Teaching Students About Diana Spencer - Pedagogue

Teaching Students About Diana Spencer


Teaching students about Diana Spencer, better known as Princess Diana, is an important and valuable aspect of modern history education. As a public figure, humanitarian, and icon of fashion and style, her life offers a unique perspective on the late 20th century. This article provides insights and suggestions for educators looking to create a comprehensive lesson plan about the life and legacy of Diana Spencer.

Early Life and Education

Begin your lesson with an introduction to Diana’s early life. Born on July 1, 1961, in Sandringham, England, she grew up in an aristocratic family with a background in British nobility. Discuss her parents’ divorce when she was young, and how this shaped her personality and relationships later in life.

Highlight her education at various boarding schools such as Riddlesworth Hall School and West Heath Girls’ School. While she was not known for her academic achievements, it’s important for students to understand that success can come from many different avenues.

Marriage to Prince Charles

The next section of your lesson should focus on Diana’s marriage to Prince Charles in 1981. Describe the fairytale-like wedding ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral and its worldwide television coverage—a spectacle rarely seen before that time. Address the challenges they faced during their marriage due to their age difference and external pressures.

Make sure to mention their two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, as well as the eventual separation and divorce in 1996. Discuss how these personal events further propelled Princess Diana into the public eye.

Philanthropy and Humanitarian Work

One of the most important aspects of Princess Diana’s life was her dedication to humanitarian work. Encourage students to discuss her various causes such as fighting against landmines, supporting those affected by HIV/AIDS, homelessness, leprosy, cancer research, and mental health issues, among others.

Showcase how Diana used her public influence to bring important social issues into the spotlight and ensure they received much-needed attention and support.

Fashion Icon and Her Legacy

Another area of interest for students is Diana’s impact on fashion during her time as a public figure. Discuss her iconic outfits and designer collaborations which inspired looks for generations to come.

In addition to this, discuss the legacy she left behind as the “People’s Princess,” known for her compassion, kindness, and empathy towards marginalized communities.

The Tragic Event of Her Passing

Finally, discuss the tragic event of Princess Diana’s death in 1997 in a car accident in Paris. Describe the worldwide outpouring of grief that followed and how it marked a historic moment where an entire generation mourned together.


When teaching students about Diana Spencer, be sure to emphasize the multifaceted aspects of her life. Exploring her childhood, marriage to royalty, passion for humanitarian work, impact on fashion, and strong legacy will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of this influential figure in modern history.

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