Jokowi too young to retire from politics: Minister - Politics - The Jakarta Post


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Jakarta Post

Jokowi too young to retire from politics: Minister

The communications minister has said political parties are waiting in line to have the President onboard, amid ongoing speculation over Jokowi’s uncertain political future after his final term ends in October.

News Desk (The Jakarta Post)
Mon, May 13, 2024

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Jokowi too young to retire from politics: Minister President Joko “Jokowi“ Widodo speaks to ‘The Jakarta Post’ on Nov. 2 during an interview at the State Palace in Jakarta. (JP/Abdur Rahim)


resident Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had the right to choose his new direction after parting ways with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Communications and Information Minister Budi Arie Setiadi said on Sunday, while noting that it was too early for the President to consider retiring.

Pak [Mr.] Jokowi is too young to retire [from politics]. His experience can inspire and give guidance to sustainable progress in the country,” said Budi, who also heads Projo, the largest group of Jokowi supporters, referring to Jokowi’s leading the country for almost 10 years.

The minister also said the 62-year-old had “won the people’s heart”, and that political parties were waiting in line to have Jokowi onboard.

The President’s future remains uncertain. Since he doesn’t belong to any political party, after his second and final term ends in October, this would mean returning to being an ordinary citizen.

Speculation is rife that he still wants a seat in guiding the incoming government of Prabowo Subianto.

Jokowi has expressed his support for the president-elect’s proposal to create a “presidential club” of former presidents to advise the next administration, calling it a “good idea” and suggesting that the club should meet “once [every] two days”.

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Vice-president elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the President’s eldest son, is also said to be one way that Jokowi could have a say in the Prabowo administration.

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