The FuMP - The Funny Music Project

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Irish Driving Song

featuring The Donnybrooks

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Ethan Mawyer



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Steve Goodie



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FuMP News


The FuMP Volume 104 Now Available

by Devo Spice

The FuMP Is proud to present our 104th compilation album, featuring all the songs we posted to during March and April of 2024, including two tracks from Via Bella's new album Live from Germany, an updated early song from Ookla the Mok, and the first new song from Project Sisyphus in seven years.

Steve Goodie brings us two new parodies about Canada and hygiene, Insane Ian gets something off his chest, and TV's Kyle does... what Kyle does.

This album also features a video of Devo Spice and Luke Ski running down the FuMP's timeline on the FuMPCast.

Click Here to Order


FuMPFest 2023 and Best of 2023 Now Available

by Devo Spice

We have some new releases we'd like to highlight over in our store.

First, is the FuMPFest 2023 - Live! double album! This album allows you to recapture the fun we had last fall when Ogden Edsl serenaded us about dead puppies and the fish people of Berodenon. Relive the adorableness when Bonnie Gordon brought a live squirrel up on stage. And laugh at Ian's frustrations as Luke Ski awarded an "inferior spatula" to Bonnie Gordon for her Dumb Parody Idea performance at MarsCon. Plus performances by Devo Spice, the great Luke Ski, Insane Ian, Jeff Whitmire, Bonnie Gordon, TV's Kyle and Linzilla, Toby Danger, Steve Goodie, Ross Childs, and more!

This album is being sold as a fundraiser for FuMPFest. 100% of the proceeds go directly back to FuMPFest to help offset the costs of producing the event. Help support FuMPFest and pick up your copy on CD or as a digital download. Click here for more information.

We have also put out a best of 2023 compilation featuring 20 our favorite tracks from last year. We are releasing this for a specific reason. We are learning how to use a new distributor and needed something to release on it so we put together this. This album will be appearing on major streaming services soon, and is available now in our store on CD or as a digital download.

Click here for more information.


The FuMP Volume 103 Now Available!

by Devo Spice

Welcome to 2024! We start with a soothing meditation from Bad Beth, give "Rocket Man" the MST3k treatment, and explore the story of Frankenstein.

Jeff Whitmire sings about the amazing horror film Train to Busan, Steve Goodie sings about Taylor Swift, and Luke Ski sings about chicken!

We've also got another batch of Tom Lehrer covers from Robbie Ellis, Carrie Dahlby, Carla Ulbrich, and Worm Quartet.

Plus a special interview with Scooter Picnic filmed at MarsCon 2024!

Pick it up now on CD or as a digital download from the FuMP Store.


Payments Restored

by Devo Spice

It's the news you've been waiting can give us money again!

Payments have been restored in the Store and on the Subscriptions page. We apologize for the delay but we had to implement an entirely new processor with a new system and integrate it in with our existing infrastructure. We are now using Stripe to accept payments online, which allows you to pay via Paypal, a credit card, and some of those other newfangled payment thingamajiggies. If you're currently a subscriber this won't affect you. Your recurring payments will continue as usual. This is only for new customers.

So now, you can once again order high quality MP3s, CDs, t-shirts, or sign up for one of our amazing subscriptions! And unlike those other subscriptions services, we won't remove content just to get a tax write off! Suck on that, David Zaslav!


FuMPFest 2020 T-shirts Reprints

by Devo Spice

There has been some interest from people who missed out on the FuMPFest 2020 t-shirt, so to raise a little more money for the con we're going to do a second limited run print of this shirt.

This is a pre-order. We need to sell 12 shirts to reach the minimum order with the printer.

We will only be taking orders until February 15th.

If, by then, we have not sold 12 shirts we will not place the order and we will refund all your money. If we've reached that goal we will get the shirts printed and shipped out to you right away.

Commemorate the year that wasn't with the 2020 FuMPFest t-shirt. We feel this design accurately represents how everything went in 2020.

Click here to pre-order

For additional stories visit our News page.
