Activities, Guided Tours and Day Trips in Ponta Delgada
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Ponta Delgada

Ponta Delgada

36 excursions and activities
19,191 travellers have enjoyed tours here
1,421 real reviews
9.01 / 10 this is how they rate us
Ponta Delgada
Latest reviews
  • São Miguel Private Tour
    10.00 04/22/2024
    Kristine Holmes
    Ladoga, In , The United States

    Hugo provided us with an amazing day of sight seeing. He was accommodating and customized some of the activities to our areas of interest making it a very special day. We had a fabulous lunch and saw some beautiful locations to experience the best of Sao Miguel.

    I travelled with my partner
  • Buggy Tour around Sao Miguel
    10.00 04/19/2024
    Tom Biebersdorf
    Playa Del Carmen , Mexico

    I travelled with my partner
  • Buggy Tour around Sao Miguel
    10.00 01/07/2024
    Batavia , The United States

    I travelled with teenagers

36 excursions and activities in Ponta Delgada

36 activities
Showing 1-20
Ponta Delgada Portugal

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