Kismet - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RF, and more

Kismet: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RF, and more

Kismet is a sniffer, WIDS, and wardriving tool for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, RF, and more, which runs on Linux and macOS

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2023-07-21 Kismet 2023-07-R1 is out!

Kismet 2023-07-R1 is out! This brings a lot of speed boosts, memory improvements, bug fixes, and a new dark-mode UI, as well as improved 6ghz channel support, improved RF sensor and power meter support, and more.

2022-11-11 Welcome to the new Kismet site!

Welcome to the new Kismet site; redone using Hugo as the generation engine and a lot of work towards templating to make more of the documentation, especially the API documentation, much more consistent.

Let us know if any links broke, and expect more updates to the readme and development documentation!


Runs on Linux (most compatible), macOS (with native Airport!) and Windows (remote capture via WSL)

Distributed Capture

Remote capture for all capture types over TCP sockets or websockets. Spread sensors around a building and collect all the data in one place

More than Wi-Fi

With proper hardware & driver support collect info about Bluetooth, RF sensors, 802.15.4 Zigbee, ADSB airplane beacons, power meters, water meters, nRF-based keyboards, and more!


Release and nightly packages built for many popular distributions

Unified logfile

Unified kismetdb logfile combines packets, devices, location, and runtime data in one file, based on standard sqlite3

Rest API

Comprehensive REST-based API for scripting against the Kismet server, with extensive documentation


If you’d like to chat with the Kismet community, you can find us:


You can find us at the Discord Kismet server.


You can also find us (sometimes) on IRC, on the #kismet channel on, however - we're much more active on the Discord server above and you're much more likely to get a response there. If you’re against installing clients, remember - Discord works from the web, too!


Kismet is free, open source, and will remain open source!

If you'd like to help contribute to development and hardware and support future development, however, it's always welcome!

Contribute via the Github Sponsor Program


You can also sponsor Kismet development via Patreon:

Become a Patron

Secret crypto baron and want to help out open source?




Need to add some hardware to your setup?

Here are some devices we've had good luck with, plus Amazon gives a small kick-pack if you purchase through the links here.


Kismet is under near-constant development; if you're looking for the absolute bleeding edge, be sure to check out the nightly packages or browse the code on Github

  • Kismet Wireless - Site powered by Hugo and Doks