Protests continue at Northern Arizona University despite arrests

More than 100 students silently protest at Northern Arizona University despite arrests

Lacey Latch
Arizona Republic

Less than 24 hours after law enforcement forcibly cleared a pro-Palestinian encampment at Northern Arizona University and arrested around two dozen people, a group of students reassembled on campus Wednesday evening in protest.

More than 100 students stood along the lawn outside the student union in silent solidarity with the now-suspended Students for Justice in Palestine chapter on campus.

Despite the suspension, the group intends to continue their protests until their demands — which include revealing the school's lobbying activities, divesting and cutting all ties with Israel and abolishing the on-campus police force — are met by the administration.

And even if they cannot formally protest on campus, the group is confident that their presence will still be felt.

"The students will continue the movement," said SJP leader Hadi Hassani said.

Following the unrest on Tuesday night, the university released a statement announcing the club's suspension for violating NAU policies in addition to a new 5 p.m. curfew for all expressive activity and the prohibition of all temporary structures on campus, including tents, shade structures and fencing. The curfew change comes just a day after the school enacted an initial interim curfew of 10 p.m. for the group's protest and encampment.

But nearly two hours past the new curfew, the line of protesters remained standing without any disruption from police or campus officials trying to disperse the demonstration.

The university also said that no tear gas, chemical irritants or Tasers were used by law enforcement on Tuesday night, contradicting some reports from protesters who were on the front line of the encampment when police moved in to clear the area around 10:30 p.m.

"It could have not been such a huge thing but they turned it into a huge thing — the response that they gave," Hassani said.

"They showed up in riot gear and everything like it's a war zone," he said.

And despite being arrested and spending a sleepless night in a crowded cell in the Coconino County Jail, group member and NAU junior James Witzeman said that it was all worth it.

"It has radicalized me further," Witzeman said after being released from jail Wednesday afternoon. "I would do it again," he said.

Junior Natanael Damian, vice president of the group, agreed.

"Arrests don't deter me, police action does not deter me," Damian said. "I've learned from history that is what the powers that be do when you are on the right side of history."

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