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The Beatles throughout their history virtually always gave their audiences a positive vibe either through their musical messaging or through their unique sense of humor.

However, one could argue that the same can’t be said about everyone that they associated with over the years.

Most of the people I am referring to were business people, but there were some book authors as well that fit into that category, though only one will be mentioned in this post.

It is sad to say, but the quest for money from many former Beatles associates lends credence to the old cliche that “money is the root of all evil.” At least that is how the Beatles themselves perceived some of these people.

Here are a few print samples from people that have received much negative attention from Beatles fans over the years.

Would love to see some commentary from readers of this post as to whether you agree with the choices picked on this page or whether the criticism is being too harsh?

The late Dick James

Former Beatles music and song publisher and before that a singer in the 50’s

Mr. James was generally perceived as being a positive force initially in the Beatles career as he helped to construct their songwriting empire by publishing their songs.

However, as time progressed and internal struggles began within the band, James decided to sell his controlling interest the Beatles publishing to Sir Lew Grade, who happens to be another entry on this post today. The Beatles were to resent why the controlling interest to the songs were not being offered to them, especially after all of the money they had made for D. James.

In my collecting fervor I also collect the signatures of people that may be perceived negatively in the Beatles story. Not because I possibly admire the people in question, but simply because they played a prominent role in the Beatles history and story.

The signature of Dick James- I was able to obtain this 1950’s signature of Dick James. He signed this document in the 1950’s while he was still a professional singer!

Dick James Signature

Dick James as a young man:

Dick James

Dick James as the Beatles knew him- picture from Ebay

Dick James

Dick James sang the theme song for a Robin Hood TV series in the UK. An interesting aside is  both Peter Asher and his sister Jane made guest acting appearances on the UK Robin Hood show.

Robin Hood TV Theme :::: Dick James. – YouTube

In 1964 Dick James recorded an EP of him singing some of the songs of the band he had published.

Sing A Song Of Beatles With Dick James sideA – YouTube

Sing A Song Of Beatles With Dick James sideB – YouTube

John Lennon certainly thought this gentleman didn’t make the grade!! The late Sir Lew Grade who eventually became Lord Grade

A UK TV mogul who was to acquire the Beatles publishing catalog from Dick James and then was later to sell the catalog to Michael Jackson, much to the Beatles chagrin.

Lew Grade

A signed first class airline menu signed by Lew Grade when he was a Lord:

Lew Grade signature

A Grade signature on a piece of paper that I acquired on eBay:

Lew Grade signature

John Lennon’s supposed reason for having his two-faced band members when he appeared on the Sir Lew Grade Television special, John’s last live appearance.

The note has appeared at several places on the internet but it is not known if this signature has ever been officially authenticated?

John’s Autograph?

A photo of John’s two-faced band at the Sir Lew Grade special.

John’s two-faced band

Looking for the GOLD MAN!!! Albert Goldman

One of the authors chosen for the dark side of the force is the late Albert Goldman. Even if all of the negative information printed about John in this book was true, there is no doubt in my opinion that the tone of this bio was intended to character assassinate John as the author had done with other victims, Lenny Bruce, Elvis and one he was planning before his death, Jim Morrison.

The tone of this book was pure vitriol and one wonders if one of the motivating factors for writing this book was the supposed $800,000 advance. Even some of Goldman’s researchers have indicated that he was actively and urgently seeking out the dirt on John in order to ensure more book sales!

The signature of Goldman in the book. Albert was to die on an International airline flight to the UK.

I was never able to obtain the signature of Allen Klein touted as one of the primary reasons the Beatles split up as Apple was crumbling. The business differences in the Beatles manager choice between John and Paul is probably the primary reason for the Beatles split. Allen is given the most blame for the Beatles split, but in my opinion he was not the sole reason for their demise.

The other party to the Beatles split was the McCartney decision to want his father-in-law, Lee Eastman as his business manager. Though Lee was a brilliant businessman, it probably was not a wise proposition to have a family member as the group’s manager as there would always be the prospect that he would be perceived as favoring Paul in his business decisions.

Perhaps it would have been a better course of action if they had been able to find a more neutral overseer or business manager to avoid the eventual disaster. Remember this decision had a lot of factors, for example John Lennon had to find out by accident that Paul had bought more Northern Songs shares  without telling him.

They had held close to equal shares prior to that incident. Finding that out, I personally believe that John had lost some trust in his former partner. One could also argue that Klein was using the knowledge of Paul buying the stock as leverage for his influence on John. In either case it was not a healthy environment!

Here is a photo that appeared in 1971 in Billboard of pop producer Don Kirshner, John Lennon and Lee Eastman, Linda’s dad. Highly unusual photo in that Eastman was portrayed so negatively in many interviews that John did, yet here they seem to be having a good time.

Magic Alex

Magic Alex, aka Alexis Madras was touted as an electronics experts but many of his ideas turned up to be just that “ideas” that did not work. John in particular was enamored of Alex’s gadgets but the Beatles were soon to realize that the Beatles were to part with a lot of their money following the Magic Alex advice.

He was singlehandedly able to show how naive’ the Beatles could be in their business decisions. John in particular was susceptible to believing seemingly bizarre proposals that he heard from Alexis!

Alex was supposedly the individual who caused the controversy with the Beatles leaving India and the Maharishi, as it was Alex, who was the source that was  allegedly spreading nasty rumors about the Maharishi’s behavior.

John, George, Yoko, and Mal Evans at the marriage of Alex.


  1. In relation to Albert Goldman, I found Anthony Elliot’s book, ‘ The Mourning of John Lennon’, to be quite a fascinating read. He raised some questions about Albert Goldman that were food for thought. I have always wondered why there is very little information about Goldman himself to be found on the Internet. Other than he was married at one time, had a daughter (during the 1950s?), was divorced by a wife who loathed him, and I’m assuming that all of the Royalties from the trash he was able to get published, is going to whoever is in control of the Albert Goldman Estate. I myself have always wondered if perhaps Goldman was in the closet, and may have tried to hit on John once, while he was living in L.A. ( a bad idea I suspect).

  2. You might want to check out Anthony Elliot’s, ‘The Mourning Of John Lennon’. Quite an interesting book. The questions he raised about Albert Goldman ( along with the fact that you can find very little personal background on Goldman on the Internet, aside from the fact that he was married at one time, had a daughter (back in the ’50?), and ended up divorcing his wife who loathed him, led me to wonder if in fact Albert Goldman was in the closet and may have tried to hit on John once while he lived in L.A. (a bad idea). Well, I guess whoever has been making bucks off the Albert Goldman Estate (where I’m sure the royalties from ‘The Lives Of John Lennon’ and the late Goldman’s other trash are paid to), must be rolling in dough!

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