Is Wabash College a Good School? | CollegeVine
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Is Wabash College a Good School?

Hi all, I've been looking at Wabash College and noticed they have a pretty decent ranking. Can anyone give me their thoughts on the school and the quality of education they provide? Pros and cons are welcome!

20 days ago

Hi there! Wabash College is a small, private, all-male liberal arts college located in Crawfordsville, Indiana, which is known for its rigorous academics, strong sense of community, and dedicated faculty.


1. Teaching quality: Wabash College puts a strong emphasis on education and the faculty is dedicated to providing personalized attention to students. The school boasts a low student-to-faculty ratio (around 10:1), which allows students to forge strong relationships with professors and delve deep into their chosen fields.

2. All-male environment: As one of the few remaining all-male colleges in the U.S., Wabash College prides itself on fostering a supportive environment where male students can develop their personal, intellectual, and leadership abilities without the distractions of a co-ed environment.

3. Liberal arts focus: Wabash College provides a well-rounded education, balancing the study of traditional liberal arts disciplines with opportunities for real-world experiences and skill development.

4. Rules and Honor Code: The "Gentleman's Rule" at Wabash allows students to govern themselves and advocates responsible behavior. This system fosters a sense of honor, integrity, and discipline among the student body.

5. Alumni network and job placement: Wabash College boasts an active and supportive alumni network that can assist students in finding internships, jobs, and professional opportunities. The college has a notable record when it comes to job placement and graduate school admission rates.


1. Limited gender diversity: As an all-male institution, Wabash College may not provide the diverse social experience some students seek in their college years. Thus, it may not be the right fit for everyone.

2. Size: With a small student body of around 900, Wabash College may not offer the same range of extracurricular activities, majors, or course offerings that some larger institutions do. For some, the small size can create a close-knit community, while others may feel limited by it.

3. Location: Crawfordsville is a small town, and some students may prefer a college experience within a more urban setting with a larger variety of cultural events, entertainment, and conveniences.

Overall, Wabash College can offer an excellent education and a strong sense of community for those who appreciate its unique characteristics as an all-male liberal arts institution. It's worth considering whether its unique culture and environment align with your personal preferences and academic goals.

20 days ago

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