JBL Credits the Success of His Career to Eddie Guerrero

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JBL Credits the Success of His Career to Eddie Guerrero

May 8, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
JBL WWE Backstage Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent interview with Cheap Heat with Peter Rosenberg, WWE Hall of Famer JBL spoke about how he owes much of his career to the late Eddie Guerrero. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

JBL on owing his career to Eddie Guerrero: “You know, when I say I owe Eddie Guerrero a 100% of my career for JBL, I owe him 100%, you know..”

On basing his character off of people he knew in his struggling hometown in West Texas: “We had a couple of guys with DeLoreans and Lamborghinis driving around town and they were just jerks. I hated those guys.” 

On the house show angle with Eddie Guerrero’s mother: “When that video aired, everything changed. He [Eddie Guerrero] loved the JBL character. Eddie and I got along really well, you know, I did part of his eulogy at his funeral. He was a groomsman at my wedding.”

article topics :

Eddie Guerrero, JBL, WWE, Jeffrey Harris