Asia Argento Opens Up on Anthony Bourdain Death in Video Interview
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Asia Argento Gives First Interview About Anthony Bourdain’s Death, Says His Loss Has Left ‘A Hole That Cannot Be Filled’

Argento appeared on "DailyMail TV" to give her first on-camera interview about Bourdain's death.
Asia Argento
Asia Argento
DailyMail TV Screenshot

Asia Argento discussed the death of her boyfriend Anthony Bourdain during an appearance on “DailyMail TV.” The sit-down marked Argento’s first on-camera interview talking about Bourdain’s passing, and the actress and activist appeared visibly shaken while discussing the initial anger she felt over losing the famous chef and television host. Bourdain took his own life while in his hotel room in France on June 8.

“The anger kept me alive because otherwise this desperation has no end, there’s no end,” Argento said about her immediate response to Bourdain’s death. “I was angry, yes, for [him] abandoning me, my kids, but now it’s been replaced, just by this loss, this hole, that cannot be filled by anything.”

Argento last spoke publicly about Bourdain’s death in a note she shared on social media several hours after his passing had been confirmed. The two had been dating for two years and Argento referred to Bourdain as “my love, my rock, my protector” in her personal statement.

“Anthony gave all of himself in everything that he did,” Argento wrote in the note. “His brilliant, fearless spirit touched and inspired so many, and his generosity knew no bounds…I am beyond devastated. My thoughts are with his family. I would ask you respect their privacy and mine.”

In a longer excerpt, Argento also addressed allegations that she cheated on Bourdain, which led to his untimely death. Argento admits the two had an open relationship, explaining “He cheated on me too. It wasn’t a problem for us.”

Argento acknowledges that Bourdain’s suicide was incomprehensible, and says many pointed the finger at her to try and make sense of it.

“I understand that the world needs to find a reason,” Argento said. “I would like to find a reason too. I don’t have it. Maybe I would feel some solace in thinking there was something that happened.”

You can watch the first footage released from Argento’s “DailyMail TV” appearance below.

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