Space Twister (2012) -
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Space Twister

Space Twister (2012) Movie Poster
  •  Canada  •    •  89m  •    •  Directed by: Sheldon Wilson.  •  Starring: David Sutcliffe, Mitch Pileggi, Erica Cerra, Jon Mack, Leah Cairns, Brett Dier, Luisa D'Oliveira, Cindy Busby, Reilly Dolman, David Lewis, Alex Zahara, Burkely Duffield, Ron Terry.  •  Music by: Michael Neilson.
       Epic storms triggered by a space phenomenon obliterate cities, and the only answer to escaping complete annihilation rests on a small-town teen's extraordinary science project.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Space Twister (2012)
Image from: Space Twister (2012)
Image from: Space Twister (2012)
Image from: Space Twister (2012)
Image from: Space Twister (2012)
Image from: Space Twister (2012)
I caught this typical slice of SyFy Channel nonsense under the title of SUPER STORM, which I guess is just as generic a title as MEGA CYCLONE. And generic is certainly the word here: this is exactly the same as all of the other cheapo SyFy disaster flicks, chock full as it is of bad science, random characters and relationships that we're supposed to care about, and some very poor CGI effects that look worse than in a video game.

The plot is barely worth mentioning and features an artificially-created storm wreaking havoc and the high school students who have to figure out a way to stop it. Yep, it's really that ridiculous, and a total waste of time for anyone looking for decent entertainment. This one was shot in Canada, quickly becoming a byword for Z-grade productions, and features CGI that's even worse than usual. The cast is dreadful too, aside from rugged old timer Mitch Pileggi, who still has "it" years after SHOCKER and THE X-FILES.

Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.