Rev George Ong: Joseph Prince scores an ‘A’ in monkey theatrics but a ‘F’ in logical thinking - Reverend George Ong

Main Title: Joseph Prince scores an ‘A’ in monkey theatrics but a ‘F’ in logical thinking


Sub Title: Joseph Prince’s comical monkey theatrics is punctured for failing in logic


– By Rev George Ong (Dated 10 May 2024)




There is 1 video by George Ong


& 2 videos on Joseph Prince.


See Appendix 1 for the verbatim notes of George Ong’s video


& Appendix 2 for the YouTube comments.


Excerpt No 1 from the Article:


So far, so good for Joseph Prince.


But, hold your judgment first.


Don’t be swept away and distracted


by Joseph Prince’s monkey theatrics.


Joseph Prince sure has the talent


to impersonate the monkeys in the Singapore Zoo


given his excellent monkey performance in the video.


If one of the monkeys needs a break,


no one will disagree


that Joseph Prince is the best human being


to take the monkey’s place.


After a brief comic relief,


again, don’t be distracted by Joseph Prince’s theatrics,


but what’s more important is the logic of his doctrine


which I will unveil as sorely lacking. 


Excerpt No 2 from the Article:


Yet, Joseph Prince is teaching


that both can be true at the same time


– this simply means that Joseph Prince


has no sense of logic at all.


Joseph Prince seems to be a great actor and dancer


– when he pranced around on stage in the video


like a monkey.


But though Joseph Prince can act and dance,


he, obviously, cannot think logically.


Joseph Prince could easily score an ‘A’


for his acting and dancing skills,


but sadly, a ‘F’


for his ability to think logically.


Excerpt No 3 from the Article:


If Joseph Prince’s salvation doctrine


is logically contradictory,


how can it be biblically sound?


Joseph Prince,


you need to enrol yourself for a course on basic logic


to help you think logically


before you even try your hand at Bible exegesis.


Excerpt No 4 from the Article:


You (Joseph Prince) gladly tell the person


he is once saved, forever saved


after he had said the sinner’s prayer.


Then when something happens


– he sins habitually as an adulterer or a gambler


– you turn around and say,


“Oh, he is not saved or a believer in the first place.”


If you (Joseph Prince) want the ‘kiasu’ option


of later on declaring a person


as not saved or an unbeliever


because his habitual sinning


as an adulterer or a gambler


is discovered,


then you have, absolutely, no right,


to proclaim that same person


to be once saved, always saved


and that he can never lose his salvation


after he had said the sinners’ prayer. 


Not only is your sense of logic sorely lacking,


you are also clearly a recalcitrant double-talker.


One moment,


you declare the person is once saved, always saved.


And the next moment,


upon the discovery that he is into adultery and gambling,


you now declare him to be an unbeliever. 


Your grace doctrine is so self-contradictory


and all messed up!


What is worse is


you are giving a false impression and false hope


that one is once saved, always saved


when he isn’t.


Excerpt No 5 from the Article:


“A salvation assurance based purely on the sinner’s prayer that is currently practised in the church is incomplete, misguided and unbiblical.” (George Ong)


(This article was also sent to Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian, General Secretary, National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) office, and for the attention of the Executive Committee Members.)


Please click here


to view the entire video.


1. Joseph Prince scores an ‘A’ in monkey theatrics but a ‘F’ in logical thinking.


In a sermon, Joseph Prince said;


Please click here


to view the 1-minute-30-second video:


“They, the Antichrist, during John’s time,


who preached heresies.


They went out from us, from us,


they went out from us.


Are they Christians? Are they believers?


Keep on reading.


They went out from us but they were not of us.


For if they had been of us,


they would have continued with us.


But they went out that they might be made manifest


that none of them were of us.


I don’t know you understand what I’m trying to say or not.


It’s just excessive energy here.


So, instead of swinging from a tree (monkey),


I would do this.


Very clear that there are people


who are in church even for a number of years.


And then they leave.


And then they embrace this belief for this and that.


And people will say, Pastor Prince


You said once saved, always saved,


what about this guy?


They went out from us.


They were not of us.


They were with us.


But they were not of us.


For if they had been of us,


they would not have gone from us.


They would have continued with us.


Can you understand that?


Are you with me?”


So far, so good for Joseph Prince.


But, hold your judgment first.


Don’t be swept away and distracted


by Joseph Prince’s monkey theatrics.


Joseph Prince sure has the talent


to impersonate the monkeys in the Singapore Zoo


given his excellent monkey performance in the video.


If one of the monkeys needs a break,


no one will disagree


that Joseph Prince is the best human being


to take the monkey’s place.


After a brief comic relief,


again, don’t be distracted by Joseph Prince’s theatrics,


but what’s more important is the logic of his doctrine


which I will unveil as sorely lacking. 


In another sermon,


at the close of the service and during the altar call


Joseph Prince said;


(You must bear in mind


that this is Joseph Prince’s typical altar call


and the comments he made


before and after the sinner’s prayer


are also typical of his many altar calls),


Please click here


to view the 20-second video:


“If you believe on the Lord Jesus,


the Bible says you confess Him as your Lord and Saviour,


you will be saved.


So, wherever you are right now,


you prayed this prayer.


And in an instant, you are saved.”


(After Joseph Prince has led in the sinners’ prayer,


he said:)


“If you prayed that prayer,


you are now a child of God.


You are a brand-new creation.”


Joseph Prince teaches


in this video and in his other sermons and books


that when a person believes and says the sinner’s prayer,


he is a child of God, forever justified and saved,


and he is fully assured of his salvation


and can never lose it, no matter what.


This is Joseph Prince’s typical sinner’s prayer


and his accompanying comments


about being a child of God and forever saved


following the prayer,


are also typical. 




Because that is Joseph Prince’s doctrine of salvation


– that a person is saved


once he said the sinner’s prayer.


And once a person is saved,


he is once saved, always saved


and can never lose his salvation.


Yet, on the other hand,


Joseph Prince also teaches


that when a believer starts to act like a non-Christian,


he is not a real believer


at the time when he accepts the Christian Faith.


Either one of the above two statements is true.


Both cannot be logically true at the same time. 


Yet, Joseph Prince teaches


that both can be true at the same time


– this simply means that Joseph Prince


has no sense of logic at all.


Joseph Prince seems to be a great actor and dancer


– when he pranced around on stage in the video


like a monkey.


But though Joseph Prince can act and dance,


he, obviously, cannot think logically.


Joseph Prince could easily score an ‘A’


for his acting and dancing skills,


but sadly, a ‘F’


for his ability to think logically.


This is because if a believer can, later on,


be declared an unbeliever by Joseph Prince


because he became a heretic or antichrist,


or behaves like an unbeliever,


then Joseph Prince has no right to proclaim


that once a person says the sinner’s prayer,


he is forever justified and saved,


and his salvation is absolutely guaranteed


for all of eternity.


If one is absolutely justified and saved,


and eternally assured of his salvation


at the point of receiving Christ,


then no allowance can be made to, later on,


declare that he is an unbeliever


because he became a heretic.


In other words, Joseph Prince’s salvation doctrine


can never promise any believer


that his salvation is fully assured and permanently guaranteed


when one says the sinner’s prayer


– plainly because he has also taught


that one who receives Christ


may later turn out to be an unbeliever


because he became a heretic.


Joseph Prince could either say


that a believer is once saved, always saved,


and his salvation is absolutely guaranteed


at the time of receiving Christ,


even though he might later turn out


to be the most sinful and wicked heretic.


Or, he could say that because one who receives Christ


may later turn out to be a heretic,


his salvation cannot be absolutely guaranteed


at the point when Christ was received


– and salvation can only be finally assured


on the day of his death


– provided he has lived the genuine Christian life.


Both the above two statements


cannot be logically true at the same time. 


Yet, Joseph Prince is teaching


that these two statements are true at the same time,


which flies in the face of logic.


How can Joseph Prince pronounce


that one is forever saved


and his salvation is absolutely guaranteed


and can never be lost


after he says the sinner’s prayer


– and then later on, he goes and tells the person,


“Hey, you are not saved after all


because you have become a heretic.”


If the sin of heresy can later on affect salvation,


then Joseph Prince has no right


to pronounce that someone is forever saved


at the point when the person receives Christ.


He has no right to pronounce someone


is a child of God who is forever saved


based on the sinner’s prayer


when he allows for the fact


that people may not really be saved


when they became a heretic later on in life.


Joseph Prince would have to say,


“There is no guarantee to your salvation


until the day you die


as you may, later on, become a heretic


and show yourself to be an unbeliever.”


If Joseph Prince says that if a believer


later on, becomes a heretic, he is not saved,


then he has no right to say


that the sinner’s prayer can permanently save him,


as he might well become a heretic later on in life.


Joseph Prince’s grace doctrine


that promises the absolute guarantee of one’s salvation


at the time when Christ was received,


can never at the same time,


allow for anyone who is discovered not in the faith


at a later time.


To reiterate – no absolute guarantee of one’s salvation


can be promised at the time when Christ was received,


if the same person can be said to be an unbeliever


is allowed for at a later time. 


If Joseph Prince’s salvation doctrine


is logically contradictory,


how can it be biblically sound?


Joseph Prince,


you need to enrol yourself for a course on basic logic


to help you think logically


before you even try your hand at Bible exegesis.


Joseph Prince has frequently in his books and videos


promised the absolute assurance and guarantee of one’s salvation


– that one’s salvation can never be lost.


He has the logical right to propound such a view


only if he is prepared to say publicly


that one’s salvation is absolutely guaranteed


at the time of receiving Christ,


even though he may later


become the most horrible and sinful heretic.


If Joseph Prince is not prepared to say that


– and if he continues to say that a believer


may later on turn out to be an unbeliever


because he became a heretic,


then he has no right to guarantee anyone


about the irrevocable and eternal permanence of his salvation


at the point of receiving Christ.


So, the next time


when you read about what he writes


and hear about what he speaks


about the absolute and unconditional guarantee of our salvation


– never listen to him anymore


– they are mere hogwash.


In a teaching session, George Ong said;


Please click here


to view the 13-minute video:


Please see Appendix 1


for the verbatim notes of the video.


Is there salvation assurance?


Yes, God has revealed His way of salvation assurance,


but it is man who refused to accept it.


What is wrong with Joseph Prince


is that while God has given us


a present-tense and conditional assurance


which is entirely biblical,


he refused to accept God’s way of assurance


and invented his own method of assurance


– a past-tense


(based only on the sinner’s prayer


that is prayed umpteen years ago)


and an unconditional assurance.


Our salvation can be assured only conditionally,


in that, while God will never back out of His deal with us,


if we back out (like denying Christ),


we have broken the condition,


and we are out of the deal,


and the fault is never with God but with us.


Yes, we may be justified at the point of our salvation,


but our justification is not unconditional.


It must be proven by our sanctification.


Our salvation is assured


only if we keep holding on to the faith,


and if we keep living the sanctified lives


that we are saved and justified to.


That is why Paul himself


in 1 Corinthians 9:27 and Philippians 2:12 and Philippians 3:10-13


never taught that our salvation


can be eternally guaranteed unconditionally,


and so, he never took his salvation for granted.


It was only at the end of his life/faith


just before he was martyred


that he can be qualified to say in 2 Timothy 4:7,


“I have fought the good fight,


I have finished the race,


I have kept the faith.”




Because the biblical truth is that our eternal security


is not guaranteed unconditionally


as is taught by Joseph Prince


but the security of our salvation is conditional


as it was taught by Paul.


Though we are saved by the grace of God,


it is conditional


– conditional upon our continued holding on to our faith


– and if we let go of our faith (and become an apostate),


our salvation can still be lost.


2. Joseph Prince’s ‘you are once saved, always saved’, plus his other erroneous doctrines, is open to abuse and inevitably lead to licentiousness.


What do you expect


from the distorted grace doctrine of Joseph Prince


that teaches that our all our future sins are forgiven


without even the need of confession and repentance,


and that our salvation is eternally guaranteed


because we are once saved, always saved,


no matter what we do or don’t do.


It doesn’t take a theologian to tell you


that kind of distorted grace teachings would lead,


especially the new believers,


the immature, the naïve and the carnal,


to licentiousness.


People will think,


“What’s the worry even if I commit a great sin


as all my future sins are forgiven anyway,


and I am forever and eternally saved.”


So, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out


that Joseph Prince’s perverted grace teachings


are giving the people the licence to sin


and would lead and have led to licentiousness.


Joseph Prince’s Pseudo-grace teaching has indeed


“turn the grace of our God into licentiousness” (Jude 4). 


It doesn’t help a tiny bit


for Joseph Prince to defend himself that he is against sin.


He can shout all he wants that he is against sin


and that he is not teaching the people to sin


– the fact remains his (Pseudo) grace teachings


would lead and have led to that horrible licentious end.


Come on, Joseph Prince,


stop pretending that you aren’t aware


that your (Pseudo) grace teachings


would lead and have led to such licentious end,


even though you may not teach this overtly.


Joseph Prince is too clever to say upfront


that you can continue to sin habitually


after you have become a Christian


as that will blow his cover.


But he craftily says that


all your future sins are forgiven;


there is no confession of sins required after conversion;


when you sin,


don’t confess your sins, but confess you are righteous;


and that since you are once righteous always righteous,


there is nothing you can do to forfeit your salvation


because you are once saved, forever saved.


Joseph Prince, you are so deceptive


that your teachings


are actually giving the people the license to sin,


while at the same time,


you can craftily claim that you aren’t overtly teaching it.


It is no exaggeration to say


that Joseph Prince’s perverted grace teachings


would naturally lead,


especially the new believers, the immature,


the naive and the carnal


to take their sinning lightly.


Even mature believers


would be tempted to take the licentious route.


And when they do fall into habitual sins,


such as adultery or gambling,


they would quote what Joseph Prince has assured them


– that there is nothing to worry about


as all their future sins have been forgiven anyway;


they are saved by the unconditional grace of God,


and they can never lose their salvation.


Joseph Prince, your typical comeback defence


would always be (to protect yourself)


– that person who is living in adultery


or gone into heavy gambling


is not a Christian in the first place


because if he is saved by grace;


sin shall have no dominion over him (Rom 6:14).


Joseph Prince, if he isn’t a Christian in the first place,


then why did you pronounce him a believer


after he had said the sinner’s prayer?


Why did you assure him


that he is once saved, always saved


and that he can never lose his salvation,


no matter what?


You gladly tell the person


he is once saved, forever saved


after he had said the sinner’s prayer.


Then when something happens


– he sins habitually as an adulterer or a gambler


– you turn around and say,


“Oh, he is not saved or a believer in the first place.”


If you want the ‘kiasu’ option


of later on declaring a person


as not saved or an unbeliever


because his habitual sinning


as an adulterer or a gambler


is discovered,


then you have, absolutely, no right,


to proclaim that same person


to be once saved, always saved


and that he can never lose his salvation


after he had said the sinners’ prayer. 


Not only is your sense of logic sorely lacking,


you are also clearly a recalcitrant double-talker.


One moment,


you declare the person is once saved, always saved.


And the next moment,


upon the discovery that he is into adultery and gambling,


you now declare him to be an unbeliever. 


Your grace doctrine is so self-contradictory


and all messed up!


What is worse is


you are giving a false impression and false hope


that one is once saved, always saved


when he isn’t.


Why didn’t you follow


the clear teaching of the Apostle Paul


by instructing believers


to examine their lives


to see if they are still in the faith (2 Cor 13:5),


instead of telling everybody


they are once saved, always saved?


In fact, you teach against this very teaching of Paul


in 2 Corinthians 13:5.


Finally, what Joseph Prince doesn’t realise


is that when he used 1 John 2:19,


1 John 2:19 NKJV

19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us,


he is actually describing himself as a heretic


and his New Creation Church.


In my website, I have proven so many times


that many of Joseph Prince’s teachings


go against the Reformation Fathers,


and Historic Christianity.


Just to name several:


First, when we sin, we do not confess our sins but our righteousness because all our future sins have been forgiven and 1 John 1:9 was not written to believers but unbelievers.


Second, the Holy Spirit does not convict us of sins but only our righteousness. The devil does a better job at convicting us and reminding us of our sins.


Third, every New Covenant believer has the covenantal right to be very rich as Abraham was.


Fourth, when we partake the Holy Communion, we will become younger, live longer and be healthier.


Fifth, as for the number of years that we can live to, it is our choice. We just have to make known what we want to God, as God has promised that the length of our lives would be up to our satisfaction. 


Let’s just talk about Singapore.


Which church in Singapore teaches the above 5 doctrines?




What we are talking about is just 5 doctrines


of the plenty more heretical doctrines


that Joseph Prince teaches.


that aren’t taught by any Singapore church.


But more than that, let me quote what Dr Roland Chia,


Chew Hock Hin Professor of Christian Doctrine


Trinity Theological College had written:


“The truth is that Joseph Prince’s doctrines of the Bible (especially the Old Testament),


God’s moral laws (especially the Ten Commandments),


grace, confession and repentance of sin,


healing, salvation, and holy communion


lie outside the boundaries of orthodoxy.


They are antithetical


to the teachings of Scripture and the Church


throughout the centuries,


including the early Church Fathers,


the sixteenth century Reformers


and contemporary orthodox theologians.


Taken as a whole,


What Joseph Prince presents as sound doctrine


is in fact heresy.”


So, obviously, it is Joseph Prince, the heretic


and the majority of New Creation Church who,


19 … went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us,


Rev George Ong


Appendix 1


Verbatim Notes


of George Ong’s 13-minute video:


2 Peter 1:5-11:


“For this very reason,


make every effort to add to your faith,”


Eh, Peter is another problem, men.


What do you mean I must add to my faith?


Anything wrong with Peter or not?


How come I must add to my faith?


I thought faith is enough.


We encountered Paul, now we encountered Peter.


What’s going on?


And make every effort some more.




So, if you get from the text, right.


You argue from the text.


You must try to argue from the text.


To add to your faith.


What are the things to add, you ask?


It’s in the text.


You are adding goodness, knowledge, perseverance,


self-control, brotherly kindness, godliness, love.


So, it’s consistent with what I am teaching, right?


You not only need justification,


you got to have sanctification.


So, Peter is also a sanctification preacher,


which many people missed.


He says you must add to your faith,


or let me say, justification (generally speaking, not meant to be clinically precise).


Add to your faith or justification, what?


All these are character traits, right?


They are sanctification or justification markers?


Sanctification. You see.


They are consistent.


Scripture is consistent.


It’s people who twist text.


And make every effort some more.


Like Jesus, Peter is in the flow of Jesus.


And also, Hebrews:


‘Make every effort to be holy for without holiness, no one will see the Lord.’


It’s the same.


Make every effort to add to your faith all these things.


And then let’s go on.


9But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

10Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, 11and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


This is fall from what?


Ya, that’s right. Pastor David got the point.


Usually, it’s in the text, you see.


And you will receive a rich welcome


into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior (Jesus Christ).


In other words, you will never fall, fall from this Lah (salvation),


and that you will receive


into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior.


Again, people twist it, you see.


Some may say fall from rewards. No, no.


And then, if you do these things.


Again, you must do.


If you don’t do, you may fall.


If you do, you probably won’t fall.


That’s why I said in the beginning, right.


Joseph Prince’s task is made much easier to deceive the church


because the church itself, even Pastors,


I can tell you, Pastors and leaders and members,


they are already Antinomian,


because they didn’t know,


they already believed in the justification-only (salvation).


Why do I say that?


That’s why at the end of the sinner’s prayer, right.


The fellow pray, okay, accept Christ.


‘Oh, you are saved. You are saved.’


You must qualify it.


Because that’s only justification, you know.


Because they say you are saved


because they only believe justification only (salvation).


Once you have justification, the deal is closed.


The deal is not closed


because he has to work out his salvation in his sanctification.


So, we have to give him a qualified, so to speak, assurance.


Thank God, now you are a believer of Christ.


Praise the Lord.


But I want to encourage you, you know.


Salvation is a process.


It’s not just a point in time.


It’s a process,


so, you need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.


You need to make every effort to be holy.


So, you throw in some of these scriptures.


And that you know,


careful how you live your life because bla bla bla.


So, it has to be a qualified (assurance).


But because even today sinner’s prayer,


all closed deal


is because people are affected already (by justification-only salvation).


But you cannot say he is saved because that is justification.


What about sanctification?      


So, if you do these things, you will never fall.


How can we avoid from falling from our salvation?


If you do these things.


What things?


You already know.


The 7 things.


But of course, I don’t think the list is exhaustive.


For example, these are the things.


And I don’t think the list is meant to scare us.


But it’s to help us to know we need to watch our life.


We cannot say we are saved,


but make sure we grow in all these areas.


Joseph Prince may say:


George, you keep hounding us


on what we must ‘do do do’.


You are a typical workaholic,


and you are no different from the Pharisees


who keep loading and burdening people


with a list of ‘to do things’.


You are teaching the false doctrine


that we must ‘do do do’ to earn our salvation.


Don’t you know Christianity is not about ‘do do do,


but done done done’


– the finished work of Christ?”


George will say to Joseph:


“Hey Joseph, you are the real Pharisee.


You are accusing others


for what you really are.


Just like the Pharisees,


you are teaching your own (modern) tradition


of your grace theology


instead of the word of God (Mk 7:8, Matt 15:1-3).


You are not teaching against me.


You are teaching against what the Apostle Peter taught,


and what I did is only to unveil what he taught.


You are going head-on against the holy scriptures.


So, look at the scriptures (in 2 Peter 2:10) again:


I’m telling Joseph Prince again.


What did Peter say?


10 “Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall.”


Joseph, isn’t it in the scriptures?


You tell me – isn’t it starkly clear in the scriptures


that in order to make your calling and election sure


or salvation sure,


in order that you do not fall from your salvation,


you must do these things?


If you still can’t see it,


it simply means you are acting stupid


I’ m not saying he’s stupid.


I’m saying he is acting stupid.


Or you are plainly pretending to be blind.


There is one more thing


you have kept on falsely accusing us,


despite the fact


that I’ve already explained to you


umpteen number of times.


I keep telling you that our ‘do do do’


has nothing to do with our justification (earning our salvation),


which he keeps accusing us,


but it has everything to do with our sanctification.


You see he (Joseph Prince)


dare not explain it that way to his people


because for fear that his people may understand,


‘Oh I see, do, do, do,


has nothing to do with justification but sanctification.’


So, he always accuse us for ‘do do do’.




‘Because we want to earn our salvation.


Both justification and sanctification are essential to salvation.


Because sanctification is also essential for our salvation,


we must ‘do do do’.


But you keep teaching the false doctrine


that justification alone is enough for salvation.


You keep hounding on the fact


that since Christ has ‘done done done’ for us (justification),


WE MUST NOT ‘do do do’ for Him (sanctification).


The truth is since Christ as ‘done done done’ for us (justification),


WE MUST ‘do do do’ for Him (sanctification).’ 


What we have discussed in the above


has implications for how we assure Christians of their salvation.


When a believer comes to a pastor


to be assured of his salvation,


the typical question the pastor would ask is


– ‘Have you received Christ into your life,


and when was it that you first did?’


A typical scenario would be this.


Most people would do that.


Let’s say your friend,


So and So, hey, I’m not sure of my salvation.


So, you will probably ask him.


Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your life or not?


Oh yes, ah.


When did you do it, ah?


2,000 years ago.


Praise God Lah, you saved already, Lah.


Or 4 years ago or 5 (years ago).


Praise God, you are saved already.


That’s a typical way, right, we assure people of salvation.


It is not incorrect, it is incomplete


because this is based on a justification-only salvation.


Just because he said the sinner’s prayer, he’s saved.


No, it’s half-truth.


But we must follow the example of Peter;


what Peter laid out.


We first ask have you accepted Jesus?




2 years ago, praise God.


But after the 2 years, in the next 10 years of your life,


how have you been doing in areas of your brotherly kindness?


How have you been doing in the area of godliness?


How have you been doing in perseverance?


Wah, good, ah. Okay tick.


What about brotherly kindness?


Wah, good ah, tick.


What about love?


Wah good ah, tick.


Tick, tick, tick, tick.


I think quite okay, Lah.


I think it’s quite saved already, Lah.


Let’s say you interview another brother.


You’re saved 2 years ago.


Praise God he said the sinner’s prayer.


But have you got evidence of goodness in your life?


Wah no ah, crossed.


What about knowledge?


Wah no ah, crossed again.


What about kindness? No ah.


Crossed, crossed, crossed.


You better panic.


You cannot assure him of salvation, you know.


You have to may be ask him more about why is that so, right?


Let’s say your friend, let’s say living in sin.


Gambling his money away for the last 10, 20 years.


He accept Christ but he’s gambling away.


You don’t ask the question have you said the sinner’s prayer?


Yes, 2 years ago.


You’re telling him go to hell because he probably is not saved.


I’m not sure.


Or he may be saved but he’s now going off track.


So, I’m just showing an example


how the modern church has been affected already


with justification-only (salvation).


That’s why it’s so easy for Joseph Prince to deceive them.


Because we also wrongly think that the (justification-only) salvation


is preached by the Reformation Fathers.


But I’ve already shown you,


do you know that Martin Luther


fought against the theological fathers of Joseph Prince.


He fought against the Antinomians.


The Antinomians are around years ago already.


He fought against these people


because they wanted to do away with the moral law (Ten Commandments).


And Martin Luther fought against this group of people


– Joseph Prince’s theological ancestors.


So, a lot of people thought he’s (Joseph Prince)


teaching Martin Luther’s doctrine.


But Martin Luther also say right,


you are saved by faith alone,


but the faith that saved is not alone.


So, it’s justification and sanctification.


Martin Luther also say something


to the effect that faith and works are together.


You cannot separate them.


So, the right question to ask is not just,


Have you said the sinner’s prayer five years ago?




But more importantly, it is,


Are you progressing in your faith


ever since you became a Christian five years ago?


Are you exhibiting Christ-like character of goodness,


self-control, perseverance, etc in your life?


Are the fruits of the Spirit evident in your life?




Of course, I’m not necessarily saying that he’s not a Christian.


Sometimes, it’s part of Christian growth.


It’ll take time right.


So, you have to discern as a mature believer what is it?


Is it that he’s really a Christian


but he needs to grow in his ups and downs,


or he may not be a believer in the first place. 


“A salvation assurance based purely on the sinner’s prayer that is currently practised in the church is incomplete, misguided and unbiblical.” (George Ong)


So, we have gone through Jesus, Paul Peter,


what about John, you may ask.


Oh, John is also a sanctification preacher.


I’ll prove to you.


John’s emphasis, okay,


I put in bracket Jesus is because John also quotes Jesus.


So, it’s both John and Jesus.


Depending on who said that.


In John’s epistles was more on sanctification for salvation


than what we realise


and what Joseph Prince care to give credit for.   


Okay, let’s look at this text.


51 Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.”


Jesus said this again, you see.


So, on what basis will we never see death?


If we obey, sanctification.


Obey, you’re alright.


Isn’t it?


When you have the righteousness of God in Christ?




Joseph Prince will never show you all these verses.


It will throw his theology out the window.


This obey is not obedience once


but continuous obedience.


It’s not just once but are you continually obeying Christ.


It’s not once when you say the sinner’s prayer.


‘Whoever lives by believing in me will never die.’


You see, a lot of people have the wrong concept of salvation.


That they thought believe is past.


No, no, no.


Many times, when the word believe appears,


it is present continuous.


It’s not one moment in past you accept Christ 10 years ago.


It’s are you still believing?


That’s the idea.


So, same thing here.


Whoever by believing.


In other words, are you still believing.


If you are, you are alright, in me will never die.


So, Jesus teaches both.


Justification, believe in me, you will never die,


and sanctification, if you obey you will never see death.


You get the point.


“While the initiation of salvation is by the grace of God and the faith of man, no consummation is possible without our obedience.” (George Ong)


Appendix 2


Featured YouTube comments:




“All Christians live and die by Jesus’s will,


which is called “God-centric” Christians.


If Jesus wants me to die today,


I’ll accept His will and die today.


If Jesus wants me to die tomorrow,


I’ll accept His will and die tomorrow.


Life and death are determined by Jesus, not by us.


We cannot ‘suka suka’ tell Jesus that


‘I don’t like your plan for me,


and I want to live until 100,000 years old


or 120 years old in your name,


and you must grant that prayer to me.’


That’s not living by Jesus’s will


but living by our own will.


If we live by our own will,


that’s “Self-centric,” aka fake Christians;


we are falling back to the flesh and desires.


We will depart from Jesus’ grace


without receiving any salvation.”




“Even though they can live to 120,


they still have to go to hell


if they don’t stop what they’re doing and repent.”




“Joseph Prince: The greed for ultimate success,


vain glory in manipulating His word about wealth,


and outward appearance…


God wants us to be whole,


but not to the extent of becoming narcissistic,


and giving more praise


as to how we look and what we own.


Does God get glory out of this selfishness?


He delights in seeing His children well,


but He is more delighted with true repentance.”




“Joseph Prince is a false preacher who teaches heresy


leading many to destruction.


Yet many still believed him.


He’s the Joel Osteen, Asia version.”




“Strange… Joseph Prince still has not repented


after declaring, ‘I am the righteousness of God in Christ.’


But he says many were delivered from their addiction


after declaring, ‘I am the righteousness of God in Christ.’”




“So New Creation Church people


can follow Joseph Prince’s teaching


and say into existence,


‘Joseph Prince will give all his money to the people.


Joseph Prince will repent.’


You see my point!”




“The plastic surgery is quite top notch


for a 60-year-old Joseph Prince.”




“Pastors and leaders are to be Godly and God fearing


when it comes to teaching The Word of God


as it is written in The Bible.


Worst now, pastors, such as Joseph Prince and leaders


have taken over God’s position


by daring others to demand God


for what they want


by just taking one or two Bible verses to prove it,


while there are many more in the entire chapter they didn’t show.


To such pastors and leaders:


‘Do you all Fear God’s wrath for doing such wicked things;


to cause God’s people to stray away from the truth?’




“Joseph Prince still has much value to his Master ($atan).


His ministry is for those with itching ears!


God allows such ‘fallen ministers’ to be around


– to test who are the genuine believers


and who are the fake ones.”




“I also was friends with someone


who loves Joseph Prince’s sermons.


She was walking in pride and lying spirit…no true repentance.


Only a mindset – of repentance.


Joseph Prince is influencing people to walk with so much pride


that they don’t even notice it;


only when God convicts them.”


Note this is a critique of my website:




“Wow, really, so much hate.


Reverend, if you don’t agree to his preaching,


start preaching Jesus too.


To make a career out of attempting to debunk other pastors


is downright distasteful.”


These are the comments of those


who wrote against the above critic:




“Proverbs 13:5,


‘The righteous hates falsehood, what is false…’


Joseph Prince’s many many teachings


are false, heretical, toxic, evil,


destructive doctrines, doctrines of demons.


Rev George Ong’s expression of hatred is rightly placed.”




“Obviously, you don’t know your Bible well


to call Joseph Prince a pastor.”




“Would be great if you could be specific


on which part of Rev George Ong’s exposure


of Joseph Prince you disagree with.


Don’t just come in with comments


unsubstantiated by scripture.”




“Lazy Christians who do not check the Bible


and other biblical resources


against what a preacher says (especially those they idolise) 


are the false teachers’ best friends.”




“Do yourself a favour – don’t just accept his teaching


as unassailably true and indisputably correct.


If you don’t like this channel,


you can view other equally good international channels


– there are plenty


– that expose Joseph Prince’s heretical teachings.


‘All men have eyes to see.


Few have the gift of penetration’.


Fortunately, there are people who know the Bible


and ask serious questions about Joseph Prince’s teachings.


I believe our Lord has raised discerning men


to protect the people from mindless,


zombie-like acceptance of one man’s (Joseph Prince) teaching.


It does not make sense


to think that Christ would want us to be undiscerning Christians


who abandon our critical faculty and discernment.


Christ says you know them by their fruit.


How would you know the fruit


if you want to remain undiscerning;


if you prefer to listen


to motivational make-you-feel-good talks


sprinkled with verses to appear as anointed sermons?


The listener, feeling good and assured,


would subconsciously think,


‘Here it is, finally a God-sent anointed preacher’.


“My dear friends, don’t believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and examine what people tell you. Not everyone who talks about God (or Christ) comes from God. There are a lot of lying preachers loose in the world” 1 John 4:1 The Message.”


Note this is a critique of my website:




“This sounds like an extremely narrow interpretation


of Joseph Prince’s teachings.


Be careful when you criticise men of God.


You better be correct.


Otherwise, God will hold you accountable too?”


These are the comments of those


who wrote against the above critic:




“You sure you are not indoctrinated


with one person’s (Joseph Prince) teaching?


You sure you are not mindlessly


accepting one man’s teaching?


You sure you have at least put in some effort


to check the Bible and other biblical resources


including Bible commentaries


against one person’s teaching?


You sure your heart has not been stolen


by one preacher, Joseph Prince, 


when your affection should belong to Jesus only?


It’s all for your good.”




“‘Brothers, leave out nothing. Be bold enough to preach unpalatable and unpopular truth.’ Charles Spurgeon.


Does it sound like your idol Joseph Prince?


You sure you have not been courted with sweet talk?”


Note this is a critique of my website:




“But who are you, Rev George


and all of you people in this chat to judge him (Joseph Prince)?


For the same measure of judgement you put unto others,


may be used unto you,


and doesn’t the Bible say,


that judgement is not for us, but God?


So, it’s probably best to stop judging


and leave that with God…”


These are the comments of those


who wrote against the above critic:




“Brother, you know what is judgement and discernment?


Do you think Christ wants us to be undiscerning Christians?


Do you think Christ wants us to abandon our critical faculty?


It’s your right if you want to abandon your critical faculty


and be like a little chick that opens its mouth


to take all that the false mother is feeding it.


In the NT, there are plenty of examples


of legitimate judgement


of the conduct and teaching of others viz


1. “Beware of false prophets…You will know them by their fruits”.


Christ is asking us to judge for if we don’t, how would we know the good fruit from the bad? (Matt 7:15-20 NKJV)


2. “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge” (1 Cor 14:29 NKJV)


3. “My dear friends, don’t believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and examine what people tell you. Not everyone who talks about God comes from God. There are a lot of lying preachers loose in the world” (1 Jn 4:1 The Message)


The road to harm to yourself and your loved ones


is wide open


if your heart and mind


have been stolen by a false prophet, Joseph Prince.”




“Please go watch this video by Revealing Truth.


Stop Judging Other Teachers!


Rev George and all of us


are just following scriptures, brother.


Just to quote a few scriptures from Revealing Truth:


Romans 16:17-18; 1 Corinthians 5:12-13; Titus 1:11; Ephesians 5:11


Go read the above verses or watch the video.


God Bless You!”


Note this is a critique of my website:




“If Kenneth Copeland said God spoke to him to live to 120,


so what’s wrong with that?”


These are the comments of those


who wrote against the above critic:




“Did God really speak to him?


Or is he hearing his own imagination?


How do we know?


Like this…


Deuteronomy 18:22 ESV

[22] when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.




“Do you notice that ‘snake-oil seller’s’ product


can be very interesting and attractive?


However, the cost of it is very low,


whilst it’s profit margin is super-high.


For example, I remember many years ago,


I bought ‘B-green’ a type of green extraction


from the plant in powder form


because I believed in the ‘testimonies’ of many


who claimed that it could improve health


and rejuvenate your youthful look.


However, I realized that I have been ‘conned’


only 1 year later


when I realized that I didn’t get any effect of rejuvenation


and the powder became hardened and inedible.


I understand that, in the market,


they are now selling a type of ‘water’


which they claim that it can rejuvenate your youth too.


However, how many of us really know


the manufacturing process of it


and confirm if it will really work?


Who knows, the filling in of the water into the package


cost only $1, but it could be sold at $100.


So, this type of products might be harmless,


but it is still unethical


to charge this kind of unreasonable prices


to get ‘unhealthy’ or ‘filthy’ profit.


So, if ‘snake-oil sellers’ or unethical salesmen


could sell at low cost and make ‘filthy’ high profit


because of greed,


what about the false preachers


who sell the gospel like ‘snake-oil’ products.


They would earn like ‘crazy’


when they can sell their ‘gospel’


(of hair growth, more youthful look, and long life)


at almost zero cost.


According to @jacobreal6451


who commented at the top, he says,


“If Kenneth Copeland said God spoke to him to live to 120


so what’s wrong with that?”


I will tell him, Of course, there is nothing wrong


and we have the freedom to say anything we like.


However, please don’t say it or sell it (like a ‘snake-oil’ product)


with the intention or tactic to lie


and to get the people to give money


(like donation, offerings, or tithes).


If there is the slightest intention to cheat or lie,


I don’t think we like it or God like it.”

