Capricorn Daily Horoscope - Today - Jun 09, 2024, Sunday | AstroTwins

Capricorn Daily Horoscope - Today - Jun 09, 2024, Sunday | AstroTwins

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Today's Capricorn Horoscope for June 8, 2024 - June 9, 2024

et your guard down and give people a chance to surprise you. Maybe you’ve been justifying your steely reserve as being smart self-preservation. But isn’t it possible that you’re just armoring your own fear of being vulnerable? This Saturday, your ruler, restrained Saturn, gets a nudge from warmhearted Venus. While it’s okay to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism, if it snowballs into hypercritical antagonism, you’re not doing yourself—or other people—any favors. When you put a wall up to shut others out, you wind up alone, licking your wounds. Lower the drawbridge! Your starpower returns with a vengeance on Sunday, which might spark a salon appointment, shopping trip or whatever else is required to make you feel your best. You’ve been lying low these last six weeks while Mars was burrowed in your fourth house of domesticity, but you’ve probably gotten tons done on the home front. Maybe you’ve been working remotely or tackling challenging projects like a bathroom renovation or dealing with family tension. Today, Mars is on the move, heading into Taurus and your fifth house of passion and creativity. No more low-key living for you! Between now and July 20, even the most reserved Sea Goats will be inspired to express your uniqueness and go after what you want.

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