We fly to connect people.

We fly to connect people

Fly with 2 free bags from MIA to PAP or MIA to CAP

Offer valid until June 15,2024.
Click here for Terms and conditions.

Do you or someone you know have

Cuba in your travels?

Provide advance information on entering and leaving the Republic of Cuba - Digital form required by various institutions that allows entry from the national territory of Cuba.

Learn more

Traveling to or from the

Dominican Republic?

If you travel to or from Dominican Republic, it is mandatory to fill out the online immigration form.

Fill your E-TICKET

what you should know if you are

Heading to Miami?

Make sure you check the specific baggage rules if you travel to and from Miami.
Be proactive and be ready for your trip!

Learn more

Traveling with baggages?

Familiarizing yourself with the specific baggage rules is a great idea! Stick to the allowance on your ticket for a smooth and hassle-free journey.

Learn more
Be prepared for your trip
Things you should know before
you book your trip
a carry-on icon
Baggage on Board
Baggage on board

Everything you need to know about your baggage before your flight: number, size and weight allowed for checked and carry-on baggage.

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How to Book
How to Book

Explore simple booking options for your next journey.

an airport tower icon
Airport Information
Airport Information

Quick access to important airport information such as location, ticket counter hours, gate and terminal information.

a wallet icon
Forms of Payment
Form of payment

All the payment options accepted for reservations made online, at the counter or through our call center.

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Group Travel
Group Travel

Take advantage of our special conditions when booking for ten or more people on the same flight.

icon depicting a doc a cat and a parrot
Pets on Board
Pets on Board

We welcome pets and support animals under certain conditions. Find all the information here.