How to Reset VLC to Default Settings: A Step-by-Step Guide - TechYouLike

How to Reset VLC to Default Settings: A Step-by-Step Guide

VLC media player is a popular choice for playing audio and video files on various platforms due to its versatility and user-friendly interface. However, at times, users may encounter issues or have preferences to reset the settings of VLC to default. To assist VLC users in resetting their preferences and configurations to the original state, this step-by-step guide provides a clear and concise walkthrough on how to reset VLC to default settings, ensuring optimal performance and a seamless playback experience.

Understanding The Need To Reset VLC To Default Settings

Resetting VLC to its default settings can be necessary for various reasons. Over time, the media player may accumulate settings that hinder its performance or cause unexpected issues. Furthermore, if you have customized numerous settings and want to revert back to the original configuration, resetting VLC is the ideal solution.

There are several situations in which you might consider resetting VLC to default settings. For instance, if the player is not opening or crashing frequently, it could be due to corrupt preferences or incompatible configurations. Resetting VLC will help eliminate these faults and restore its functionality.

Another scenario where resetting VLC is beneficial is when you have modified settings and find it challenging to revert to the original setup. Rather than manually adjusting individual preferences, starting fresh with default settings is a quicker and more straightforward approach.

By understanding the need to reset VLC to default settings, you can effectively troubleshoot issues and ensure optimal performance of the media player. Proceeding with the subsequent steps will guide you through the process efficiently.

Step 1: Locating The Preferences Option In VLC

In order to reset VLC to its default settings, the first step is to locate the preferences option within the media player. The preferences window contains various settings and options that can be customized to suit individual preferences.

To access the preferences window, open the VLC media player and click on the “Tools” tab located at the top of the interface. From the drop-down menu, select “Preferences.” Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+P” to directly open the preferences window.

Once the preferences window is open, you will see a wide range of settings categories on the left-hand side. These categories include “Interface,” “Audio,” “Video,” and more. By navigating through these categories, users can customize various aspects of VLC’s functionality.

Locating the preferences option is the first step towards resetting VLC to default settings. By understanding where to find this option, users can begin the process of restoring VLC to its original state and resolving any issues they may be experiencing with the media player.

Step 2: Resetting All Preferences To Default In VLC

In this step, you will learn how to reset all preferences in VLC to their default settings. Follow these simple instructions to proceed:

1. Open VLC Media Player on your computer.
2. Click on the “Tools” option located on the menu bar at the top of the VLC window.
3. From the dropdown menu, select “Preferences” or press Ctrl+P on your keyboard. This will open the preferences window.
4. In the preferences window, you will see a list of categories on the left side. Click on the “All” option to view all available preferences.
5. At the bottom of the preferences window, you will find a button labeled “Reset Preferences.” Click on it.
6. A confirmation dialog box will appear, asking if you want to reset all preferences. Click on the “Reset Preferences” button to proceed.
7. After resetting the preferences, you can close the preferences window.
8. To apply the changes, you need to restart VLC Media Player.

By following these steps, you will successfully reset all preferences in VLC to their default values.

Step 3: Confirmation And Restarting VLC

After resetting all preferences to default in VLC, it is essential to confirm the changes and restart the media player. Once you have navigated to the preferences window and clicked on the “Reset All” button, a confirmation dialog box will appear.

In this dialog box, VLC will inform you that resetting preferences will remove all customizations and restore the default settings. It is crucial to understand that this action cannot be undone, so double-check if you want to proceed.

If you are sure about resetting VLC to its default settings, click on the “Reset” button in the confirmation dialog box. VLC will apply the changes and close automatically. To ensure the resetting process is complete, it is recommended to restart VLC manually.

To restart VLC, simply open the media player again. You can find it in your applications or use the shortcut icon on your desktop. Once reopened, VLC will have returned to its default settings, allowing you to have a fresh start and potentially resolve any issues you were experiencing.

Restoring VLC’s Default Interface And Layout

Restoring VLC’s default interface and layout is an essential step when resetting VLC to default settings. Sometimes, due to customization or accidental changes, the VLC interface may become cluttered or difficult to navigate. By restoring the default interface and layout, users can ensure a cleaner and more user-friendly VLC experience.

To restore the default interface and layout in VLC, follow these steps:

1. Open VLC media player on your computer.
2. Click on the “Tools” tab located in the menu bar at the top of the VLC window.
3. From the drop-down menu, select “Preferences” to open the preferences window.
4. In the preferences window, click on the “Interface” tab.
5. Under the “Look and Feel” section, you will find an option to “Use native style.” Check this box to enable it.
6. Next, click on the “Reset Interface Settings” button located at the bottom of the preferences window.
7. Finally, click on the “Save” button to apply the changes and restore VLC’s default interface and layout.

By following these steps, users can enjoy a refreshed VLC interface, free from any previous customization or clutter that may have occurred. Remember to restart VLC for the changes to take effect.

Resetting Audio And Video Settings In VLC

When using VLC, you may encounter various issues with audio and video settings that can affect your viewing experience. Resetting these settings to default can help resolve any problems and ensure optimal performance.

To reset your audio and video settings in VLC, follow these steps:

1. Open VLC and navigate to the “Preferences” option.
2. Click on the “Audio” tab to access audio settings.
3. Look for the “Output” section and ensure that the selected option is set to “Automatic.” If not, click on the dropdown menu and select “Automatic.”
4. Next, click on the “Video” tab to access video settings.
5. In the “Output” section, make sure that the selected option is set to “Automatic.” If not, choose “Automatic” from the dropdown menu.
6. Scroll down to find the “Reset” button and click on it to reset all audio and video settings to default.
7. Finally, click on the “Save” button to apply the changes and restart VLC.

By following these steps, you can easily reset audio and video settings in VLC, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted multimedia experience.

Troubleshooting Common Issues After Resetting VLC To Default Settings

After resetting VLC to its default settings, you may encounter a few common issues. However, fret not, as these can be easily resolved with a few troubleshooting steps.

One common issue is the loss of custom playlists or media libraries created before the reset. To resolve this, you can import your previous playlists and libraries manually by going to the “Media” tab and selecting “Save Playlist to File” or “Save Library” option before the reset. Afterward, you can simply import these files back into VLC.

Another issue you may come across is the absence of certain plugins or codecs essential for specific media formats. To address this, you’ll need to reinstall any missing plugins or codecs. VLC provides a straightforward way to install missing components by going to the “Tools” menu, selecting “Plugins and extensions,” and then following the prompts to install the necessary items.

Lastly, if you notice any persistent performance issues or glitches after resetting VLC, it’s worth considering updating the software to the latest version. Frequently, updates include bug fixes and enhancements that can help resolve such problems.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can quickly overcome any issues that may arise after resetting VLC to default settings and ensure a smooth multimedia experience.



1. Can resetting VLC to default settings help resolve playback issues?

Yes, resetting VLC to default settings can often help resolve playback issues. Resetting VLC restores all the settings to their original defaults, which can eliminate any customization or configuration conflicts that may be causing playback problems.

2. Will resetting VLC delete my media library and playlists?

No, resetting VLC to default settings will not delete your media library or playlists. Resetting VLC only affects the program settings and preferences, such as audio and video settings. Your media library and playlists will remain intact.

3. How do I reset VLC to default settings?

To reset VLC to default settings, first, make sure the program is closed. Then, navigate to the VLC installation directory, usually in the “Program Files” or “Applications” folder. Look for a folder named “vlc” or “VLC media player” and rename it to something like “vlc_backup.” When you reopen VLC, it will automatically create a new default configuration.

4. Will I lose any custom settings or preferences after resetting VLC?

Yes, resetting VLC to default settings will remove any custom settings or preferences you had previously configured. These include audio and video settings, interface customizations, and other preferences. However, you can always manually reconfigure these settings after the reset.


In conclusion, resetting VLC to its default settings is a straightforward process that can help resolve various issues and improve the overall performance of the media player. By following the step-by-step guide provided, users can easily restore VLC to its original state, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free media playback experience. Whether it’s fixing playback errors, resolving audio or video syncing problems, or simply starting fresh, resetting VLC can be an effective solution for optimizing the player to meet individual preferences and needs.

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