OUT OF THIS WORLD in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Out Of This World
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OUT OF THIS WORLD in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Out Of This World

    Sentence with Out Of This World

    Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that left you in awe, thinking “this is out of this world”? This expression typically means something is so impressive, extraordinary, or unbelievable that it seems to surpass anything you have experienced before.

    When used in a sentence, “out of this world” is a figurative way to describe something as extraordinary, phenomenal, or unimaginable. It can be used to emphasize how amazing or out of the ordinary something is, leaving a lasting impression on the person experiencing it.

    7 Examples Of Out Of This World Used In a Sentence For Kids

    1. The stars in the sky are out of this world.
    2. The alien in the book looks out of this world.
    3. The rocket ship flies out of this world fast.
    4. My friend’s new toy is out of this world cool.
    5. The moon is out of this world bright tonight.
    6. The colorful planets in the solar system are out of this world beautiful.
    7. The astronaut’s suit is out of this world shiny.

    14 Sentences with Out Of This World Examples

    • The professor’s lecture on quantum physics was out of this world.
    • The chemistry lab had equipment that was out of this world.
    • The international food festival at the college was out of this world.
    • The basketball team’s performance at the intercollegiate tournament was out of this world.
    • The campus library’s collection of rare books was out of this world.
    • The fashion show organized by the students was out of this world.
    • The guest speaker’s insights on entrepreneurship were out of this world.
    • The robotics competition showcased creations that were out of this world.
    • The music festival featuring indie bands was out of this world.
    • The cultural dance performance by the students was out of this world.
    • The internship opportunities available to students were out of this world.
    • The campus garden was a tranquil oasis that seemed out of this world.
    • The job fair had companies offering salaries that were out of this world.
    • The college’s annual sports day had a turnout that was out of this world.
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    How To Use Out Of This World in Sentences?

    To use the phrase Out Of This World in a sentence, you can describe something as extraordinary, amazing, or beyond anything you have experienced. For example, “The fireworks display was out of this world, with colors and patterns that left everyone in awe.”

    When using Out Of This World, make sure you are emphasizing how exceptional or remarkable something is. It is often used to show extreme admiration or wonder for something. Try to use the phrase when you want to convey a sense of amazement or astonishment.

    For instance, “The singer’s performance was out of this world, captivating the audience with her powerful voice and stage presence.” In this sentence, Out Of This World highlights just how exceptional the singer’s performance was.

    Remember, Out Of This World is usually used in a positive context to praise something that is truly outstanding. Be sure to use it to express something that goes above and beyond the ordinary.

    With a little practice, you will become more comfortable incorporating Out Of This World into your everyday vocabulary to describe things that leave you amazed or impressed. So, go ahead and start using this phrase to add some extra flair to your descriptions of incredible experiences or things!


    In conclusion, the phrase “out of this world” is commonly used to describe something incredible, astonishing, or extraordinary. From mesmerizing landscapes and breathtaking performances to mind-blowing technological advancements, the concept reflects a sense of awe and wonder that surpasses ordinary expectations. These sentences exemplify the vast range of experiences and phenomena that can be labeled as truly remarkable or exceptional.

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    Whether it be an otherworldly adventure, an extraordinary achievement, or an unparalleled sensation, the phrase “out of this world” aptly captures the essence of true uniqueness and unparalleled magnificence. Its usage conveys a level of greatness that exceeds the boundaries of the ordinary and ignites a sense of amazement that resonates with people from all walks of life.