Aimee Johnson, who has served four years as Zillow’s chief marketing officer, announced on LinkedIn that she’s leaving the company with plans to get “into some fun, customer-inspired innovation.”

Aimee Johnson

Johnson, age 53 with 25 years industry experience, leaves as Zillow sheds its failed home-flipping business along with 25% of its workforce.

On LinkedIn, she wrote she was “proud of the team at Zillow” but that she was ready for “a new beginning.”

She added: “I’ll be relaxing, traveling, resetting, and soon leaning into some fun, customer-inspired innovation. I’ll be back to share more on that later.”

Johnson joined Seattle-based Zillow in November 2018 after working more than 14 years at crosstown coffee giant Starbucks, where she worked her way up from director of coffee strategy and innovation to SVP of customer digital experiences.

At Zillow, she drove marketing during a tumultuous time, with annual revenue growing from $1.3 billion in 2018 to $8.1 billion in 2021, largely due to the firm’s pivot into home flipping. She exits as Zillow goes back to its roots in advertising while also trying to build a real estate “super app.”

A Zillow spokesperson told Business Insider: “We want to thank Aimee for her many contributions to Zillow. We wish her every success as she embarks on her next chapter.”

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