‎Reviews of T2 Trainspotting • Letterboxd
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  • Jake Niemeyer


    It’s such a bold choice to make a legacy sequel to what was almost-universally seen as a masterpiece of cinema. It’s nice that everyone came back, both in front of and from behind the camera.

    From what I understand, this also isn’t exactly adapting the second novel, Porno, and instead takes a couple elements from it and tells a mostly-original story. It seems like a lot of the inciting incidents and context by which the story starts is the same,…

  • Dhruvakanna


    He still chooses life , as should you

  • Christopher Wu


    Fan service for a rock and roll heroin movie, even down to a bodily waste explosion for Spud, now I’ve seen everything. When will filmmakers learn that they haven’t put enough Shirley Henderson in their movie?

  • jimaka


    Danny Boyle's GoodFellas. A bit more disjointed and heavy handed than the first but a thematically worthy sequel. Might have cried to Wolf Alice.

  • Matt


    "Nostalgia. That's why you're here. You're a tourist in your own youth."

    Danny Boyle's follow-up to his era-defining cult classic slipped through the cracks during the packed year for film that was 2017. A kind of bizarro cousin to the increasingly inescapable legacy sequel that had just hit the scene with the cultural juggernaut that was the release of The Force Awakens. What was released was a strangely melancholic and emotionally warm subversion of the original. (Ask me later how the film is weirdly a metaphor for…

  • Eduardo Nascimento


    Trainspotting 2 diverte mas não é memorável ou impactante, principalmente se comparado quase que injustamente com o primeiro filme. a edição, estética, crítica e ritmo não chegam nem ao menos próximo do esperado, o que é uma pena. os pontos mais fortes acabam sendo os personagens já conhecidos que seguem carismáticos e marcantes e as referências a obra anterior. nem o roteiro é bem aproveitado. só recomendo para os fãs assíduos. imagino insatisfeito os possíveis caminhos que poderiam ter sido…

  • LucasL98


    noo que nostalgia. el paso del tiempo es mierda

  • Joel


    o filme é muito nostálgico, ele revive várias cenas do primeiro e tals e ele até se apoia muito na nostalgia pra sustentar a trama mas é um bom filme

  • BB13131313

    This was an unnecessary sequel IMO, but it's not bad for what it is..

  • Lucid Cinema


    i feel for spud, begbie was a twat and always will be!

  • ParsaRad


    “A friend’s just one more class of victim.”

    Wow. I thought the first Trainspotting film was pretty good but this was just so much more enjoyable for me. I love how there was more of a focus on each character in this one, I feel like that was a big thing that was missing from the first film. The soundtrack was fire yet again and I absolutely loved the flashbacks to T1 and when they were kids also. I feel…

  • merveilleux


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