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The Baxter family

    Raven Lydia Baxter
The main character
Portrayed by: Raven-Symoné

  • All Women Love Shoes: Raven has a thing for clothes, especially shoes.
  • Always Second Best: There was this episode centered around her always coming in second for the “Best Dressed” competition at her school.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Her kids are understandably mortified at Raven's behavior sometimes.
  • Amicable Exes: In Raven's Home, Devon and Raven get along well despite being divorced.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Raven becomes frightening when people cross her brother.
  • Butt-Monkey: She suffers a lot of embarrassing moments and Amusing Injuries.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • "Oh snap!", "Ya nasty!", "How ya'll doin'?", and a few others.
    • "You gon' geeeeet iiiiit!" in Raven's Home.
  • Childhood Friends: Raven has been friends with Chelsea since pre-school.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She's very fond of this trope.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Many of her schemes end up failing specifically because of this trope. Additionally, Raven frequently jumps to conclusions after getting visions even though they don't always play out in the way she expects them to.
  • Dude Magnet: She has had a number of love interest on the show. Devon, Ben Sturky, and even Eddie have romantically fallen for her.
  • Eye Recall: Raven's visions are shown by a dramatic zoom in, and out of her eye.
  • Fatal Flaw: She can be rather impulsive when it comes to her visions and doesn't think things through.
  • Former Friend of Alpha Bitch: Raven and Alana were best friends, until fourth grade because Alana got mad about being cast as "Tooth Decay" in a School Play about dental hygiene while Raven got the part of the Tooth Fairy.
  • The Fashionista: Raven loves fashion and wants to become a fashion designer. In Raven's Home it's shown that she is a fashion designer...for dogs.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: In Raven's Home, she lives with Chelsea and they raise their kids together.
  • High-School Sweethearts: Deconstructed—sometime between That's So Raven and Raven's Home, Raven and Devon got married and had children, but the marriage didn't work out and they got divorced.
  • Honorary Aunt: Chelsea's son calls her "Auntie Rae."
  • I'm Okay!: One of her catchphrases.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Rae".
  • Large Ham: With her bizarre, outlandish mannerisms and Sassy Black Woman attitude. Even more so when she's in disguise.
  • Last-Name Basis: Alana tends to refer to Raven as "Baxter" to emphasize the former's dislike of Raven.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: She was the only one in her school who was a psychic. For a time.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: She wears a lot of these, and she manages to fool everybody with them at least half of the time.
  • Parental Favoritism: In the sequel, Raven mistakenly thinks she's been pulling this towards Booker. Downplayed in she does genuinely give him more attention, but not to the point of neglecting Nia (she loves both of her kids equally), even if she has to be more independent than him.
  • Parents as People: Raven loves her twins very much, but she sometimes makes careless decisions due to her misguided attempts to set things to straight.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With her best male friend, Eddie, despite the occasional moments of Ship Tease.
  • Power Incontinence: She can't control when she has visions, nor what she will see when she does. She often lacks context, which means Hilarity Ensues.
  • Psychic Powers: Downplayed. Raven's only real psychic ability is precognition (and this only gives her brief glimpses of the future). Though in one episode, she temporarily gained the power to read minds after catching a "psychic cold".
  • Sassy Black Woman: She has a sassy attitude.
  • Secondary Character Title: In Raven's Home, the true protagonist is her psychic son Booker, who is trying to learn more about his psychic abilities. Plus, he's the one who ends up getting more and more Character Development.
  • Seers: Raven's psychic powers amount to glimpsing a piece of the future.
  • Squee: She tends to do this when she gets excited.
  • Telepathy: In one episode, she temporarily gained this power after catching a psychic cold. Not helped by the fact that her paternal grandmother (who doesn't know she's psychic) is showing up for a visit.
  • Womanchild: Even more so in the sequel, to the point of pranking her kids.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Raven is absolutely terrified of clowns. This loses its comedic value when she hurts the feelings of a clown whose son is friends with Booker, Nia, Levi and Tess.

    Cory Baxter
Raven's little brother
Portrayed by: Kyle Massey
  • Abhorrent Admirer: In the first season, he had an obsessive crush on Chelsea that drove on her nerves whenever he tried hitting on her. This would be phased out entirely, as Cory would find girls his age while Chelsea would be flanderized to be far too absent-minded for his liking.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: He's always getting on Raven's nerves, though matured in later seasons.
  • Breakout Character: Cory later received his own Spin-Off with his father as they live with the President of the US (in-universe). Also was the first Disney Channel spin-off.
  • Butt-Monkey: He seems to have taken after his sister in the spinoff series.
  • Character Catchphrase: In Cory in the House, his catchphrases are "Coming Daddy!", "You Know How I Do.", "Dang!" and "Daddy No!"
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Just like Eddie, there was no mention of him in Raven's Home until season 5.
  • It's All About Me: Cory occasionally has this tendency.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Once you look past the greed and selfishness, Cory isn't a bad person.
  • Money Fetish: So much that at one point, he was even willing to sell everything inside the house for it!
  • Parental Favoritism: Raven seems to think her dad favors Cory over her, due to interpreting the heart rate monitor Victor was hooked up on as a lie detector after it beeped when he told her loves them both the same.
  • Precocious Crush: He likes Chelsea, who is several years his senior, in early episodes. This idea was dropped in subsequent seasons, given that he was portrayed as having love interests his own age. In terms of Chelsea, he maintains a strictly platonic friendship with her but finds her to be rather annoying (as a result of her being dumbed down).
  • Young Entrepreneur: He's constantly trying to figure out ways to make money.

    Tanya Baxter
Raven and Cory's mother

  • Advertised Extra: In season 3, she's credited as a main character in the opening, but doesn't appear in 18 episodes.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Momma like!"
  • The Ghost: She's referenced in the spin-off shows Cory in the House and Raven's Home but doesn't appear, but at least we know she's still around and Booker mentions he's still in touch with her. She makes her long-awaited return in the fifth season of Raven's Home.
  • Good Parents: Tanya loves her two kids and is always supportive of them.
  • Long Bus Trip: According to her grandson Booker, she's still in England over a decade after she was last seen in the third season of the original show. However, the show’s producers have confirmed that Tanya’s income as an England lawyer is what helps the Baxters afford their house in San Francisco.
  • Man of a Thousand Voices: Tanya frequently makes funny voices, at least in earlier seasons.
  • Put on a Bus: Due to being the sole caretaker for her ailing grandmother, her actress quit the show partway through season 3. Her character was subsequently sent on a trip to England to study law and written out of the show. She finally returns in the fifth season of Raven's Home.
  • The Bus Came Back: After so long, Tanya returns to San Francisco for Victor's 60th birthday in season 5 of Raven's Home.

    Victor Baxter
Raven and Cory's father
Portrayed by: Rondell Sheridan

  • Big Fun: He's a fun-loving and likable man.
  • Bumbling Dad: Victor has this in spades.
  • Good Parents: Victor may be bumbling, but he loves his kids and is a supportive father.
  • Supreme Chef: Due to being a chef, he can cook well. He does work as a cook for the president in the spin-off for a reason.
  • Trickster Mentor: Victor says he would give Booker his car if he does well on his exam. Raven questions why he would do such a thing since she did not approve of him getting a car. But then Booker finds out the car doesn't have an engine. Victor didn't do this just as an elaborate prank on his grandson, but to teach him the value of hard work. Booker was more determined to get money for an engine, which was precisely what Victor was hoping for.

Friends & Other Main Characters

    Chelsea Ophelia Grayson (nee Daniels)
Raven's female best friend
Portrayed by: Anneliese van der Pol

  • Animal Lover: Which is why she's a vegetarian. She loves animals so much she dislikes the idea of eating them as food or using their skin as clothing.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Has her moments. After push comes to shove, Chelsea manages to frighten an imposing tall lady to leave her and Raven alone.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: While Chelsea at times continues to have off the wall moments she is also shown to be a master of organization, interior design and, as of Vending the Rules, it was revealed that the vast wealth she lost was one she amassed due to one of her own inventions.
  • Childhood Friends: She's known Raven since pre-school.
  • The Ditz: She starts out as somewhat clueless but gets flanderized as the seasons go by. In Raven's Home this element is dialed back down.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Due to being a Granola Girl, she's protective of plants and animals.
  • Granola Girl: She's into animal rights, is a vegetarian, and is spiritual.
  • Honorary Aunt: Raven's kids call her "Aunt Chelsea."
  • In-Series Nickname: "Chels".
  • Lethal Chef: Chelsea is a terrible cook. In one Raven's Home episode, she made coffee for a man and he mistook it for her trying to poison him.
  • Nature Lover: She enjoys nature and loves camping. She even does gardening in Raven's Home.
  • Older and Wiser: In the sequel, she's shown to have more common sense and and acts as Raven's voice of reason.
  • Put on a Bus: She stopped appearing regularly beginning with season 5 of Raven's Home.
  • Riches to Rags: Downplayed. She made a lot of money off an infomercial invention of hers, but her ex took it all and forced her back into middle class.
  • Sarcasm-Blind: Yeah, she's definitely this. It's one of her main components of her idiocy.
  • Secret-Keeper: She and Eddie are the only non-family members to know that Raven is psychic. As of Season 2 of Raven's Home, she knows that Booker has the same gift too.
  • Straw Loser: The reason why she Took a Level in Dumbass is to make the main character Raven look better.
  • Token White: She's the main white character in a cast of black characters. In the sequel, she shares this role with her son and Tess.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: Chelsea's slight ditziness in Season 1 later becomes extreme idiocy by the end of Season 2. In early episodes, she was even smarter (or at least more sensible) than Raven by being the voice of reason. By the third season, the way Anneliese van der Pol delivered her lines as Chelsea was slower and even sounded dumber.
  • Virtuous Vegetarianism: Chelsea is a sweet girl who happens to be a vegetarian due to the fact that she is an animal lover.

    Edward "Eddie" Thomas
Raven's male best friend
Portrayed by: Orlando Brown

  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Again, not a single mention of him in Raven's Home, until Season 5 that is.
  • Cool Big Bro: He tends to act as "older brother" figure to Raven's brother, Cory.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Raven and (to kind of a lesser extent) Chelsea—Eddie is Raven and Chelsea's closest male friend and while he's had some Ship Tease with both of them (particularly Raven), he utlimately doesn't see them as anything more than "just friends" (and vice versa for the girls towards him).
  • Secret-Keeper: Outside of Raven's family, he and Chelsea are two of the few people to know about Raven's Psychic Powers.
  • Ship Tease: Raven and Eddie have their moments and even kiss. However, they ultimately decide that they're just better off as friends—although it is implied that they still have feelings .
  • That One Guy: He is the only guy in the main friend group.

Other Characters

    Recurring Characters 

Devon Carter

Portrayed by: Jonathan Mc Daniel

  • Amicable Exes: He and Raven are divorced by Raven's Home, but they're still pretty good friends.
  • Black and Nerdy: Downplayed. Aside from his love of Astro Force 5, he doesn't seem to have any other "nerdy" interests.
  • Good Parents: Devon is a very loving and supportive father towards his two kids.
  • Hidden Depths: Devon is a devoted fan of Astro Force 5, a fact that surprises Raven at first.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Raven may have told him that she is psychic, but he's the only one out of the immediate family not to know that Booker inherited it.
  • Missing Mom: The audience knows that his father remarried to a woman named Chandra but are never given an explanation of his birth mother's whereabouts.
  • Nice Guy: Devon is generally a likable person.
  • Put on a Bus: As of "The Bearer of Dad News", Devon is forced to move from Chicago, Illinois to Dallas, Texas because of a job transfer.
  • Two First Names: "Devon" and "Carter" can both be used as first names.

Alana Rivera

Portrayed by: Adrienne Bailon

  • Alpha Bitch: She's always bullying Raven (along with Raven's friends). Even in adulthood she’s still this by virtue of being Principal of her old high school.
  • Dislikes the New Guy: Booker is the newest kid in her school she doesn’t like due to him being her rival’s son.
  • Evil Former Friend: It's revealed in one episode that she and Raven were actually friends at one point. They stopped being friends sometime in 4th-grade when, while doing a School Play about dental hygiene, both girls were vying for the role of the Tooth Fairy—in the end, Raven was given the role of the Tooth Fairy while Alana was cast as "Tooth Decay."
  • Gratuitous Spanish: Alana occasionally uses Spanish in her dialogue.
  • Jerkass: She's generally a very rude and insufferable person. Even by the time (almost) twenty years have passed, she's still not the nicest person ever and is still bitter over the fact that Devon chose Raven over her.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Raven impersonating a hairdresser and (unintentionally) getting gum in Alana's hair is of the few times in which Alana had a good reason to be angry with Raven.
  • Karmic Butt-Monkey: Alana goes through some well deserved slapstick throughout both series.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: It's not until after she meets Booker (Raven and Devon's son) that she learns Raven had two children with Devon. After Booker reveals his full name to her, Alana puts two and two together and realizes that Raven must be Booker's mom.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: As the leader of a Gang of Bullies, Alana is the Mean to Loca's Nice and Muffy's In-Between.
  • Put on a Bus to Hell: In the original series, Alana's parents (tired of their daughter's bad behavior) sent her to a military school. Alana eventually returns in the fifth season of Raven's Home, 18 years later where it's revealed that she has since become the principal of her and Raven's old high school back in San Francisco, and has a daughter whom Booker develops a crush on.
  • Spicy Latina: Alana has a latin background and is hotheaded to boot.
  • Womanchild: In "Raven's Home," Alana never seemed to grow out of her high school mentality and still acts like an immature Alpha Bitch.


Portrayed by: Ashley Eckstein

  • Beta Bitch: She largely just repeats Alana (and later Bianca) and poorly translates their Spanish. Later, she graduates to full on Alpha Bitch status with the implication that she, Bianca and Loca had a falling out.
  • Family Theme Naming: She has a younger sister named "Buffy."
  • Nice Mean And In Between: While she's as nasty as Alana/Bianca and moreso than Loca (who is more of a Dumb Muscle enforcer), she's also more submissive, putting her in the In-Between camp.
  • Pet the Dog: She has shown the capacity to be polite and respectful to others, including Raven.


Portrayed by: Andrea Edwards


Portrayed by: Erica Rivera

  • Alpha Bitch: She took over Alana's role of bullying Raven, even taking Alana's Girl Posse.
  • Flat Character: She only exists as an Alpha Bitch to Raven as nothing else.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: Replaces Alana as the "Mean" between Loca and Muffy.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: After Alana left, Bianca took her place—they're both Latina and play the same role in the series, but the main difference between them is that while Alana was bad enough to be sent to military school, Bianca's apparently so bad that she got kicked out of military school.
  • Terrible Trio: With Loca and Muffy after Alana left.

    Cory in the House Characters 

Newt Livingston

  • Nice Guy: A laid back and easygoing guy.

Meena Paroom

Sophie Martinez

President Richard Martinez

Samantha Samuels

Jason Stickler

    Raven's Home Characters 

Booker Baxter-Carter
Portrayed by: Issac Ryan Brown

  • Alliterative Name: Booker Baxter
  • Bad Liar: Booker's attempts at lying usually make things worse.
  • Butt-Monkey: A Running Gag is Booker getting his friends stuck in things, or getting himself stuck in an object.
  • The Cassandra: Surprisingly subverted. Even though Booker is a Bad Liar, his friends and sister will usually believe him if he mentions having a vision.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The wacky, mischievous foolish sibling to Nia's calmer, more levelheaded responsible sibling.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Levi; they've been best friends since childhood.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: The reason he loves his visions is because he believes they make him special.
  • Informed Flaw: In "Dream Moms" he is constantly described as a terrible basketball player by Nia and Tess, despite the fact that in previous episodes he had demonstrated decent skills for this sport.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Booker's more sensitive nature alongside Tess's more tomboyish nature makes him the feminine boy to her masculine girl.
  • Nice Guy: He might not be the most down to earth guy, but Booker fulfills this role and is probably the nicest of all the children.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Tess, despite the occasional moments of Ship Tease.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Booker thinks he is a star athlete, a witty comedian, and a gorgeous hunk. Thirty seconds with him is all anyone needs to know it's all in his head. Interestingly enough when he loses his visions it's discovered he's actually very talented just not in the facets he thinks. Such as being great magician, baker, and musician

Nia Baxter-Carter
Portrayed by: Navia Robinson

  • Agent Scully: Being the logical science nerd and all, shows disbelief at the idea of people having psychic powers until Booker proves himself.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The calm, levelheaded responsible sibling to Booker's wackier, more mischievous foolish sibling.
  • Go-Getter Girl: Grades are very important to Nia, so she strives to do her best.
  • Granola Girl: Nia’s very passionate about the environment and whatever cause she’s concerned with during the episode.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Tess
  • I Just Want to Be Special: She has expressed envy over her brother's abilities and questions why he has them and she doesn't. It goes to another level during the Sleevemore arc when she temporarily gains his visions and is reluctant to part with them.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Tess's Tomboy.
  • Put on a Bus:Nia won't be in season 5, but she still gets mentioned several times and she does remain in touch with her mother.

Levi Grayson
Portrayed by: Jason Maybaum

  • Adorably Precocious Child: He's rather mature for his age, or at least has enough common sense. He's just as kind and caring as his mother.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Booker, they've been best friends since childhood.
  • No Social Skills: Levi's talented at a lot of things and pretty smart in his academics. Unfortunately, he's also got terrible social skills as he doesn't always know how to act like a normal boy and always tries to sound sophisticated.
  • Only Sane Man: Pretty much one of only two sane people in the main cast. Although even he has a tendency to slip up at times.
  • Put on a Bus: More like "Put on a Plane" in this case. As of the Season 4 finale, "So You Think You Can Drive", Chelsea reluctantly takes Levi to move from Chicago, Illinois to London, England to live with his dad.
  • Secret-Keeper: Levi is one of the few non-family members to know about Booker's psychic abilities, and later Raven's, in Season 2.
  • Turn Out Like His Father: He began taking after his father's unsavory aspects due to his mother sugarcoating his father's crimes.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: He's precocious and mature, in contrast with his more ditzy mother.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: He is shown to be a lot smarter than his mother.

Tess O'Malley
Portrayed by: Sky Katz

  • Agent Mulder: Tess, due to being a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, is a strong believer in psychics, taking it without explanation.
  • Distaff Counterpart: To Booker. Both are mischievous yet lovable kids with similar interests, such as rapping and sports.
  • Expy: She's pretty much the female version of Eddie.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Tess O'Malley. "Tom" is the first half of the word "tomboy", which is the type of girl Tess is.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Nia.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The tough, tomboyish masculine girl compared to Booker's more sensitive feminine boy.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Booker. He's probably the family member closest to her besides Nia, but they aren't in a relationship and really don't seem interested in being in one, although this is open to interpretation.
  • Secret-Keeper: She's the other person outside of the family besides Levi to know about Booker's, and later Raven's, psychic abilities.
  • Ship Tease: Booker and Tess have their moments.
  • Sore Loser: She doesn't take kindly to losing.
  • Tomboy: She is a tough and cool tomboy who speaks in urban slang, dreams of being a rapper, and loves playing basketball.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Nia's Girly Girl.
  • Totally Radical: She speaks in urban slang.
  • Put on a Bus: Tess won't be in season 5, and only visits one episode for Season 6.

Garrett Grayson

  • Alliterative Name: Garrett Grayson
  • Gold Digger: He stole all of Chelsea's money and ran off. He later tries to make things right especially with Levi.
  • I Am Very British: Has an English accent, which Chelsea notes in his first appearance.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The woman Garrett cheated on Chelsea with was a federal agent who arrested him for tax evasion.
  • Obviously Evil: When Chelsea says she wishes people had told her about Garrett being a low life before she married him, Raven says everybody - both her friends and family - told her that.

Mitch Moseley

  • 0% Approval Rating: "Head On Wheels" shows all the tenants hate him, but not even public disapproval will stop him from doing what he wants.
  • Alliterative Name: Mitch Moseley
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Disappears after the second season without explanation.
  • Dirty Coward: For the most part, the only thing that will make him cower and fulfill your requests is blackmailing him with the law or threatening to call his dad, the owner, and when he's really vulnerable. Without any of those things, he's all high and mighty.
  • Expy: He is pretty much the male version of Alana, except he's more of a coward.
  • Hate Sink: It's made abundantly clear that Mitch is meant to be hated for his casual sadism, abuse of power, smug overconfidence, bullying, and overall jerkass nature, that you'd want to smack him. He refused to listen to any of the Baxters' complaints about the building, banned Raven's apartment from using the laundry for a week just because of a (coincidentally accurate) remark Tess made about him, and shows no respect for them whatsoever.
  • Hidden Depths: He likes to sew, and he's a huge fan of Weirder Things.
  • Kick the Dog: He does a lot of this. First, he bans Raven's unit from using the laundry just because of an accidental remark Tess made, then unfairly increases their punishment just because Chelsea was trying to fulfill that basic need. Then, he hacks the kids' phones and steals their tickets to a season premiere of their favorite show when Booker's vision lures them down to the basement.
  • The Napoleon: He may be a kid who is about the same age (and height) as most of the young cast, but he lords over and abuses the position his dad gives him.
  • Phrase Catcher: "What do you want, Mitch?"
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Frequently antagonizes the Baxter-Grayson family several times, and they justifiably despise him for bullying them and generally being unreasonably cruel.

Alice Baxter

  • Locked Outof The Loop: She is completely unaware that Raven and Booker have visions; even Raven takes a dive in preventing Chelsea from mentioning the word "vision" in the episode "Keeping it 100"



  • Locked Out of the Loop: She and Neil are unaware that Booker has visions until the episode "Truth or Hair".
  • Former Friend of Alpha Bitch: She and Cami used to be best friends until Ivy transferred to Katherine Johnson Tech around 4th grade. Both girls claim they were betrayed by the other.
  • Indifferent Beauty: Ivy is more cute than beautiful, but Raven considers her to be the latter when she wants her to model some of her works. While Ivy is flattered, she states she favors her talent and smarts over looks.
  • Pride: Ivy is very prideful because she just can’t let go of Cami stealing her 10th birthday guests, and refuses to speak to or approach Cami until the latter comes to her first.

Cami Rivera

  • Alpha Bitch: Cami is the popular girl at Bayside with a manipulative streak, just like her principal mama was. The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
  • But Not Too Bi: Cami is stated to only date the coolest guys AND girls, meaning she is bisexual, but a lot of her teases onscreen have been with boys and ends up dating Booker. This is subverted later when “A Day Without Baxters” explicitly refers to her having an ex-girlfriend, who was her previous relationship before Booker.
  • Freudian Excuse: Some of Cami’s antagonistic behavior stems from feeling betrayed by Ivy transferring to a new school for intellectually gifted back in 4th grade, and admits she stole Ivy’s 10th birthday guests out of revenge for it.
  • Generation Xerox: As a parallel to her mother’s rivalry with Raven, Cami and Ivy used to be friends, until something happened between them in 4th grade that the former blames the latter for. And, she became the Alpha Bitch of the same high school her mother (now principal) was Alpha Bitch of.
  • Love Interest: She is this to Booker in Season 5.
  • Like Mother, Like Daughter: Zig-Zagged. One one hand, Cami gets her looks and manipulative streak from her mother, both of which Alana acknowledges. Like her mother, Cami doesn't take rejection very well (Ivy transferred schools and left her, and Alana is bitter over Devon choosing Raven over her). Cami also tends to let jealousy get the best of her, and ends up becoming the popular Alpha Bitch of her mother's old high school. Unlike her mother, however, Cami is eventually able to come to terms with the issues she's had with the person who hurt her. And even she recognizes how frivolous the rivalry is between her mom and Raven.
  • Pride: Cami won’t talk to Ivy because she felt betrayed when the latter transferred. She’s so stubborn that she’d rather have Ivy come to her first.
  • Ship Tease: It is teased in one of Booker’s visions, of him presumably going to the dance with her, which happens episodes later.
  • Spin-Offspring: Cami is the daughter of Alana, Raven's high school rival from the original series who is now the principal of said school.

Alternative Title(s): Cory In The House, Ravens Home
