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Really scary - doesn't fall for the "More gore" trap
Gladys_Pym3 July 2013
Interesting, isn't it, how some films divide opinion? I really liked this film. There's a decent back-story - in fact two decent back-stories, to be accurate. Good cast, with one or two established actors and a couple of decent new finds. There are a number of gripes about found footage - well, it's not a found footage film, it's actually a beautifully shot horror film, with a few bits of found footage, which imho fit very well to up the tension. I think one of the main 'difficulties', though not for me, is that that the director/writer Steve Stone hasn't fallen for the post-Saw generation of boy-pleasing gore films. This isn't a gore film. It's a horror film, and a really good one, at that. So if you are prepared to sit back, (if you can do that while spending much of the film on the edge of your seat), and watch a really fine film but with a low tits and gore count, then I recommend this film wholeheartedly.
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From Fangoria?
gavin694228 October 2014
In 1998, thirty four unidentified bodies were found in shallow graves in a remote Siberian forest. After subsequent investigations, no official explanation by the Russian authorities was ever offered about the circumstances of the deaths.

The movie is presented as a "faux documentary", but it is not strictly found footage and never pretends to be. In fact, it becomes less so as it continues, much to the audience's relief (as most horror fans by now seem to be sick of the whole thing).

There is some nice coloration, good suspense, and a genuinely eerie nature to this story. And more horror films really ought to be set in Siberia (even if this was actually filmed in North Yorkshire). Reviews are mixed, as they should be. As much as the film may be "predictable" or "late to the POV party", it does have something about it (production value?) that helps it stand out, maybe just a little.
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devils_neighbor_6672 March 2020
Above Average horror movie with a creepy setting and a clever idea behind it!
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nogodnomasters22 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is "Entity" with the backwards "N" so not to be confused by other films with the same name. In this film there are no women sexually abused by a ghost. Don't blame me, I didn't write it.

This film takes place in remote Sadovich, Siberia, Russia. We get a glimpse of some 1983 footage of a gaunt nude man in a cell with odd things going on, including levitation. We quickly come to the present where a camera crew is going to the same area. They were contacted by Yuri (Branko Tomovic) who claims 34 people were found in a shallow grave in a remote glade. With the help of Ruth (Dervla Kirwan) a psychic, he hopes to find out what happened as the authorities will not say. A camera crew comes along. Kate (Charlotte Riley) is the reporter/director who reminded me of Sandra Bullock. Charlotte Riley is a rising star. Matt (Rupert Hill) is the camera man and David (Oliver Jackson) is the token guy who needs to grow a set. Someone has to be the first to die.

Ruth is the real deal. Eleven minutes into the film you have ghosts, no waiting. The full plot, i.e. the function of the building they explore for most of the movie, is explained half way through. The movie is a mixture of found footage and regular filming with the found footage aspect not being too bad except for a poorly shot night scene.

The feature starts to get numb as we see much of the same stuff, then when Kate reviews the film...BAM! A nice little twist and surprise ending that made the numb worth while. Definitely worth a view for found footage fans.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, male nudity, no sex.
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Good Horror Film
gledhillmusic25 June 2013
I am not usually a fan of modern horror films. Too much gore and not enough story. However, 'Entity' is a little more thoughtful than your average 'found footage' thriller. Nicely paced and shot, the film draws you in with good plot and good acting. I was particularly impressed with Branco Tomovic, who is very believable in his role as 'Yuri Levkov'. And from what I understand, 'Entity' was made on a very small budget, which is surprising considering the very professional look & feel of the film.

This is Director Steve Stone's first feature film & I think he is definitely one to watch for the future.
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Nice simple horror film
karizmajill30 March 2013
I love scary movies and this was very scary! lots of jumps and the people in the film actually did sensible things which was a nice change. Acting is great - the main documentary girl looked really sincerely freaked out when all the bad things happened. I have no idea why this is rated so low, maybe people have been brainwashed into thinking a simple storyline in a freaky empty building in the middle of the Siberian forest is not complicated enough for a horror film?

So if you like scary films that have normal people in them just getting into horrific situations through no real fault of their own, I recommend this film. Scary good.
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An episode of your favorite paranormal reality show marred by convoluted wrap up
mecheart12 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Writer/Director Steve Stone wades into the horror genre with a combination found footage/ghost hunting adventure in the vein of 'Grave Ecounters' and 'Death of a Ghost Hunter'. Much like previous ghost hunter films, the premise of 'Entity' takes a crew of television show paranormal investigators and sets them to the task of getting to the bottom of a grisly unsolved crime with occult undertones.

Here the ghost hunting team is led by actress Dervla Kirwan as 'Ruth Peacock' a psychic sensitive capable of seeing and speaking with the dead. Along with a cameraman, the TV show's host, a generic technician and a local guide, Ruth spearheads an investigation into the discovery of more than thirty human corpses somewhere in the remote reaches of the Siberian forest.

Dervla's 'Ruth Peacock' reveals through her interactions with the deceased flashes of their unjust deaths at the hands of ruthless killers, and the revelation the victims were together in the remote Russian wilderness for a more sinister purpose.

Special effects throughout act one failed to impress or promote scares. The ghosts, rendered here by computer effects seemed too clean, and the psychic character's reaction to their presence and communication attempts was too generic within the genre standard for my tastes.

The initial setting - the Siberian Forest - evinces within the viewer an isolated enough feel as we never see the vehicles our ghost hunters rode in on and thus are left to assume they had been already hiking for miles when the film began. Characterization up to this point is lacking, save for Dervla's 'Ruth' who is from the outset portrayed as extremely sensitive to the slightest paranormal disturbance and I suppose her expressions of uncertainty well enough convey a serious stirring of internal fear as she discovers the site of the mass grave.

In the remaining four characters the film gives the standard overzealous for ratings and somewhat egotistical reality show host, her faithful, fearless cameraman, a filler character in the form of their jumpy tech support guy, and the standard unknown in the form of the Russian guide. None of the aforementioned really stand out nor is much development lent to their characters beyond expected dialog and behavior within the context of most similar films.

Act two finds our ghost hunters on arrival at a truly creepy military industrial facility emanating nasty supernatural vibes psychic Ruth Peacock has followed from the forest like doom laden bread crumbs. She warns the others that the ominous abandoned place is related to the mass grave back in the forest clearing, that the group ought to turn back, but of course zealous reality TV show host presses everyone forward into darkness - she must be calling the shots and signing everyone's paychecks.

As the group enters and explores the cavernous, long disused complex our psychic Ruth repeatedly cautions the others danger is growing yet just as obdurately, TV show host 'Kate Hansen' played by pretty Charlotte Riley, pushes her onward.

I applaud the filmmaker for the indoor setting. The long dark corridors, empty holding cells and confusing staircases of the facility build nice tension and lend us a feeling of being on the verge of something terribly sinister just out frame or over the shoulder. The decaying labyrinthine structure is without doubt one of the more frightening interior locations in recent horror films.

Eventually while exploring the facility a hostile paranormal force reveals itself, and the crew retreat to a control room type area despite the disappearance of one their number. TV host Kate just wants to review the footage they've captured so far, while psychic point girl Ruth has been "overcharged" by her run in with the violent entity and must rest.

Meanwhile ... of course there must be a meanwhile, plot thread number two unfolds with Russian guide and psychic Ruth. While the rest of the plot was competent enough if not terribly original, writer Stone would have better served the overall effort by eliding this development. Of course foreshadowing of a sort revealed more was going on with Russian guide than met the eye, however his purpose in the plot turns out to be less than believable and ultimately serves only to keep everyone left alive from fleeing the bad place.

Overall, 'Entity' is worth five stars out of ten simply for adding to and keeping the genre alive. It is not one of those annoying films filmed alone by one of the actors, although some of this type of film making is worked into a few scenes.

What prevents this reviewer from freely praising 'Entity' however, is the overly complicated last minute grab for high drama made by the plot at the end of the film. Had the script focused on what it set out to be - an expedition into a darkly atmospheric haunted facility - without all the needless side plot and trapped in time trickery, the film it drives may have stood out among its like.

As it stands for consideration, 'Entity' is a solid five out of ten star ghost hunting adventure led by a capable actress in Dervla Kerwin whose character's time on screen is the sole performance out of five with much of a heartbeat. One point subtracted for mostly wooden performances, some lackluster CGI haunts, and a needless side plot tacked on as an excuse for our heroes to be stuck in the bad place. A sudden blizzard would have better served the purpose considering the geographical setting.

'Entity' is worth a watch if you're into one or more of the real life reality ghost hunting shows, or you're fresh out of horror movies on your big list of fright flicks. It won't spellbind you with its horror movie awesomeness, but some horror is better than watching a chick flick with your significant other.
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A bit disappointing
laymonite-214 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From the start, this films promises much. The initial sequence of 'found footage' is very creepy - unfortunately you will discover it's by far the creepiest thing in the film.

The initial post-credits opening is also promising - great camera work, well judged soundtrack and characters talking like real people.

Unfortunately nothing convincing develops from this and the whole documentary crew theme/psychic woman seems half hearted and a little forced.

There ARE some potentially creepy locations used, but despite this, this film commits the cardinal sin - it's just not at all scary.

A far superior treatment of a similar theme is Grave Encounters.

It's not a bad film at all, it just seemed so close to having much greater potential, based on the great start and good ending twist. Just the middle 70 minutes, the bulk of the film were missing something...
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UK Low budget horror at its best
kittykat-689-67675219 May 2013
Saw this at the LIFF where it deservedly won Best Horror. The acting is really strong. Will be watching Charlotte Riley's future with interest. I hear she has already landed a lead female starring role opposite Tom Cruise. I feel the director has given a masterclass in making a low budget film look anything but. I enjoyed the psychological horror as am not a great fan of gore. Not as many jumps as the Paranormal Activity series. This stuck with me for some time afterwards like The Blair Witch Project did and provoked me to scurry off to google to research into the historical background given as fact in the film and whether it was based on stuff that really happened in The Cold War. For me this adds to the scare factor. The sound was impressively frightening and in the peaks of the film I had my hands over my ears and squinting through my eyes. Win for me.
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One of the best low-cost horror films ever!
Mivas_Greece6 June 2021
A low-cost metaphysical horror movie. At minimal cost, the whole movie was shot in the woods and in some abandoned facilities. But the whole atmosphere, the style it created, but also the few effects, made it stand out immediately and be one of the really best low-cost films! If there was a budget it would become a pretty good film overall, it might even be close to good films, and although it's about spirits that were tortured and found violent death and therefore trapped in the facility, but also the psychic who can see and hear them, this film basically has its own story to tell. The budget constraint did not let it shine unfortunately and remained overall in mediocrity, but it certainly stands out from the other low-cost films. Overall, worth a watch, only for once, if you like the genre, but if you like watching a lot of low-cost movies, it is definitely one of the best and recommended.
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ravenrose23009 June 2019
I've seem this movie at least 5 times now. I'm not sure what draws me to it. It's part found footage, part traditional film, part political statement, part supernatural thriller. There are reenactments of scenes that are claimed to be real (the scene where the patient in floating over his bed). While all together not that original it's also very intriguing. Definitely something I would recommend
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Great UK horror set in the Siberian woods!
morjer30 March 2013
I saw this movie at the Grimmfest in Manchester-Stockport and must say that it's so much better than the trailer might even suggest. The crew of a psychic-themed TV series goes to investigate a mysterious site in the Russian forests where thirty-four dead bodies were dug up, they find themselves caught up in the aftermath of a government black-ops project that has left a massive abandoned research facility drowning in bad vibes, ghosts and residual nightmares. Steve Stone managed to create a very haunting, atmospheric and especially claustrophobic horror thriller that keeps you at the edge of your seat. I was also especially surprised by the brilliant performances of the actors, something you don't find very often in genre films. Dervla Kirwan plays psychic Ruth Peacock in a very subtle and beautifully understated way, Charlotte Riley is perfectly cast as the ambitious young TV host and Branko Tomovic who has his own darker reasons for bringing the British crew into the Siberian forest as the Russian character Yuri gives a wonderfully twisted, tormented and also emotional performance. I was also impressed with the locations, especially this huge overwhelming tunnel or industrial silo. Sadly, Steve Stone did not reveal where it was exactly shot at the following Q&A. And I also must stress the brilliant sound design which makes the whole Entity experience very frightening. The only small weak point in my opinion is the found footage style at times, just because we have seen it often enough by now. Had it come out a couple of years ago before Rec, VHS, etc it could have been the great inception of this style. But nonetheless British horror at its best! 9/10
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never gave me the creeps
trashgang26 June 2013
Subscribed to Fangoria of course this flick was heavily promoted by them because it was a Fangoria release. Thought it would be strong and good even as it was a low budget flick coming from the UK I was rather sadly disappointed.

It's one of the thousand found footage flicks but this time it didn't work for me. It has all the typical elements, a forest, a dark house, torches, Russian accents and a history of the past concerning all elements from Russia that were scary back then.

But from the first minutes the film is started I knew this wasn't going to be my thing. When the first ghost appears in the forest it was done rather laughable. When we see the execution of prisoners even that wasn't my thing, sure, being shot in the head could look gory but it didn't.

Around the 55 minute things go wrong with a lot of bad images and loud sounds but then again that was it. So far the most creepy thing was the prisoner in the opening sequence. I never found it scary at all. This isn't a Blair Witch or even Paranormal Activity. You better go watch the real Entity (1982).

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Derailed by a bad accent and boring characters
d_in_chi7 April 2014
Entity gets off on a very bad foot due to, of all things, a character with the worst fake Russian accent I've ever heard. My first thought was Jamie Lee Curtis' "German" accent (Swedish due to ignorance) in the train scene in Trading Places. This is even worse. That was meant to be funny, this isn't. "Yuri" sounds more like a German doing a bad Scottish accent. Turns out the actor who played him is a German raised in Serbia.

If you can't find someone with a Russian accent, why set the film in Russia? They could have easily set this in Eastern Germany and claimed that the disappearances occurred in the DDR years. Or they could have rewritten the script so that our "Russian" was born in the UK of Russian parents and moved back to the motherland (this would also have explained his predilection for contacting a British TV show). Something, anything. Even using a guy with a straight-up English accent saying his name is Dmitri and he lives in Russia would have been a better choice.

Although this may seem minor, it's not. I'd liken it to repeatedly seeing a gaffer in the background, or really bad CGI. It's either an easy fix or a poor production choice. At first it's funny, but each time Ivan speaks it makes it more difficult to take any of this seriously, leaving the makers of the film the only ones doing so; a fatal flaw in horror.

This is not the only problem. The rest of the characters are dull and interchangeable; an hour in I didn't know which of the crew was who and I didn't care. I even couldn't remember Igor's name - or Boris, Sergei, whatever.

They all read their lines like an automated phone message. I understand they're a paranormal TV show crew, but they act hardly shocked once shockingly spooky things begin happening, as if they've been on cases just like this before. Even when in grave danger, they're merely reading their lines, only displaying distress when they themselves are attacked.

This idea has been done before. Some will criticize on that alone, but not me. However, you should be informed about what's been done with it before you do it. Where Grave Encounters succeeds (almost everything), this film fails. GE gave depth to its characters, making them lifelike and interesting. It managed to both have a lot of fun and extract terror from the idea of ghost hunters biting off far more than they can chew. GE is also downright frightening despite not having the advantage of switching POV that Entity has. Opportunities to scare are squandered by keeping the action distant and most of the ghosts only visible to the psychic.

In short, a mandatory viewing of GE for the filmmakers would have been advised. While they're at it, The Hunt for Red October also may have helped them figure out how to handle the Russian accent problem.

I stopped keeping track of the story once Vladimir started talking about his ex-girlfriend. Yes, I knew he "vuz luking fod'r sumting" early on so I figured it was a loved one. Whether he found her or not, I don't know, but Nikolai met some kind of ghost. Losing track of the plot didn't matter because there really isn't one. They walk around in a building and there's spirits of some kind. That's all you need to know.

The film's greatest strength is the ability to keep a pretty tense atmosphere... although I wanted it to end, I found myself watching all the way through. Aside from that, some of the ghostly images are scary.

Totally disposable supernatural horror that belongs in $1 bargain bins and free On Demand.
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complete rubbish
dwuksta28 April 2013
Really awful, boring, completely predictable, looks like a student film and written by somebody's best friends sister's boyfriend who wants a career in film but can't get the funds together to move out of his parents basement. Can't think of one positive thing to say about the film, most of the budget was spent on the title graphics for the movie poster, which looked cool I s'pose. Seems to be a lot of really bad films lately within the 'found footage' genre, probably cause they are cheap to make and easy to write for. All u need is a dark building, under-exposed backgrounds, a reliable torch, cheap special effects and some attractive young eager cast members who will work for food. Has the art of making horror films been completely forgotten. I really enjoyed films like 'The Blair Witch Project', or even 'Friday The 13th', this isn't even close. 1 star for the camera man for sticking it thru to the end.
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Great location, good actors, intelligent direction. Genre films don't have to be original, they have to be well made.
njs-558016 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Entity is a British horror movie written and directed by Steve Stone. It's a tight, claustrophobic film that relies on good acting, special effects that are genuinely disturbing and actually help reveal the story, and an ultra-creepy location.

The plot is slim and characterisation is kept to a minimum as a small TV crew, consisting of Kate Hansen, played by Charlotte Riley, Matt, played by Rupert Hill and David, played by Oliver Jackson, with guest psychic Ruth Peacock, played by Dervla Kirwan, travel to a remote spot in Siberia in search of a paranormal story promised them by their host, Yuri, Branko Tomovic. They soon find a deserted industrial site, and as they explore the evil within, it begins to explore them. There can only be one winner.

In a downbeat ending the ghost-hunters become ghosts and the ghosts become real in a way we've seen before in plenty of horror films yet if there's nothing startlingly original in Entity there is better than average-horror-film acting, especially from Dervla Kirwan and Charlotte Riley, a really eerie atmosphere throughout, and the disturbing reassurance that there's plenty of life left in the world of ghosts.
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Seen this type of story too many times
smileybug-356-783053 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind the "lost camera footage" or movies where they are filming as they go, but this one wasn't one of the better ones. The first almost half of the movie was pretty good, slow moving to build suspense and get to know the characters some. Good outside shots, creepy. Then when they get inside and things start happening, that's when it starts to go down hill. The footage they are filming, and thus we are seeing their experiences thru, is really fuzzy, shaky, and almost unwatchable. You don't really see anything, just a bunch of screaming and falling down. The shots of the evil spirit, or whatever you want to call it, are horrible and the special effects on it are ridiculous, wouldn't scare a small child. The story is the same as every other movie where they go into an old abandoned sanitarium/warehouse/prison. Things start to happen, someone goes missing, screams coming from somewhere within the building, they can't find their way out etc. The ending was a little different, but not enough to bother recommending this to anyone. Too bad because I thought it could have been better. The acting was good, the location was creepy, just the same old same old with the story.
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Quality haunting film with some minor flaws
kannibalcorpsegrinder30 June 2014
Attempting to uncover a grisly mystery, a documentary team searching for the cause of a mass grave in Russia finds the connection to an abandoned psychiatric institute and tries to get away before the inhabitants point out the same fate.

This is a really enjoyable and quite chilling ghost story that has a lot of good points about it. The setting in the abandoned factory gives off an incredibly tense and eerie feeling which works rather well as a setting for such films by generally looking exactly like the type of place where bad things can happen quite easily and certainly looks like the kind of place that would be wholly unnerving when encountered in real life as the cold, lifeless cement and steel structures, endless dimly-or-barely lit corridors and deathly silence that surrounds the entire location is endlessly terrifying before the ghostly actions even start. those are certainly enjoyable enough in their own right as they continually come at such intervals that it never feels like it's dragging on or even all that boring as it stays on course sure enough through the story. Several of these are pretty terrifying as well, with standout encounters in the shock-treatment chamber and into the sleeping chambers which are the biggest ones here but there's enough encounters and interactions so that it's not all that slow-going at all and even feels quite exciting at times. However, it does have a couple of big flaws in that it really doesn't do a lot to help get the most out of it's scares by generally making everything so hard and nearly impossible to see. From shifting camera angles to rapid quick-cut editing and the utterly irritating feature of shooting through a video camera which in-effect resembles the found-footage type of films, there's an endless array about it that really serves to irritate and aggravate about this one which is certainly not the desired effect here when it simply cannot make what goes on that discernible. Without any real sort of violence in here, there's very little in that department to lure anyone in and the film's convoluted storyline in the second half hardly makes any sense at all by throwing in several countless plot-twists that aren't that clever. These drag the film down but it's still good enough when it counts.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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quickly forgettable
phenomynouss31 January 2018
Had all the right, if a bit stereotypical, pieces for a fun modern horror movie; Russia, government experimentation, video footage glitching out, psychics and psychic testing.

all of it came together somewhat ably in the film, detailing a pack of ghost hunters following a lead from a Russian author regarding a place where 34 unidentified corpses were discovered and never identified in the 1980s. Despite that setup, it quickly leads into a gargantuan industrial facility where we quickly learn the 34 unidentified corpses were part of a larger group being held there.

all of it is executed somewhat ably, there's a very mild little twist which doesn't particularly add or take away from the overall story, and it has a handful of decent jumpscares and unusual odd moments.

unfortunately, the film just doesn't manage to rise beyond "performed ably". There was no significant problem with the acting or the story, but there was also very little done with it. Everything was very straight-forward, and the mystery of the place was very quickly explained, leaving nothing for us to savor or wonder about, and no reason to care about much in the film.

this is the kind of quickly forgettable film that you only happen to remember when coming across it again in the horror movie catalogue
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Consider yourself lucky if you didn't watch it
tbahri-380-57282411 September 2013
One of the most boring movies that I saw this year, the acting is terrible, the story is boring, the fake reviews in IMDb from people who claim that the movie is awesome only made things worse, possibly all of these reviews are done from people who work for the producer or something.

I almost slept in the opening 20 minutes, the first 2 minutes were really promising, I thought that this movie would be something fairly nice, maybe one of those low budget - but still fairly enough good movies, but this one is a total waste of time.

So if you didn't yet watch this movie then consider yourself lucky and do yourself a favor and avoid it, unless you are looking for self punishment :)
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One of the best horror movies!
mailpras27 July 2013
I'm a big fan of horror movies and this one definitely was not a disappointment for me. "Entity" managed to keep me glued on to my seats right from the beginning till the very end. The theme of paranormal investigators trying to solve age old mysteries is not something new to the horror movie industry. But this movie tops all the other movies of such kind. It is fast-paced, thrilling and keeps you thinking of what is going to happen next. Though the storyline is quite predictable, the movie is definitely worth a watch! Especially when you're all alone at home and its late in the night! I would rate the movie 9/10 for its exciting and interesting concept, fairly good acting and sensible ending.
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I actually really liked it!
shelbo78619 January 2021
I thought this movie was well done. The acting was very good, had a strong plot and a creepy and sad story. I personally liked that it wasn't shot as only a Mockumentary and it was filmed in both a standard movie camera view as well as the tv show camera view. I love horror movies, thrillers and anything paranormal. I give a lot of movies chances regardless if they have crappy reviews or not and this one was actually very interesting and creepy. Not the scariest thing I've watched but it was still good!! Give it a shot, you may enjoy it!
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Gripping low budget UK independent chiller
mgs88813 September 2013
This is a gripping first feature from UK director Steve Stone. I generally like independent UK films, and I am pleased to say I was not disappointed. The film has excellent pacing and the cast make the most of the eerie derelict Yorkshire locations that double very effectively for an abandoned Cold War soviet installation.

I don't know why some reviewers refer to this as a "found footage" movie because it simply is not that. There are some scenes from the viewpoint of the TV cameraman but that does not make it a found footage movie.

An original story with strong performances from all the principal cast. Well worth watching.
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Better than most for fraction of the budget
tjerow-945-36471211 March 2014
Nicely done, atmospheric as all get out, and scary instead of gory which was a pleasant change. Acting was pretty top notch with a fairly small cast. Would recommend and watch again. Just happened upon this one via Hulu and glad I bookmarked it to watch later. For a first time directorial effort I think this stands out as one the better I have seen and I have been to my share of film festivals. Really look forward to seeing future endeavors by all involved. Don't let the found footage tags scare you off it really is not over used and what is has been incorporated well into the storyline, not just used as a gimmick. Not sure why this had to have "Russian" setting as it really did not add anything to the story and just seemed to be the only misstep.
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Not Impressed.
wandernn1-81-68327428 April 2020
This film just seemed convoluted to me. It didn't spark much interest in the story and like many others turned into a screaming shaking camera fest after a short period. Want to be 'Not Impressed' ??? Go ahead and waste your time on this one.
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