Which symptom indicates that someone has stress? 1:the heart beat speeds up 2:muscles become more relaxed - brainly.com
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Which symptom indicates that someone has stress?1:the heart beat speeds up
2:muscles become more relaxed
3:the blood vessels contract
4:adrenaline decreases the sugar in the blood

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The symptom that indicates that someone has stress is that the heart beats speed up. This is because the body responds to stress by releasing stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol which prepare the body to respond to the stressful situation. As a result, the heart rate increases to provide more oxygen to the muscles and vital organs, allowing the person to fight or flee the perceived threat.Option 1: The heart beats speed up.Option 2: Muscles becoming more relaxed is a sign of relaxation, not stress.Option 3: The blood vessels contract is a physiological response to cold temperature, not stress.Option 4: Adrenaline increases the sugar in the blood, not decrease it.Hence, the correct option is 1: the heart beat speeds up.


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Answer: A. The Heart Beat Speeds Up.

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1:the heart beat speeds up


2:muscles become more relaxed  ( normal condition)

3:the blood vessels contract ( normal)

4:adrenaline decreases the sugar in the blood ( during stress there is an adrenaline rush)

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