Holiday packages in Norway | Great value vacation dealsSkip to main content

Book your vacation package in Norway

Ready... Go! Let the pros do the planning for you. Check out travel deals and vacation offers from our partner companies and experience the best of Norway.

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Theme based holiday offers:

Round trips

Do you want to explore different parts of the country? Go on a round trip!

Northern Norway – summer

Join in on Arctic adventures under the midnight sun.

Fjord Norway

Experience our spectacular fjords, waterfalls and charming villages.

The Hardangerfjord

Who can resist sparkling cider, relaxing cruises and stunning nature?

The Sognefjord

Travel into the heart of the Norwegian fjord and mountain landscape.

Oslo and Eastern Norway

Art, culture and city life, maybe in combination with a round trip to other parts of Norway?

Norway by boat

From the iconic fjords to the endless sea ...

Norway by train

These packages includes some of the world's most spectacular railway journeys.

Northern Norway – winter and northern lights

Go hunting the northern lights from October and experience winter in Northern Norway.

Trips for gourmets

Go on a culinary journey through Norway.


Experience some of Norway's best hikes in stunning landscapes!

Norway by bike

For those wanting an active holiday!

Ski touring

Ski touring, ski & sail or an all in one SkiTicket!

Our partner companies