Accident & Emergency - Patrick Wolf - Ouvir M�sica Com A Letra No Kboing
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Accident & Emergency

Patrick Wolf

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So come on
Give me the worst and then again
I'm feeling braver than I've ever been
From the skull down to the feet
All out for blood and sweat and meat
And for

Accident! Emergency!
To terrorists, catastrophe
Drop this agony, and misery
Give me accident and emergency
So what happens when you lose everything?
You just carry on and with a grin (Sing!)
For all that your life has to bring,
And just get yourself back into the ring
(Knock it out!)

For accident and emergency
To terrorists, catastrophe
Drop this agony, and misery
Hold on for accident and emergency

If you never lose
How you gonna know when you won?
If it's never dark
How you gonna know the sun?
When it shines
You've got to let it shine

Accident. Emergency.
Accident. Emergency.
Accident. Emergency.
Accident. Emergency.

Accident and emergency
Bringing out the best in me

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