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Rob McConnell Tentet

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Album Review

The Rob McConnell Tentet: Music of the Twenties

Read "Music of the Twenties" reviewed by Jack Bowers

To anyone who may be wondering why Rob McConnell would devote an entire album to music that is almost eight decades old, all I can say is, “listen.” Not only don’t they write ‘em like that anymore, they almost never play ‘em this way either. Irving Berlin, Rodgers and Hart, the Gershwins, Cole Porter, Victor Herbert, Sigmund Romberg, Jimmy McHugh and other legendary Tin Pan Alley tunesmiths have seldom sounded fresher or more fashionable than in this dazzling tour de ...

Album Review

Rob McConnell Tentet: Rob McConnell Tentet

Read "Rob McConnell Tentet" reviewed by Dave Nathan

Rob McConnell is best known for his Boss Brass, an energetic group playing high voltage arrangements and playing them well. His Tentet follows an amended format. In addition to the size, the arrangements are more relaxed, more thoughtful than the larger group generally has at its disposal. An advantage to playing with fewer people is that the charts allow each member of the group to get some solo time and that's the case here. For example, Steve McDade is front ...

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