Manasquan High School Class of 1960

Manasquan (MHS) Class of 1960 Alumni List

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Alumni Registered at

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Class of 1960 Manasquan High School Yearbooks

Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at®.

Reunions and Manasquan High School News


The top movie in theaters during 1960 was Swiss Family Robinson, grossing over $40,400,000 in its lifetime. The most popular television series for 1960 was Gunsmoke

More 1960 alumni from Manasquan HS have posted profiles on®. Click here to register for free at® and view other 1960 alumni.


Alumni from the Manasquan High School class of 1960 that have been added to this alumni directory are shown on this page. All of the people on this page graduated in '60 from Manasquan . You can register for free to add your name to the MHS alumni directory.

While you are reminiscing about the times you spent in high school at Manasquan High School, you should also check out alumni photos, yearbook listings and share any reunion info if possible.