal development were graded as excellent. Here are some highlights from the report:

‘Wonderfully spirited pupils’ display outstanding attitudes to learning, whether they are working individually, in pairs, or in groups. Throughout the school, pupils are both curious and ambitious, taking considerable leadership in their learning.’

‘Older pupils show care and concern for younger pupils and take responsibility for them when the opportunity allows, with inspectors witnessing many examples of kindness shown.’

‘Pupils are not just physically healthy; they radiate cheerfulness and care for each other, in large part because of the priority attached by the leadership and management of the school to the fostering of their emotional well-being.’

‘Pupils attain excellent results in examinations to senior schools with rigorous entry requirements, with all successfully gaining places at their school of choice and some pupils being awarded scholarships or prizes.’

‘Pupils from the oldest to the youngest, are moved by the beauty of the school’s rural surroundings and appreciate greatly the freedom to explore their grounds and the opportunity this allows them to reflect.’

To read the full report, please go to the About Us section on

Once again Ludgrove has been named as one of the top 50 prep/junior schools for cricket in the country.

All entries were judged against an extensive criteria, which included a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, fixture programmes and coaching. Everyone at Ludgrove is thrilled by The Cricketer’s continued recognition of our passionate support of the game.

2022 awards

Ludgrove started the term by receiving a very special piece of news; the School was nominated as a finalist for the Best Independent Boarding School of the Year in the prestigious Independent School of the Year Awards 2022.

From an outstanding group of finalists, Ludgrove was pipped at the post by Cheltenham College - worthy winners.

Ludgrove strives to give the boys the best boarding experience and is very proud that this work has been recognised.

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11
School makes the finals of the ISOTY
“ Pupils report that they are able to develop initiative and independence through being part of the amazing boarding community; a safe and nurturing environment where character, confidence and creativity can take root and blossom.”

Top Year DS

Bugsy Malone is a knockout success

The Top Year’s production of Bugsy Malone was a total knock out at Ludgrove the weekend before the end of term.

During the dress rehearsal to the School and subsequent Saturday and Sunday performances, the boys (and girls!) danced and sang their hearts out with the action culminating in a splurge gun shoot out!

Bravo boys, you certainly gave us a rip roaring ride!

Winter 2022

Boys are at the heart of the Act of Remembrance

“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” The Ludgrove School community honoured its fallen with an Act of Remembrance at 11am on Friday 11th November.

Proudly wearing their poppies on their chest, everyone gathered in the Quad to hear Mr Barber read out the names of the Old Ludgrovians, and those from Wixenford (the former school at the Wokingham site), who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars.

Significantly, the boys were at the very heart of the commemoration, with the Last Post played by Tarka, Arjan, the Captain of School, recited ‘In Flanders Fields’, and Cub, from the VIs, placed a poppy wreath in the Chapel.


Bonfire Night lights up the Wokingham sky

Ludgrove School’s much-anticipated Bonfire Night lit up the boys’ faces as they watched an amazing display that illuminated the Wokingham sky. With much “oohing” and “aahing” from the boys and staff, the evening kicked off with a massive firework display followed by lighting the huge bonfire.

And that was just the start of the fun... sparklers were in abundance, hot dogs and

marshmallows kept energy levels high and the clear, moonlit sky enabled the fun to go on well into the evening.

Thank you to the Estates Team for all your hard work - it will definitely be a night the boys remember!

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11

Boys introduce their VIP guests to Ludgrove Life

On Saturday 8th October, the School opened its doors to welcome over 100 VIP guests - some flying in especially for the event - to experience a flavour of Ludgrove Life at the inaugural Grandparents’ Morning.

Grandparents were greeted by their grandsons in the Theatre where they enjoyed a Musical Show including Chapel Choir and outstanding musicians.

Having then enjoyed refreshments on the Quad lawn in the glorious Autumn sunshine, the boys took their grandparents on a tour to visit all their favourite parts of the School: pointing out their name on the boards in the Dining Hall; a peek into

Dorms; visiting the Chapel; seeing where the boys spend Sunday Funday in Camps and at the Monkey House; and a trip to Ludgrove’s newest asset, the Exploration Centre that houses Science, Coding, Art, CDT and Ceramics.

The event was a roaring success with several guests enjoying everything the School has to offer, including a trip down the fireman’s pole at the Monkey House!

“What a treat for grandparents to have the ‘little darlings’ to ourselves, and for them to show off their school to us. It truly was a magic day for me, and so lovely to see W so full of confidence and pride.”


“It was lovely to see the boys in their school surrounding and all of them so at home and relaxed. The music we were treated to was exceptional and Mr Barber’s words missed out on an ‘H’ for happiness, every boy seemed so happy, that is something one cannot teach, it is absorbed from all around them so a big thank you to all the staff for making that happen.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed being shown round the school by H and X. I loved being able to see the dorms and the new art building is very impressive. I came away thinking the boys are very fortunate to be at Ludgrove!”


Winter 2022 ISSUE 11

Words of wisdom from Class of ’22

When 37 new boys started at Ludgrove at the beginning of term, who better to give some golden words of advice than our Leavers of 2022! Before they left, the OLs put pen to paper to pass on their pearls of wisdom to the next batch of Ludgrovians.

Sports awards for Top Year boys

Ludgrove is proud to announce two of the Top Year (Year 8) boys have received sports awards from top senior schools.

Congratulations to William who has been awarded a Sports Exhibition from Stowe and Arjan who has been awarded a Sports Scholarship from Radley.

We look forward to seeing them on the sports pitches of their senior school in the blue and gold and red and white strips of Stowe and Radley.

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11

New faces at Ludgrove

The VIs weren’t the only new ‘kids on the block’ in September, the Common Room and Matrons’ Room also welcomed three new members of staff to the team. Each of them has brought with them a sense of excitement and enthusiasm to enhance the boys’ lives.

Joining our excellent academic team this term is: Miss Kanaan (Head of Creative Arts) and Mr Parker (Teacher of Humanities and new Outdoor Skills instructor). Upstairs in the Dorms, Ms Phipson has joined the Matrons and is taking care of the IVs.

It is heart warming to see how quickly our new recruits have settled into School, thanks in no small part to the help offered by the ‘old hands’ (IVs, IIIs, IIs and Top Year).

Marathon fund raising by Mr Smith-Bingham

A huge well done to Mr Smith-Bingham for completing the TCS London Marathon and raising an amazing £6,782 for the Henry Van Straubenzee Memorial Fund along the way.

The charity, which is very close to Ludgrove’s heart, raises money to support

and develop young people in Uganda through education. Buildings, resources and hygiene facilities provided by the charity have made a huge difference to these children’s lives. Mr Smith-Bingham’s contribution will fund a borehole for a school of 1,360 pupils in Uganda to have its own clean water supply.

Families support Ludgrove’s work to help local children

Farewell Gappers

It is always a bitter sweet time of year when we wave goodbye to the Gappers at the end of their year at Ludgrove. This year it is particularly poignant as Miss Panikian comes to the end of a two-year stint, an elongated stay because of her help during lockdowns. The best of luck to you all - Mr Meggitt, Miss Tabraham, Mr Weitemeyer, Miss Crane, Miss Panikian and Mr Smith - come and see us when you come back this way.

Once again, the Ludgrove community of families and staff has shown what a kind hearted and generous group they are by supporting the School’s two charity appeals this term.

Firstly, the School collected Harvest Festival donations of food, drinks and toiletries for the Wokingham Foodbank. The total came to 267kg of much-needed items, over 70kg more than was collected last year!

Just before Christmas, families once again answered Ludgrove’s call to help by

donating children’s presents to The Cowshed, a local charity providing presents to 3,000 children in Berkshire who wouldn’t otherwise receive a gift this year.

Thank you to the School community for your generous response to our appeals and for helping those experiencing hard times.

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11

Two generations of Barbers welcome guests to the OL Turf Club Drinks

Over 100 Old Ludgrovians raised a glass together when they gathered for the first time in three years for the Annual OL Drinks at the Turf Club, the previous years’ having been scuppered by Covid restrictions.

Two generations of Barber headmasters and their wives (Simon and Sophie and Gerald and Janet) reunited with former pupils spanning five decades.

Simon Barber told assembled guests: “It’s a worrisome world out there for our little fellows, so we try to create an environment where they believe in themselves, they learn how to look after themselves and others.”

He ended with a toast: “Let’s raise a glass to Ludgrovians, past and present!”

The evening showed yet again that the boys at Ludgrove School really do make friends for life.

OLs from the Class of ‘09 took on their old rivals from Cothill for an old boys’ football match at Ludgrove with the match ending in a 2-2 draw.

OLs gathered at Burton Court, London, for the annual Sets Football match in aid of Place2Be.

Staff took on the OLs in the annual battle to win the Wiggin Cup. After intense pressure from both sides, the Staff came away with a 1-0 victory.

Winter 2022 ISSUE 11 Contact us: For enquiries regarding registrations for OL events, to update your contact details, or to send us news, please visit the OL section on the website or use the email below Telephone: 0118 978 9881 Email: development@ Website: Address: Ludgrove, Wokingham, Berks, RG40 3AB Join us on: Instagram - Ludgrove_School Twitter - @Ludgrove
OLs get together on the pitches
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