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Staff Directory

Adelman, Ben
Associate Director of Multimedia Communications
badelman@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-5045
Armstrong , T.J.
Senior Program Manager, Aspire
tarmstrong@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-6661
Arrington, Megan
Program Manager, Aspire
marrington@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6675
Atluri, Malathi
Data Analyst
matluri@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9538
Barnes, David
Assistant Director, Choose Ohio First
dbarnes@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1022
Barrera, Helene
Administrative Assistant, Academic Affairs
hbarrera@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-1152
Batesole, Stacey
Assistant Director, Capital Planning
sbatesole@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1019
Bennett, Jim
Chief of Staff and Senior Policy Advisor
jbennett@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-2281
Bing, Carlos
Senior Director, College Access Programs & GEAR UP
cbing@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-4818
Bix, Gigi
Intern - Academic Program Approval
Blaney, Michelle
Associate Director, Articulation and Transfer Policy
mblaney@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-9601
Brandy, Cleone
Program Manager, Financial Aid
cbrandy@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9481
Braswell, Tamika
Director, Financial Aid
tbraswell@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-8862
Bryant, Theresa
Program Manager, Perkins Data
tbryant@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-0544
Carson, Jennifer
Senior Director, Audit and Compliance
jcarson@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-7538
Caslin, Lizzy
Program Manager, Postsecondary Career and Technical Education
ecaslin@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-0543
Cates, Gary
Senior Vice Chancellor
gcates@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9542
Chadwell, Sherry
Administrative Assistant
schadwell@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-7637
Chavanne, Michelle
General Counsel
mchavanne@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-1988
Chen, Hongji
Senior Data Analyst
hchen@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9538
Church, Fred
Vice Chancellor, Finance and Chief Data Officer

(614) 752-9535

Church, Ramah
Financial Analyst
rchurch@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9528
Cohen, Abbey
Assistant Director, OATN Development and Processing
acohen@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6002
Compton, Paula
Associate Vice Chancellor and Executive Director, Articulation and Transfer
pcompton@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-3334
Cummins, David
Associate Vice Chancellor, Financial Planning and Oversight
dcummins@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9496
Cupp, Elisha
Fiscal Specialist
ecupp@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-1924
DeGarmo, Shane
Director, Program Approval
sdegarmo@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-6767
Derrico, Joey
Assistant Director of Operations, Ohio Articulation and Transfer Network
jderrico@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1028
Ding, QiQi "Jessy"
Data and Business Intelligence Analyst
qding@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1594
Duffey, Mike
chancellor@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6000
Dunn, Mitzi
Administrative Operations Coordinator
mdunn@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-2529
Esala, Karissa
Senior Program Manager, Choose Ohio First
Kesala@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-0098
Exline, Matt
Senior Director, Program Approval Operations
mexline@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-3095
Fogel, Jeff
Assistant General Counsel
jfogel@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-0642
Gatterdam, Dawn
Manager, Operations
dgatterdam@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-2574
Graham, Michael
Director of Legislative Affairs
mgraham@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-8810
Grant, Candice
Senior Director of Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways
cgrant@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-4186
Guseman, Patti
Human Resources, Senior Analyst
pguseman@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-4158
Hall, Holly
Associate Director, ITAGs
hhall@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6204
Hammer, Barbara
Program Manager, Financial Aid
bhammer@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-0551
Harris, Kendal
Intern - Aspire
Hart, Jessi
Senior Director, Articulation and Transfer Policy, Budget, and Constituent Relations
jhart@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-4706
Hartley, Shelby
Administrative Assistant, Academic Program Review and Approval
shartley@highered.ohio.gov (614) 995-7754
Hobbs, Aaron
Program Manager, Workforce Initiatives
ahobbs@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6798
Holstrom, Lisa
Senior Associate Director, One-Year Option
lholstrom@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-7413
Holtsberry, Kevin
Associate Director, Constituent Relations and Public Affairs
kholtsberry@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-0885
Husenits, Joel
Creative Director
jhusenits@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-7597
Jones, Rebecca
Program Manager, Financial Aid
Kacir, Christopher
Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Success
ckacir@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6000
Khan, Kori
Assistant Director, Data and Analytics Strategy
kkhan@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-5656
Kim, Brittany
Associate Director, Secondary Career-Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI)
bkim@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-0682
Kimball, Chris
ckimball@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6000
Kordes, Betsy
Conference Planner, Educational Programming
bkordes@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-2799
Krichten, Michael
Desktop Support
mkrichten@oar.net (614) 728-3093
Ladd, Lindsey
Director, Data Management and Analysis
lladd@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1215
Livergood, Joy
Associate Director, Articulation and Transfer Technology Initiatives
jlivergood@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-6839
Magill, John
Associate Vice Chancellor, Economic Advancement
jmagill@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9530
Maxson, Krista
Associate Vice Chancellor of P-16 Initiatives
kmaxson@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-0884
McCann, Stephanie
Associate Vice Chancellor, Program Development and Approval
smccann@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1466
McCoy, Verda
Senior Director, Perkins Reporting and Compliance
vmccoy@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1020
Molski, Sara
Program Manager, GEAR UP
smolski@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-8335
Nameth, Steve
Director, Graduate Program Review
snameth@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-0886
Ooten, Alyssa
Financial Aid Data Auditor
aooten@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1013
Parrot, Ben
Senior Associate Director, Secondary Career-Technical Alignment Initiative Implementation
bparrot@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6001
Penrod, Alex
Special Assistant to the Chancellor for External Affairs
apenrod@highered.ohio.gov (614) 995-7754
Raymond, Garrett
Capital Planning Specialist
graymond@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6004
Reed, Lisa
Senior Program Manager, Financial Aid
lreed@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-3561
Rice, Cheryl
Vice Chancellor, Higher Education Workforce Alignment
crice@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-3092
Robinson, Jeff
Director of Communications
jrobinson@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9487
Schab, Stephanie
Director, Aspire
sschab@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-3097
Schaffner, Christy
Program Manager, Aspire
cschaffner@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-2793
See, Charles
Deputy Chief of Staff, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships and Education Technology
csee@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-2663
Shaffer, Amy
Senior Legal Services Analyst
ashaffer@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-8858
Shank, Jared
Senior Director, Military and Apprenticeship Initiatives and Special Projects
jshank@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-5812
Shipley, Kathryn
Director, Legal Contracts and Operations
kshipley@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1023
Soller, Kerry
Director, Student Wellbeing and Sexual Violence Prevention
ksoller@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-5717
Steigerwald Jones, Kira
Senior Financial Data Analyst
ksteigerwald@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-1341
Stewart, Rebecca
Director, College Credit Plus
rstewart@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-3094
Sudkamp, Tom
Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
tsudkamp@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-6000
Swinning, Hilary
Assistant Director, Educator Preparation
hswinning@highered.ohio.gov (614) 752-9483
Tavarez, Emily
Intern - Student Success
Taylor, Kayrisha
Program Manager, Educator Recruitment and Apprenticeship
ktaylor@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-5810
Taylor, Tracy
Program Manager, Education Preparation and Administrator, P-16 Initiatives
ttaylor@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1021
Todd, Ella
Intern - Workforce Alignment
Turner, Emily
Director, Choose Ohio First
eturner@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-3090
Uppalapati, Sri Vidya
Senior Program Manager, Workforce Alignment
suppalapati@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1012
Varney, Cameron
Program Manager, Workforce Sector Strategy
cvarney@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-8860
Vertucci, Megan 
Program Manager, Postsecondary Perkins Reporting and Compliance
mvertucci@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-7343
Waderker, Ashlee
Fiscal Analyst
awaderker@highered.ohio.gov (614) 466-5296
Wallace, Jackie
Program Manager, Aspire
jwallace@highered.ohio.gov (614) 387-1027
Walters, Kevin
Program Manager, Data Evaluation and Training
kwalters@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-3141
Washabaugh, Kait
Intern - Academic Program Approval
Wearly, Nikki
Senior Director, Career-Technical Transfer Initiatives
nwearly@highered.ohio.gov (614) 728-2662
White, Drew
Director, Human Resources
dwhite@oh-tech.org (614) 292-2318
White, Lauri
Associate Vice Chancellor, Workforce Engagement
lwhite@highered.ohio.gov (614) 644-5888
Young, Griffin
Intern - OATN