God Made...: Christian Poems for Preschoolers

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God Made…: Christian Poems for Preschoolers

Christian poems for preschoolers are great! Here is one called “God Made…”

One of the first and greatest truths we can tell our little ones is that God made them. Here is a sweet Christian poem for kids that your preschoolers will enjoy to hear over and over again.

Christian poems for preschoolers are fun and here’s what you need to do for this one:

I love to work with pocket charts.  Many teachers use them in their classroom.  They are durable and these days they come in lots of different shapes and sizes.  If you aren’t familiar with what one looks like, go to this site at www.orientaltrading.com and search for their pocket charts or go to your local teacher supply store.  Once you have your chart of choice, I suggest you attach it to a sturdy board of some kind that you can easily place on an easel.  Now you’re ready to present your pocket poem.

A pocket poem is just a poem that has great pictures to go along with it.  You read the picture cards as you place each one on the pocket chart.  “God Made…” is one of my “pocket poems”.  Take this little poem and find pictures that go along with each of the lines.  Your preschoolers will learn that God made each one of them fearfully and wonderfully.

God Made…

God made some children really tall.

God made some children really small.

But no matter what we look like…

I know God loves us all.

God made some children with big blue eyes.

Just like the color of the sky.

But some kids’ eyes are green or brown.

With which they sometimes cry.

Some children dance, some children sing.

Some kids are good at juggling.

God gives each child a special gift.

So they can do great things.

I praise my God,  for He made me.

The Bible says He did it wonderfully.

You see, I’m different from everyone else.

It shows the world that God loves me.

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“God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son.”

1 John 5:11

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