Second Chance Manor Series by Caroline Lee

Second Chance Manor Series by Caroline Lee

4.50 · 16 ratings
  • The Scholar and the Scot (Second Chance Manor #3)

    The Scholar and the Scot (Second Chance Manor #3)

    Caroline Lee

    · 8 ratings · published 2021

    Miss Olive L’arbre is doomed by the curse of comparison: Unlike the rest of her talented siblings, she possesses nothing which sets her apart. Her singing voice has been likened to a cat stuck in a well, she cannot ride worth a damn, and the less said about her ill-fated attempt at watercolors, the better. In fact, the only thing which might be considered a talent is her indefatigable search for knowledge, especially when it comes to her passion for the ancient Romans... more

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  • The Doxy and the Duke (Second Chance Manor #6)

    The Doxy and the Duke (Second Chance Manor #6)

    Caroline Lee

    · 10 ratings · published 2021

    Lady Raina Oliphant might be the daughter of a powerful Highland earl, but polite society wants nothing to do with her, thanks to the illegitimate son she bore five years ago. She wouldn’t trade wee Ewan for all the parties and musicales in the world, but when her old teacher, the Countess of Fangfoss, invites her and her five dearest friends to a summer house party, Raina can’t resist the chance to see her chums again... more

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