Psy's 'Gentleman' tops YouTube charts with 38M views in one day - CNET

Psy's 'Gentleman' tops YouTube charts with 38M views in one day

The question is now: will "Gentleman" beat out "Gangnam Style" for overall views?

Dara Kerr Former senior reporter
Dara Kerr was a senior reporter for CNET covering the on-demand economy and tech culture. She grew up in Colorado, went to school in New York City and can never remember how to pronounce gif.
Dara Kerr
2 min read
Views of Psy's "Gentleman" vs. "Gangnam Style" videos over their first 50 days on YouTube. YouTube

With the same searing beat, ridiculous lyrics, and tongue-in-cheek antics, South Korea's Internet phenomenon Psy is breaking charts again with his new single "Gentleman."

YouTube announced Monday that "Gentleman" is giving "Gangnam Style" a run for its money by setting the record for getting the most views in one day ever. On April 14, "Gentleman" hit more than 38 million views. And, after only being up for about a week, the video has a total of nearly 204 million views.

"From a stats perspective, it's one of the biggest music video launches the web has ever seen," YouTube Trends manager Kevin Allocca wrote in a blog post Monday. "For some added perspective, 'Gentleman' was seen 100 million times in less than 4 days in regions all over the world, a milestone that it took 'Gangnam Style' nearly two months to achieve."

"Gangnam Style" broke YouTube records by becoming the most viewed video of all-time, it now has a staggering 1.5 billion views. It was also the first video to ever even hit 1 billion views.

But, now, it's looking like "Gentleman" is making gains on "Gangnam Style." According to YouTube, Psy's new hit debuted at No. 1 on YouTube's music chart last week -- bumping "Gangnam Style" down to No. 2.

The previous single-day record was set by KONY 2012 last March with 31 million views in one day, according to YouTube. This video has a far different subject matter than Psy's dance beats; KONY 2012 tells the controversial tale of filmmaker Jason Russell's personal mission to take down Joseph Kony, the Ugandan leader of the guerrilla group Lord's Resistance Army.