Lilienthal Gleiter - Deutsches Museum
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This glider is the Otto Lilienthal’s most perfected airplane construction.

Otto Lilienthal (1848-1896) produced several of these models: the first “series production” of an airplane. Eight of the purchasers are known, among them Alois Wolfmüller. The Normal-Segelapparat was developed in 1894. Lilienthal flew with it from an artificial hill, the Fliegeberg”, in Berlin-Lichterfelde and from the Gollenberg near Stölln. Lilienthal flew some 80 meters from the 15 meter high “Fliegeberg”. During the five years of his flight experiments until his fatal accident on August 9, 1896, Lilienthal was in the air longer than all other pioneers of flight before him. He used the experience gained from the more than two thousand flights to technically improve his gliders.              

This replica was built by the Deutsches Museum in 1958.  It is based on an original which was procured for the museum from Lilienthal’s estate. The original had to be replaced for the exhibit since with time it has decayed and become fragile.   

Technical specifications:

  • Wingspan: 6.7 m
  • Wing chord: 2.4 m
  • Weight: about 20 kg
  • Glide ratio: about 5
  • Flying speed: approx. 10 m/s