Munich International Summer University - LMU Munich

Munich International Summer University (MISU)

Every year, more than 500 students from no less than 80 countries make MISU a truly international experience. Immerse yourself in German through a wide array of language courses or choose a summer academy to make the most of your stay in Munich.

Let excellence transform your summer!

Renowned professors will inspire you to broaden your thinking and your goals. Immerse yourself in German through a wide array of language courses. Choose a Summer Academy from the entire spectrum of the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Gain credit towards your degree!

A wide array of winter and summer courses!

Most courses of the Munich Summer School will be held in person. A few are offered as blended formats - a combination of one week online and two weeks onsite in Munich - and some are held as online courses only. Sign up now and enjoy an unforgettable and enriching experience!

Irish student Claudia Condon took part in a MISU Summer Academy.

Summer is a great time to be a student at LMU Munich!

  1. Aufnahme von Studenten in einem Raum einer Bibliothek.
  2. ZWei Studentinnen sitzen an einem Tisch und lernen gemeinsam.
  3. Studierende und Besucher nebeneinander in einer Vorlesung.

Experience the energy of an international community - enjoy extracurricular activities and make new friends!

Summer Academy or Language Course - take your pick!

© International University Club München (IUCM)

Gain credit towards your degree!

© Jan Greune (LMU)

Let excellence transform your summer - renowned professors and expert language teachers


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