Ruco Chan’s “Hong Kong People in Beijing” Completes Filming –

Ruco Chan’s “Hong Kong People in Beijing” Completes Filming

After three months of filming in China, the cast and crew of Hong Kong People in Beijing <香港人在北京> held a celebration dinner. Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Tony Hung (洪永城), Joey Thye (戴祖儀), Jackie Cai (蔡潔), Kelly Fu (傅嘉莉), and producer Chung Cheng (鍾澍佳) were in attendance to celebrate the completion of filming. As the series is a comedy, Ruco enjoyed the lively script and learned a lot during the filming process.

Bringing his wife and daughter to China so he can turn the time into a work-vacation, the Chans had a rare opportunity to travel during the pandemic. “The last three years have been spent in a indoor sets, and it’s been hard for scriptwriters as well. Of course there are pros and cons– filming in Hong Kong is more comfortable as I can return home afterward and if I run into any [medical] situations, I have doctors and friends who can help. At least we were filming a modern drama in big city in Chin,a which greatly improves the situation. It’s always a little scary when you have to go to a very remote area, but on the other hand the area is usually very beautiful. This was a rare opportunity for me to travel with my daughter. I think every parent wants their child to experience different cultures of the world and broaden their horizons. This is something that you can’t gain from studying.”

The drama also gave Ruco the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse cast, including some actors from China. It was also his first time working with Jinny Ng (吳若希). Asked if he felt awkward portraying a married couple with Jinny, Ruco said they learned from each other due to their different life experiences. “I felt that our pairing was quite good, and this role is quite refreshing for Jinny.”

Source: HK01

This article is written by Minna for

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