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Nikomachos, Hellenic Elf


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Nikomachos of Kalamopolis

ELF Adept 1 Exalted Athlete

Age 103 Height 1m74 (17 hands and 6 poppy seeds, or 5 feet and 8.5 inches)
Weight 61kgs

Size Medium

Culture High Elf Background: Strategist


1 (1d8+1)
(Agile Defense)
30 ft.

15 (passive)
15 (Passive)



STRENGTH 11 (+0) Athletics* +2

STR Save* +2

DEXTERITY 16 (+3) Acrobatics +3, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3

Dexterity Save +3


Constitution Save* +3

INTELLIGENCE 12 (+1) Arcana +1, Engineering* +3, History +1, Investigation +1, Nature +1, Religion +1, Deception +1, Intimidation +1, Persuasion* +3 (Negotiation +1d4)

Intelligence Save +1

WISDOM 16 (+3) Animal Handling +3, Culture* +5 (Trade +1d4), Insight* +5 (Sensing Motives +1d4), Medicine +3, Perception* +5, Survival* +5

Wisdom Save +3

CHARISMA 10 (+0) Performance +0

Charisma Save +0

* Denotes Proficiency
(denotes expertise)



Armor None
Weapons Simple weapons, punching daggers, shortswords, throwing daggers, longswords, rapiers
Tools Calligrapher's Supplies, Dice Set
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.

Languages Common, Elvish, Giant


ARCHTYPE: Exalted Athlete 



Explorer's Pack


Maximum Supply: 11
Maximum Bulk: 1
Carrying capacity : 165 lbs


BACKGROUND: Strategist



Always Ready. Years of studying opponents have prepared you for any fight. As long as you can see or hear your foe you gain an expertise die on initiative rolls.


DESTINY: Excellence

Nikomachos seeks to achieve and embody arete - excellence and virtue by living up to the potential of his mind, body and soul.

Create a masterpiece, defeat the master of your martial art, become famous for a glorious act of heroism, or become renowned as the best in your field.


Failure. Nikomachos gains inspiration whenever the Narrator calls for him to make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and the final result of the d20 roll is a natural 1.


A Technique Perfected. You have achieved the apex in at least some small area of mortal ability. Choose an ability score, combat tradition, or school of magic. 


Practiced Edge. A perfected technique is often the difference between victory and defeat. After you roll an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw but before you know the outcome, you may spend your inspiration to add a +5 bonus to that roll.




Copper: 0 | Silver: 0 | Electrum: 1 | Gold: 9 | Platinum: 0


Copper: 0 | Silver: 0 | Electrum: 0 | Gold: 0 | Platinum: 0

ITEMS OF VALUE (Gems, Art, Jewelry, etc.)




ATTUNED ITEMS (Maximum of 3)










 Xiphos (Shortsword) +5 to hit; reach 5 ft; one target; 1d6+3 piercing damage.

Defensive (Medium)†. This weapon is designed to be used with a shield of the stated degree or lighter. When you make an attack with this weapon and are using a shield designed for it, you can use a bonus action to either make an attack with your shield or increase your Armor Class by 1 until the start of your next turn.

Finesse. You may choose to use your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls made with this weapon (included).

Parrying†. When you are wielding this weapon and you are not using a shield, once before your next turn you can gain an expertise die to your AC against a single melee attack made against you by a creature you can see. You cannot use this property while incapacitated , paralyzed , rattled , restrained , or stunned.

Martial Arts +5 to hit; reach 5 ft; one target; 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage.

You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and adept weapons.

You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or adept weapon. This die changes as you gain adept levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Adept table.

When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or an adept weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the Attack action and attack with a quarterstaff, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn.

Sling +5 to hit; range 30/120 ft; one target; 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage.



Caster Level 1 | Spell Casting Ability Wisdom | Spell Save DC 13 | Spell Attack +5


(A) Guidance (V, S). 
The target may gain an expertise die to one ability check of its choice, ending the spell. The expertise die can be rolled before or after the ability check is made.



Combat Maneuvers

Exertion Pool : SOON/SOON | Combat Maneuver DC 13

Traditions : SOON

1st Degree

SOON (tm Valve)




Fey Ancestry. You gain an expertise die on saving throws against being charmed , and magic can’t put you to sleep.



Trance. Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining conscious (the Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that became reflexive through years of practice. When you take a long rest , you spend 4 hours in your trance state (instead of sleeping for 6 hours). During the trance you suffer no penalty to passive Perception. A long rest remains 8 hours for you as normal, and the remainder of the time must be filled only with light activity.

Prophetic Instincts. Your ability to detect danger is nearly supernatural. You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you can’t be surprised while conscious (including during your Trance).



Cunning Diplomat. You can always choose to use Intelligence when making a Deception, Insight, Intimidation, or Persuasion check.



Nikomachos has the well-defined and wiry body one would best describe as a runner's build, sculpted by long and consistent athletic conditioning, with agility and general fitness in mind rather than raw explosive power. His curly honey brown hair is kept at a practically short length - a common practice amongst pankratiasts and other makhosophists - while his close cropped beard is a compromise between practicality and the cultural imperative of wearing one. While he intellectually knows that other people might not share this custom, men with glabrous faces still look askew to him.


His traveling attire is mainly that of his homeland - a sturdy tunic reaching down to above his knees, a square cloak fastened at his right shoulder by a clasp and a travelling hat. And while he has compromised to adapt himself to local climates, switching for instance from his trusty sandals to closed boots or wearing leg wraps in times of great cold, his dignity thus far resisted the barbarian garment that are trousers.


While his limbs bear the calluses of decades of training for unarmed combat - be it punches, slaps, kicks or elbow and knee strikes - he also bears those of someone trained in the use of weaponry, be it spear or sword, carrying one of the latter with him on his travel. A rather short and unassuming affair with a leaf-shaped blade, but one Nikomachos wields with skill.



Nikomachos comes from the city of Kalamopolis, one of a group of distant coastal settlement founded a long time ago by elven exiles. This particular one, the city of reeds, was built in a bay filled with supernaturally strong and dense reeds. These reeds, which proved too hardy and too rapidly growing to clear for the colonists, proved a surprisingly fitting living foundation for the core of the old city, great marble structure supported by and intertwining with these reeds.


Kalamopolis and its sister cities are run by councils, whose members depending on the city and period might get their position by being chosen by lot, elected or appointed by the existing councilors, with a great disdain for the concept of an inherited aristocracy. Kalamopolis' councilors, for their part, being selected by lot for terms of a decade amongst citizens that have reached their second century. Citizenship mainly flows from being descended from one of the original founding colonists of a particular city, although meritorious service can give someone and their descendants citizenship as well, which is how the minority of non-elves citizens came to their status. And while slightly less than half of Kalamopolis' population possesses citizenship, military training is mandatory amongst them and only they are required to serve when the city calls to arms. Non-citizens can chose to answer these calls, but it is far from expected.


Nikomachos is one such citizen, one trained in the ways of the makhosophists - battle sages. Commonly just referred to as "philosophers". Where most citizens focus on strength of arms, the power of magic or a combination of the two, a philosopher focused on mastery of the self through the harnessing of their pneuma, their vital animating breath, becoming living weapons who past a certain stage of enlightenment blur the line between raw martial prowess and the supernatural. In fact, he is a scion of a long tradition of such, predating even the founding of the city, albeit from a relatively minor branch.







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Nikomachos of Kalamopolis

ELF Adept 1 Exalted Athlete6d7hb5m.png

AC: 16 | HP: 9/9 | Maneuver DC: 13 | Passive Perception/Insight: 15/15
Exertion Pool : NA/NA | DM Inspiration: 1/1

Posts should use the default size and color for optimal viewing across different themes and devices. If you decide to use colors, it's best to adhere to the basic palette since these colors vary with the themes.

"Speech should always be in quotes and in bold." Thoughts should be in italics


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



Source Code

<fieldset class="mw-fieldset">
    <legend class="mw-fieldset-legend"><span style="color:rgb( var(--mwpalette-Bold_4) );"><strong><span style="font-size: 24px;">Nikomachos of Kalamopolis</span></strong></span></legend>
    <div class="mw-fieldset-body">
            <span style="font-size:20px; text-align:left"><span><strong>E</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:16px; text-align:left"><span><strong>LF</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:20px; text-align:left"><span><strong><span>&nbsp;Adept&nbsp;</span>1 Exalted Athlete</strong></span></span><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_right" href="" style="float: right;"><img class="ipsAttachLink_image ipsAttachLink_right" data-loaded="true" data-ratio="100.00" src="" style="width: 150px; height: auto; float: right;" width="256"></a>

        <hr style="border:1px solid;">
            <span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>AC: </strong>16 | <strong>HP: </strong>9/9 | <strong>Maneuver DC: </strong>13 | <strong>Passive Perception/Insight: </strong>15/15</span><br>
            <span style="font-size:12px;">Exertion Pool : NA/NA | <strong>DM Inspiration:</strong> 1/1</span>

        <hr style="border:1px solid;">
            <span>Posts should use the default size and color for optimal viewing across different themes and devices. If you decide to use colors, it&#39;s best to adhere to the basic palette since these colors vary with the themes.</span>

            <span><strong>&quot;Speech should always be in quotes and in bold.&quot;</strong> </span><em><span>Thoughts should be in italics</span></em>

    <table border="0" style="width:100%;">
                <td style="text-align:left;vertical-align:top;">
                    <div class="mwspoiler">
                        <div class="mwspoiler-shown">
                            <div class="mwspoiler-showtext">

                        <div class="mwspoiler-hidden" style="display: none;">
                            <div class="mwspoiler-hidetext">
                                    <strong>Main Hand: </strong>Empty<br>
                                    <strong>Off Hand:</strong>&nbsp;Empty

                                    <strong>Action: </strong>Your action goes here.<br>
                                    <strong>Bonus Action: </strong>Your bonus action goes here.<br>
                                    <strong>Move: </strong>Your movement goes here.<br>
                                    <strong>Manipulate: </strong>Your one free object interaction goes here.
                <td style="vertical-align:top;text-align:right;">


Edited by inirlan (see edit history)
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Sorry, but I'm bowing out. Nikomachos is fighting me tooth and nail and I can't really get a narratively interesting character out of him beyond the novelty of his background.

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