GREASE - Deutsch-Übersetzung - Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch

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grease [greased|greased] {Verb}

etw. mit einem Lappen einfetten
etw. mit einem Pinsel einfetten
Admittedly, there are labels that tell half the truth, stating " contains oil ", but that could mean fish oil, vegetable oil, tallow or grease.
Es gibt zwar Kennzeichnungen, die die halbe Wahrheit sagen, die von " Fetten " sprechen, aber dabei kann es sich um Fischöle, Pflanzenöle, Talg oder Fett handeln.
This is not a product only fit to grease the wheels of industry.
Es handelt sich hier nicht um ein Produkt, das nur zum Schmieren der Räder der Industrie dient.

Grease Guard


English German Kontextuelle Beispiele für "grease" in Deutsch

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♫ ♫ We make postmodern art ♫ ♫ with bacon grease ♫ ♫ and hot combed hair.
♫ ♫ Wir machen postmoderne Kunst ♫ ♫ mit Schwartenfett ♫ ♫ und Glätteisenfrisur.
This is not a product only fit to grease the wheels of industry.
Es handelt sich hier nicht um ein Produkt, das nur zum Schmieren der Räder der Industrie dient.
You're a billionaire and you try to grease the guy with seven bucks?
Sie sind Milliardär und wollen den Typ mit 7 $ bestechen?
Some of Aunt Fanny's fresh-brewed grease.
And this one I call "Machine with Grease."
to grease sth. using some piece of cloth
to grease sth. using a brush
Admittedly, there are labels that tell half the truth, stating " contains oil ", but that could mean fish oil, vegetable oil, tallow or grease.
Es gibt zwar Kennzeichnungen, die die halbe Wahrheit sagen, die von " Fetten " sprechen, aber dabei kann es sich um Fischöle, Pflanzenöle, Talg oder Fett handeln.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the full amount will go directly to refugees, and that, along the way, it will not grease the palms of European companies and suppliers.
Zudem ist nicht garantiert, dass der gesamte Betrag auch wirklich den Flüchtlingen zugute kommt und nicht nebenbei noch europäische Unternehmen und Lieferfirmen davon profitieren.
And we've learned that, in this species -- and I suspect in others as well -- these hydrocarbons, this layer of grease on the outside of ants, is different as ants perform different tasks.
Wir haben herausgefunden, dass in dieser Spezies - und wahrscheinlich auch bei anderen - die Hydrokarbone, also die Fettschicht auf den Ameisen, sich zwischen verschiedenen Arbeitern unterscheidet.

English Wie man "grease" in einem Satz verwendet

This fallacy operates on the principle that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Grease your palms again, and spread one portion of the dough into a round disc, thinning the edges with your finger tips.
Frequent passivation, along with the strict exclusion of water and greases, must be undertaken.
Because grease skimming involves higher viscosity hydrocarbons, skimmers must be equipped with heaters powerful enough to keep grease fluid for discharge.
Removed from heat, greased a large tray and taken a spoonful of the cooked thickened syrup and placed it over the greased sheet in strings.

English Wie man "greasing" in einem Satz verwendet

Lying about your salary and greasing a friendly pol's campaign account are against the law; you can look it up in a statute book.
All bearings on the discs and packer hubs require greasing once a year.
Perhaps he was just greasing up business people because they were who he happened to be speaking to.
Discretion is the first part of doing business here, the other being connections in high places and the greasing of itchy palms.
There has been an outcry that commercial courts hinder, instead of greasing, the wheels of commerce.

English Wie man "greases" in einem Satz verwendet

He wore designer jeans, not overalls striped with city greases, and had neat bars shaved into his temples, not bits of grass clinging to them.
You might not like him because he shaves and greases his legs.
Bases used in making greases include calcium, aluminum, sodium, barium and lithium, with 1 to 3 percent normally needed.
That greases the civil lawsuits away from continued awards.
It also has lubricants product lines for petroleum engine, diesel engine and greases.

"bacon grease" auf Deutsch

bacon grease
Mehr chevron_right

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"elbow grease" auf Deutsch

elbow grease
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"grease a baking" auf Deutsch

grease a baking
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Synonyme (Englisch) für "grease":
