Examination Results - St Mary's School Ascot

Examination Results

Congratulations to all of our A Level and I/GCSE pupils on the impressive results they have achieved in the 2023 public examinations.

At A Level, 62% of pupils achieved A*-A grades, and 92% achieved A*-B. At I/GCSE, 87% of pupils achieved grades 9-7. 

These results have helped our pupils to gain places at a range of excellent universities around the world. 95% of those starting undergraduate courses in the UK in 2023 are at Russell Group universities or St Andrews, including Oxford and Cambridge. Places have been secured at prestigious universities in the USA, including Harvard and Pennsylvania. One of our medics achieved her four-A* offer to read medicine at the University of Hong Kong. Two pupils secured places on the highly competitive Trinity College Dublin and Columbia Dual BA programme. 87% of all applicants achieved places at either their first choice or their insurance university.

We are extremely proud of the way our pupils have worked so hard and so cheerfully, and we are grateful also for the excellence and diligence of our teaching staff and Sixth Form team.

Historical summary

Average A Level examination results 2016-2023

YearA Level % A* gradesA Level % A*/A gradesA Level % A*-B grades

Average I/GCSE examination results 2016-2023

YearI/GCSE % 9 (above A*) gradesI/GCSE % 9-8 (A*) gradesI/GCSE % 9-7 (A*-A) grades
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