The Meaning Behind The Song: White Bird by It's a Beautiful Day - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: White Bird by It’s a Beautiful Day

Title: The Enchanting Message Behind “White Bird” by It’s a Beautiful Day

The 60s have been a time of great change, from social to cultural. Music played a massive role in this movement, with influential tunes expressing the generational shift and yearning for profound change beyond the era’s superficiality. “White Bird,” a timeless masterpiece by It’s a Beautiful Day, embodies these ideals and speaks of a universal longing for that elusive sense of belonging. In this article, we explore the meaning of the song and its relevance then and now.

The Lyrics

“White Bird” starts with a gentle and mournful violin intro that sets the mood for the song’s contemplative lyrics. The opening line, “White bird in a golden cage on a winter’s day in the rain” sets the stage for the narrative – that of a bird trapped, yet beautiful. The line “Fly high, oh, fly free” could be an exhortation to freedom or a mere statement of the song’s protagonist’s wishes. The chorus’ recurring “Do, do, do” and the line “The leaves blow across the long black road” paint a picture of loneliness and longing that characterizes the whole song’s tone.

The second verse follows through with the same melancholic and wistful theme of the first. The lines “The moon is high on the mountain side, And the rippling waters below” give a scenic view of the protagonist’s captive world. The repeated line “Catch the wind, see us spin” is an expressionistic portrayal of the protagonist’s longing for freedom. All throughout the song, the lyrics create a vivid, poetic, and nostalgic atmosphere perfectly complemented by the string instruments.

What the Song Means

The interpretation of “White Bird” varies depending on who is listening. Some fans have suggested that it is about a human being trapped in a golden cage, and others say it is about drugs or alcohol addiction. Based on the band’s interviews and the political, social, and economic climate at the time, it’s clear that the song’s message speaks to a broader, more profound concept, that of the longing for a sense of belonging and freedom beyond one’s circumstances.

During the 60s, people were actively seeking personal and collective liberation beyond the boundaries of class, race, and society’s norms. The youth-driven counter-culture demonstrated against the Vietnam War, institutionalized racism, and the shackles of the prudish and conservative cultural normative. The protagonist in “White Bird” symbolizes the idea of individual liberty we all crave for in life.

One can also argue that the song, particularly the line “You’re the one that must decide, what to do and where to go,” speaks of the responsibility that comes with individual freedom. With our freedom, we have the power to make choices impacting not only us but also the world around us. This assertion is a powerful reminder that with responsibility, freedom becomes even more significant.

The Music behind the Lyrics

It’s hard not to get lost in the lure of the lyrics that beckon lost souls to tune in. What makes “White Bird” magical is not just the lyrics, but also the haunting orchestration that elevates the song to a whole new level.

David LaFlamme’s virtuosic Violin strings dominate the melody of the song, with Linda LaFlamme’s electric keyboard/rhythm guitar adding a psychedelic, almost meditative vibe that brings the listener into a trance-like state. Pattie Santos’s beautiful harmonies add vocal flair, while Hal Wagenet’s Electric Guitar rock solos remind us of the song’s era. Bringing all these elements together created a sound that’s uniquely its own.

The Song’s Legacy

“White Bird” created by It’s a beautiful day resonated with young adults who yearned for something deeper; its lyrics and amazing orchestration moved many in the world with its soul-stirring message. It is an enduring icon of 60s psychedelia, an era that continues inspiring even today’s music industry’s champions.

Over the years, the song has been recorded by many artists, including the rock group Heart and the Swedish band Tages. Its impressive and infectious melody has been used in multiple films, TV shows, and video games, expanding its reach to new audiences.


It’s a Beautiful Day’s “White Bird” is a masterpiece that speaks of the universal struggle for identity and freedom against all odds. Its message resonates even today, as the world eagerly seeks to escape its confines, be they societal, financial, or psychological. The song’s enduring legacy reminds us of the transformative power of music in shaping the direction of society and culture- It’s a Beautiful Day indeed.

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