
Ramon Magsaysay High School (RMHS) has its beginning as the Governor Forbes annex of Victorino Mapa High School in 1952. It was in 1959 when what used to be the annex evolved into the Ramon Magsaysay High School named after one of the most loved Philippine Presidents.

     What RMHS is now can be attributed to its effective leadership. It has been under capable hands – principals who have paved the way for its growth and success. Each one of them has made a great and lasting contribution to the school.  

Mrs. Maria M. Ocampo (1959-1972)

The first Principal of Ramon Magsaysay High School who witnessed the transformation of the institution until it achieve its growth and development.

During her term, the school saw the growth of the school from a fledgling institution to a full-grown one.

Dr. William Ll. Estrada (1972-1976)

On his term the school  answered the needs of a continually growing student population in terms of more chairs and expanded canteen and library.

Mr. Mateo A. Angeles (1976-1987)

On his eleven years term as school head further improvement was observed, this include the Educational Media Center, improvement of the faculty rooms of each departments, and creation of circular shed.  This is the banner year for Monsay to top the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) in 1978 and continues to remain on top until it was changed to National Secondary Achievement Test (NSAT).  There was an establishment of "Hiyas ng Tagumpay", the place for all the trophies received by school in the different contests and achievements participated by the school and served as inspiration to all.

Esperanza B. Bautista

Mrs. Esperanza B. Bautista (1987-1995)

She was responsible for making RMHS a leader not only in the division but in the region as well. When she left the school she had left a battlecry that everyone has taken to heart – to continue the Culture of Excellence. 

Elena R. Ruiz

Ms. Elena R. Ruiz (1995-1997) 

RMHS's star continues to shine under the leadership of Ms. Ruiz. The school soared higher as evidenced by its academic achievements as well as physical improvements. 

Mr. Leon R. San Miguel (1997-1999)

With his managerial and leadership skills, Mr. San Miguel made waves in the face lifting the school's facilities. He emphasized the maintenance of the cleanliness of the school's surroundings.

Dr. Cristina C. Reyes


Dr. Cristina C. Reyes (1999-2010)

School year 1999 earmarked the coming of a yet more capable leader who made greater heat waves in RMHS – Dr. Cristina C. Reyes (1999 – 2010) with her at the helm, RMHS has undergone great transformation over its 1959 version. From its original three buildings which used to be the old North General Hospital, there rose the New Building with its ten rooms.

      Facilities are continuously upgraded, improved and renovated. There are the computer rooms for computer education and literacy, the well – equipped and spacious teacher's rooms and Department Head's offices, the RMHS Cooperative Store with its Water Station and Internet Café and Research Center, the only one of its kind in the Division of City Schools, Manila, the ultra – modern and sanitized comfort rooms for teachers and students, the air – conditioned auditorium, the computerized EMIS Center, the eye – catching fountains in the school lobby and the stainless steel gate of the school. And under her leadership and support to the projects of the alumni, RMHS alumni made waves in the digital world by making their alma mater as the first public school in Manila to register their own website at www.rmhs.edu.ph and followed by its own social networking site www.rmhs.org.ph, thus making contacts with each alumnus much easier.

     Anyone who happens to set foot on Ramon Magsaysay High School now would be awed by its numerous novelties and achievements. The school continues to uphold the culture of excellence, it defies the popular notion that "Once you're up, there's no way to go but down," it's because you can never put a good school down.

Mrs. Alma C. Tadina


Mrs. Alma C. Tadina (2010-2017)

In her first months, she has already spearheaded the blessings of the New RMHS Speech Laboratory, and the New Head Teacher's Office of English and Social Studies, and the landscaping of the flower pots in the school quadrangle. She has also made RMHS Alumni support very much active and alive by allowing them in providing assistance to the less fortunate students of their alma mater thru their project "Alumni Tree". Furthermore, under her very supportive leadership, RMHS Teachers are further recognized by being teacher exemplars in the division, and students are continuously receiving numerous awards and citations in various local and international competitions.

     All these are possible because of the will and determination of the Principals and the commitment and dedication of its faculty in making this school a real showcase or show window of the Division of City Schools, Manila. UPHOLD THE CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE

Mr. Gene T. Pangilinan


He strengthens the school’s show window both physically (classroom improvements) and virtually thru the school’s website. 

     Inspired and guided competent headteachers to continue to plan, execute improvements, and disseminate information to the stakeholders in upholding the culture of excellence. 

     Winnings in different contests soared high in spite of the pandemics caused by covid-19. He also Inspired learners to show active participation and resulted in the showmanship of student leaders virtually thru online presentations of activities and competencies.

     In the year 2017, he brought exemplary service to RMHS wherein he served as the catalyst of change in the teaching and learning milieu. He was known as the "Man of Action." He initiated the Students Assistance and Guidance Intervention Program (SAGIP) to reduce dropout rates. He streamlined the enrolment/school procedures for efficiency which resulted to improved learning outcomes and performance of the school. He is known for his advocacy for "Education For All" and made a significant in the increase of enrolment yearly