Don't forget, the Avengers first assembled in Cleveland
NewsLocal NewsCleveland Metro


Let's take a trip down memory lane to when the Avengers came to Cleveland

Posted at 5:38 PM, Apr 25, 2019

CLEVELAND — Eleven years ago Marvel began a journey that no one saw coming.

The first Iron Man movie premiered in 2008.

Three years later, The Avengers cast assembled and came to Cleveland to film scenes for the Battle of New York. (Yes, we are aware that Cleveland isn't New York, but it's the second best thing to the Big Apple.)

News 5 caught some behind the scene footage of the filming of the first Avengers.

Cleveland residents were thrilled the franchise decided to come to the city and would try to get sneak peeks of the film and actors as much as they could.

The first Avengers film was released in 2012.

The latest Avengers films also have a connection to The Land: brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, who directed Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, were born and raised in Cleveland.

RELATED: Marvel drops full trailer for 'Avengers: Endgame'