it's been a long time coming - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because [...]
of what we did on this date, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America.
Ha tardado tiempo en llegar, pero esta noche, [...]
debido a lo que hemos hecho en esta fecha, en estas elecciones, en este momento
decisivo, el cambio ha llegado a Estados Unidos.
Yes, it's been a long time coming, and the one disappointing fact is that so many communities are still so remote that accessibility will remain a challenge.
El resto enviar�n sus programas por correo electr�nico o postal al CMC Roots FM, encargado de centralizar los programas y elaborar las parrillas de programaci�n.
It's been a long time coming," the bearded native [...]
of Argentina said.
Lo he deseado mucho tiempo", decalr� el argentino.
Yes, these have been a long time coming - too long perhaps - but they are there now.
Es cierto que esos resultados se han hecho esperar -demasiado tiempo quiz�-, pero ya est�n ah�.
HIV is a classic case where the
wait for a vaccine has
[...] proved quite long and in the meantime, things that ought to have been done were not done or were shelved because the promise was, 'It's coming!
El VIH es un caso t�pico en el que la
espera de una vacuna ha
[...] demostrado ser bastante larga y mientras tanto lo que debi� hacerse no se hizo o se dej� de lado porque la promesa era '�est� a punto de llegar!
It's been a long time since you have [...]
been in the pure comedy scene.
Hace mucho tiempo que no hab�a vuelto [...]
a la comedia pura.
First of all, if the governments of the major countries have evaded the subject up till now,
despite the alarm
[...] signals that have been coming from the scientific community for a long time, this is because [...]
there is no simple answer.
En primer lugar, el hecho de que hasta ahora los gobiernos de los pa�ses m�s destacados hayan evitado el tema, pese a las
se�ales de alarma que empezaron
[...] a lanzarles los cient�ficos hace ya mucho tiempo, se debe a que la respuesta no es sencilla.
This directive has been a long time coming.
Hemos esperado esta directiva durante largo tiempo.
Finally, my Group looks forward to
receiving from the Commission its new proposals regarding slot-allocation, even
[...] though they have been a long time in coming.
Por �ltimo, mi Grupo est� deseoso de
recibir de la Comisi�n sus nuevas propuestas sobre la asignaci�n de franjas
[...] horarias, pese a que han tardado mucho en llegar.
We've been looking at renin levels for a long time," he said, "but it's been of equivocal benefit in the past because [...]
it's been hard to agree
on a particular stable level that would indicate trouble.
Hace tiempo observamos los niveles de renina", apunt�, "pero ha tenido un beneficio ambiguo porque ha sido dif�cil ponerse [...]
de acuerdo sobre
un nivel estable en particular que indique problemas.
The conference has been idle too long; it's time we got back to [...]
work," the under secretary said.
La conferencia ha
[...] estado paralizada demasiado tiempo, y es hora de retornar y ponerse [...]
trabajar", asever� la subsecretaria.
It's been clear for a long time that the Indigenous [...]
world does not want the provision of Article Three altered in any way.
Desde hace un tiempo, se hizo evidente que el [...]
mundo ind�gena no desea que la disposici�n del Art�culo Tres se vea modificada de ninguna manera.
It's been a long conference but I would gladly have spent more time to pursue this important objective.
Ha sido una larga conferencia, pero gustosamente habr�a dedicado m�s tiempo a la consecuci�n de [...]
este importante objetivo.
Finally, I have
[...] certainly believed for a long time, coming from an agricultural background myself, that if we had fed the animals the proper food and if the animal feedstuffs had been made up of the proper [...]
compounds we would
never have had BSE in the first place.
Por �ltimo, creo desde hace mucho tiempo, porque provengo de un entorno agr�cola, que si hubi�ramos alimentado a los animales de la manera adecuada y si los piensos se hubieran elaborado a base de [...]
los compuestos adecuados,
nunca se habr�a producido la EEB.
The foundations are being laid for the
introduction of the Members' and Assistants' Statutes, and
[...] this is a question of social justice that has been a long time coming.
Se est�n creando los fundamentos para la introducci�n de los
Estatutos del Diputado y del asistente
[...] parlamentario y esto es una cuesti�n de justicia social que se ha hecho esperar.
For a long time, however, citizens throughout Europe have been getting the feeling that it is the EU and the business community who have been coming together against [...]
the people.
Sin embargo, durante mucho tiempo los ciudadanos de toda Europa han tenido la impresi�n de que son la UE y la comunidad empresarial las que se han estado uniendo en [...]
contra de la ciudadan�a.
It has been a long time coming.
Ha tardado mucho en llegar.
The European response to new challenges and exploiting opportunities has, however, been a long time coming.
Sin embargo, la respuesta europea a los nuevos desaf�os y la explotaci�n de las nuevas posibilidades se han hecho esperar.
This report has been a long time in coming.
(EN) Este informe ha tardado mucho tiempo en llegar.
That day, leaving the exhibition, an old friend who for some time had
remained on the sidelines of collective action
[...] remarked: "Pujol, it's true that bad times are coming for Catalonia, [...]
isn't it?
Aquel d�a, saliendo de la exposici�n,� un viejo amigo que hac�a tiempo se manten�a una
poco al margen de la acci�n colectiva me detuvo y me
[...] llam�: "Pujol, deben venir malos tiempos para Catalunya, �verdad"?
April coming, it's time to see clearly [...]
in your heart.
Viene el tiempo de leer en su corazon [...]
y en el de los otros.
It's actually a funny situation. We have sprinters and long-distance runnerss coming through, but really lack on the field events.
Es muy curioso porque tenemos buenos velocistas y corredores de fondo, pero apenas hay nadie que destaque en concursos.
The debate has been a long time coming, for the question [...]
which has always arisen is this: is this House the right forum for this debate?
El debate se ha hecho esperar mucho, pues siempre se planteaba [...]
la duda de si era pertinente tratarlo aqu�.
It's been a question for a long time about the cognitive [...]
effects of sleep apnea.
Por mucho tiempo, ha sido una cuesti�n de los efectos [...]
cognitivos de la apnea del sue�o.
Mr President, this is a
[...] very worthy report that has been a long time coming through the system.
(EN) Se�or
[...] Presidente, este es un informe muy �til que lleva mucho tiempo tramit�ndose.
Mr President,
[...] this package on double hull oil tankers has been a long time coming, though I am pleased to support it today.
(EN) Se�or Presidente, aunque este paquete sobre los petroleros de doble casco se ha hecho esperar, me complace [...]
darle hoy mi apoyo.
Indeed, if we have to wait until a general consensus has been reached, a decision might be a long time coming.
No hay que olvidar que si debemos esperar a que todo el mundo mire en la misma direcci�n, la decisi�n puede quedar muy lejos.
So the decision now is to go to Kenya, everything's been put into motion, the permits have been obtained, your
mother has bought supplies and
[...] clothing to last a long time, it's been packed, you think [...]
it's going to go with you to Kenya.
Entonces decidieron ir a Kenia, pusieron todo en marcha, obtuvieron los
permisos, su madre hab�a comprado
[...] provisiones y ropa para mucho tiempo, empacaron y pensaban que [...]
el equipaje iba a viajar con ustedes a Kenia.
First because a great diversity of
[...] immigrants have been coming here for a long time.
En primer lugar, porque hace muchos a�os que recibimos inmigraci�n, [...]
y muy diversa.
After recounting the history of how
it had been admitted - a history which
[...] had many parallels with the long history and current status of the consideration of the decolonization of Puerto Rico at the United Nations - he said that the time was coming when Puerto Rico would achieve [...]
full decolonization and independence,
with the enthusiastic support of its people.
Tras contar la historia de la admisi�n de su partido en
[...] la Internacional Socialista, que tiene evidentes paralelismos con la tortuosa ruta que ha tenido el caso colonial de Puerto Rico ante las Naciones Unidas, dice que se acerca el momento en que Puerto Rico [...]
habr� de lograr su plena
descolonizaci�n e independencia con el apoyo entusiasta de su pueblo.
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