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Why is Keynesian Economics Collapsing?

John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 book, ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,” argued aggregate demand was too volatile to be stable and...

Save American Power Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) has introduced “Clean Power Plan 2.0” to eliminate new construction on natural gas-fired power plants and force...

Biden and Macron Bow to Zelensky at D-Day Event

US President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to once again discuss America’s role in funding Ukraine’s war with Russia. Biden publicly...

European Elections Promise a Chaotic Summer

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, you were right again, or your computer was, that the June elections would be a major upset. The far right has gained in France, Germany, and...

Fed vs Treasury – Hillary vs Obama

COMMENT: A friend watched your interview on USAWatchdog, and his response was that you were wrong that the FED doesn’t need anyone to buy the debt. The FED can...

Ozempic A Miracle Drug Too Good To Be True?

Ozempic A Miracle Drug Too Good To Be True? It has been two years since the public failure of the COVID-19 vaccine; one might think Americans would be skeptical of...

Trump to get a Mistrial in NYC’s Legal Persecution?

I have returned from a two-week tour in Europe, and I can tell you that both the LEFT and RIGHT in European governments are appalled at this trial that Trump has...