39 Facts about Hangzhou (Hangchow) - Facts.net
Roxy Frink

Written by Roxy Frink

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Sofitel.accor.com

Hangzhou, also known as Hangchow, is a captivating city located in the Zhejiang province of China. It is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and historical significance. From its picturesque West Lake to its vibrant food scene, Hangzhou offers a myriad of attractions and experiences for both locals and tourists alike. With a history spanning over 2,000 years, this ancient city has played a crucial role in the development of Chinese civilization and is a testament to the country’s rich heritage. Whether you are interested in exploring ancient temples, indulging in delectable cuisine, or discovering the stunning landscapes, Hangzhou has something for everyone. In this article, we will take a closer look at 39 fascinating facts about Hangzhou, shedding light on its history, culture, and unique features. So, let’s dive into the enchanting world of Hangzhou and unravel its hidden treasures.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hangzhou, also known as Hangchow, is a vibrant city in China with a rich history, stunning landscapes, and technological advancements, making it a must-visit destination for tourists and history enthusiasts alike.
  • From the picturesque West Lake to the thriving technology industry and traditional Chinese gardens, Hangzhou offers a perfect blend of ancient charm and modern innovation, creating a captivating experience for visitors of all ages.
Table of Contents

Hangzhou is the capital and largest city of Zhejiang Province.

With a population of over 9 million people, Hangzhou is a bustling metropolis known for its vibrant atmosphere and economic significance.

Hangzhou is famous for its picturesque West Lake.

The West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the most scenic spots in Hangzhou and has been an inspiration for poets and artists for centuries.

Hangzhou is often referred to as the “Paradise on Earth.”

Renowned for its natural beauty, lush landscapes, and serene surroundings, Hangzhou has earned this well-deserved nickname.

Hangzhou was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.

From 1127 to 1276, Hangzhou served as the political, economic, and cultural center of China during the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Grand Canal, the longest man-made waterway in the world, passes through Hangzhou.

With a history dating back over 2,500 years, the Grand Canal connects Hangzhou with Beijing and plays a crucial role in China’s transportation system.

Hangzhou is famous for its tea production, especially Longjing tea.

Longjing tea, also known as Dragon Well tea, is one of the most renowned teas in China and is produced in the picturesque Longjing Village of Hangzhou.

Hangzhou has a thriving technology industry.

Known as the “Silicon Valley of China,” Hangzhou is home to numerous technology companies, including e-commerce giant Alibaba, which was founded in Hangzhou.

Hangzhou hosted the G20 Summit in 2016.

The city welcomed world leaders and showcased its economic development and commitment to global cooperation during the G20 Summit.

Hangzhou is a city of bridges.

With its extensive network of bridges spanning over its rivers and canals, Hangzhou boasts numerous architectural marvels that enhance its charm.

Hangzhou is known for its vibrant silk industry.

For centuries, Hangzhou has been a center for silk production, renowned for its high-quality silk products and exquisite craftsmanship.

Hangzhou is home to Lingyin Temple, one of China’s most famous Buddhist temples.

Lingyin Temple, also known as the Temple of the Soul’s Retreat, is a sanctuary of tranquility and spirituality nestled in the hills west of West Lake.

Hangzhou boasts a rich culinary heritage.

The city’s cuisine is characterized by delicate flavors, freshness, and the use of local ingredients, showcasing the essence of Hangzhou’s culinary traditions.

Hangzhou served as the inspiration for Marco Polo’s praise.

Marco Polo, the renowned Italian explorer, described Hangzhou as the “finest and most splendid city in the world” during his travels in the 13th century.

Hangzhou was the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

As the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom, Hangzhou flourished as a cultural and economic center, attracting scholars, artists, and traders.

Hangzhou is known for its stunning architecture.

The city boasts a blend of traditional Chinese architectural marvels and modern skyscrapers, creating a captivating skyline.

Hangzhou has a vibrant nightlife scene.

The city comes alive at night, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues offering a vibrant and diverse nightlife experience.

Hangzhou has a rich artistic and literary heritage.

Throughout history, Hangzhou has been a source of inspiration for poets, writers, and artists, who have captured its beauty through their works.

Hangzhou is home to the China Academy of Art.

The China Academy of Art, located in Hangzhou, is one of the most prestigious art and design institutions in China.

Hangzhou is renowned for its traditional handicrafts.

Visitors can explore an array of exquisite crafts, including silk embroidery, paper cutting, and Chinese brush painting, which showcase Hangzhou’s artistic traditions.

Hangzhou is a popular destination for international tourists.

Every year, millions of visitors from around the world flock to Hangzhou to witness its beauty, experience its culture, and explore its fascinating history.

Hangzhou offers breathtaking views from its many pagodas.

Ascending one of Hangzhou’s pagodas, such as Leifeng Pagoda or Baochu Pagoda, provides panoramic vistas of the city and its surroundings.

Hangzhou is known for its traditional Chinese medicine.

The city has a long history of practicing traditional Chinese medicine, with numerous ancient pharmacies and clinics offering holistic healing.

Hangzhou was the center of the silk trade during the Song Dynasty.

Hangzhou’s strategic location and flourishing silk industry made it a hub for international trade and cultural exchange during the Song Dynasty.

Hangzhou is home to the National Tea Museum.

The National Tea Museum in Hangzhou provides insights into the history, cultivation, and appreciation of tea in Chinese culture.

Hangzhou boasts stunning cherry blossom displays.

During the spring season, Hangzhou’s parks and gardens are adorned with beautiful cherry blossoms, creating a picturesque setting.

Hangzhou is the birthplace of Chinese silk culture.

Hangzhou’s long history of silk production has shaped its cultural identity, making it a beacon of China’s silk heritage.

Hangzhou has a comprehensive public transportation system.

Traveling within the city is convenient, thanks to its well-developed public transportation network, including buses, metro lines, and taxis.

Hangzhou hosted the 2014 Youth Olympic Games.

The city welcomed young athletes from around the world and showcased its commitment to sports and international collaboration during the Youth Olympic Games.

Hangzhou’s Longjing tea has won numerous accolades.

Longjing tea has received recognition internationally, winning awards for its exceptional taste and quality.

Hangzhou has a unique blend of traditional and modern shopping districts.

From bustling night markets to modern shopping complexes, Hangzhou offers a diverse shopping experience for both locals and visitors.

Hangzhou is a city of innovation.

Known for its technological advancements, Hangzhou is at the forefront of innovation in various sectors, including e-commerce, fintech, and artificial intelligence.

Hangzhou is surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes.

The city is nestled amidst scenic mountains, picturesque lakes, and lush greenery, offering numerous opportunities for outdoor activities and exploration.

Hangzhou is home to the China National Tea Research Institute.

As a leader in tea research and cultivation, the China National Tea Research Institute in Hangzhou plays a significant role in advancing the tea industry.

Hangzhou is known for its vibrant cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, the city hosts various cultural festivals, such as the West Lake International Fireworks Festival and the Hangzhou Grand Canal Culture Festival.

Hangzhou has a pleasant climate.

With distinct seasons, Hangzhou enjoys mild winters and warm summers, making it a favorable destination for travel throughout the year.

Hangzhou is home to numerous ancient temples.

From the renowned Six Harmonies Pagoda to the serene Jingci Temple, Hangzhou offers a spiritual journey through its ancient temples.

Hangzhou has a thriving cycling culture.

With its flat terrain and dedicated cycling lanes, Hangzhou encourages locals and visitors to explore the city on two wheels.

Hangzhou is a city of innovation.

With its vibrant startup scene and numerous tech companies, Hangzhou embraces innovation and fosters an entrepreneurial spirit.

Hangzhou offers a glimpse into ancient Chinese gardens.

The city is home to several traditional Chinese gardens, such as the Guo’s Villa and the Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond, where visitors can experience the serenity of ancient Chinese landscaping.

Hangzhou truly encapsulates the essence of China’s rich history, natural beauty, and technological progress. Whether you are captivated by its stunning landscapes, mesmerized by its ancient temples, or intrigued by its vibrant culture, Hangzhou will leave an indelible impression on you. Plan your visit to Hangzhou and immerse yourself in the charm and wonder of this remarkable city.


Hangzhou, also known as Hangchow, is a city that holds a treasure trove of fascinating facts and cultural wonders. From its scenic West Lake to its rich history as the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou has much to offer visitors and residents alike. With its vibrant arts scene, delicious cuisine, and beautiful landscapes, Hangzhou remains a top destination in China.

Whether you’re strolling through Hefang Street, exploring the ancient temples, or simply immersing yourself in the city’s natural beauty, Hangzhou captures the essence of traditional Chinese culture while embracing modern developments. With its charming tea plantations, ornate pagodas, and intricate silk production, Hangzhou showcases the best of China’s heritage.

So, whether you’re planning a visit or simply interested in learning more about Hangzhou, these 39 facts provide a captivating glimpse into the history, culture, and allure of this remarkable city.


1. What is Hangzhou famous for?

Hangzhou is famous for its stunning West Lake, traditional Chinese tea, silk production, and as the ancient capital of the Southern Song Dynasty.

2. How do I get to Hangzhou?

Hangzhou has its own international airport, making it easily accessible by air. It is also well-connected by high-speed train services from major cities in China.

3. What are the must-visit attractions in Hangzhou?

Some of the must-visit attractions in Hangzhou include West Lake, Lingyin Temple, Hefang Street, and the National Tea Museum.

4. What is the best time to visit Hangzhou?

The best time to visit Hangzhou is during the spring (April to May) and autumn (September to October) seasons when the weather is mild and the scenery is at its most beautiful.

5. Can I take a boat ride on West Lake?

Yes, boat rides on West Lake are a popular activity for tourists. It offers a unique perspective and allows for a leisurely exploration of the lake’s beauty and surrounding attractions.

6. Are there any traditional Chinese performances in Hangzhou?

Yes, Hangzhou offers various traditional Chinese performances such as the Impression West Lake Show, which showcases stunning water and light performances.

7. Is Hangzhou a food lover’s paradise?

Absolutely! Hangzhou is famous for its delectable cuisine, including dishes like West Lake Fish in Sweet Sour Source, Dongpo Pork, Beggar’s Chicken, and Longjing Tea Shrimp.

8. Can I visit Hangzhou as a day trip from nearby cities?

Yes, Hangzhou is easily accessible from nearby cities like Shanghai and can be visited as a day trip. However, it is recommended to spend at least a couple of days to fully experience the charms of the city.

9. Are there any hiking trails near Hangzhou?

Yes, Hangzhou offers several scenic hiking trails, such as the Hangzhou Grand Canyon and Longjing Tea Plantation Hiking Trail, where you can enjoy stunning natural beauty.

10. Is Hangzhou a safe city for travelers?

Hangzhou is generally considered a safe city for travelers. However, it is always advisable to take normal precautions and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded tourist areas.

Hangzhou's enchanting beauty extends beyond its city limits. Discover the wonders of Hangzhou Zoo, where you can encounter a diverse array of wildlife. Zhejiang Province boasts more captivating destinations, such as Fuyang, a city steeped in history and natural splendor. For a truly immersive experience, explore the fascinating world of Longjing tea, grown in the scenic hills surrounding West Lake. Each of these attractions offers a unique perspective on Hangzhou's rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes, making them must-visit destinations for any traveler seeking to uncover the hidden gems of this remarkable region.

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