Neha Bajpai (Manoj Bajpayee's Wife) Age, Family, Biography & More » StarsUnfolded

Neha Bajpai (Manoj Bajpayee’s Wife) Age, Family, Biography & More

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Religion: Islam
Age: 46 Years
Marriage Date: 23 February 2006

Neha Bajpai

Real nameShabana Raza [1]Yahoo
Other nameNeha
Famous forBeing the wife of Manoj Bajpayee
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)in centimeters- 170 cm
in meters- 1.70 m
in feet & inches- 5’ 7”
Weight (approx.)in kilograms- 60 kg
in pounds- 132 lbs
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack
DebutFilm: Kareeb (1998) as Neha
Tamil Film: Alli Thandha Vaanam (2001) as Meena
Alli Thandha Vaanam
Kannada film: Smile (2003)
Personal Life
Date of Birth18 April 1975 (Friday)
Age (as of 2021)46 Years
Birthplace Solapur, Maharashtra, India
Zodiac signAries
Hometown Solapur, Maharashtra, India
ReligionIslam [2]Yahoo
HobbiesTravelling [3]Mumbai Mirror
Relationships & More
Marital StatusMarried
Affairs/BoyfriendsManoj Bajpayee
Marriage Date23 February 2006
Husband/SpouseManoj Bajpayee
Neha Bajpai with her husband
ChildrenSon- None
Daughter- Ava Nyla Bajpayee
Neha Bajpai with her daughter

Neha Bajpai

Some Lesser Known Facts About Neha Bajpai

  • Neha Bajpai is an Indian actress who is best known for being the wife of Manoj Bajpayee.
  • In 1998, she appeared in the Bollywood film “Kareeb” alongside Bobby Deol in which she played the role of Neha.

    Neha Bajpai in a still from the Bollywood film Kareeb

    Neha Bajpai in a still from the Bollywood film Kareeb

  • In the same year, she met Manoj Bajpayee at the premiere of the Bollywood film Satya, and soon, they became good friends with each other. In an interview, Shabana said,

    Manoj and I have known each other for 10 years. I met him right after Kareeb was released. And since then we’ve been together. We’re individuals and yet a compatible couple.”

  • After dating each other for almost eight years, they decided to get married, and on 23 February 2006, they got married to each other. In an interview, she said,

    Manoj and I understand each other well. We do not mix our professional and personal lives. We have a very healthy relationship.”

  • In an interview, she revealed that she and Manoj didn’t like to attend parties or social gatherings. She said,

    Manoj and I don’t need to socialise or go out to feel happy. We share long evenings of tea, silences and warm vibes right in our house. Nothing gives us more joy than to be together in our house.”

  • Shabana Raza is also known as Neha, which is the name of her character in the 1998 Bollywood film Kareeb, and since then, because the Google search shows her name as Neha, she has been popular by the name Neha. In an interview, while talking about this, she said,

    I was never Neha. I was always Shabana. I was forced into changing my name too. I was not okay with it at all. My parents proudly named me Shabana. There was no need to change it, but nobody listened to me. I have matured a lot since I entered the industry. I was very apprehensive about everything before but I understand better now.”

  • In 2013, she appeared in Sanjay Gupta‘s film “Alibaug” in which her character’s name was named after her real name, Shabana Raza. In an interview, she talked about this. She said,

    That is why working with Sanjay and the whole team of ‘Alibaug’ has been the best experience of my life. I told Sanjay that I want to go with my real name, and he was okay with it. I had lost my identity and now, I got it back.”

  • In 1999, she appeared in the Bollywood film “Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet” alongside Ajay Devgan in which she played the role of Meena Singh.

    Neha Bajpai in a still from the film Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet

    Neha Bajpai in a still from the film Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet

  • In 2000, she played the role of Shehnaz in the Bollywood film Fiza alongside Hrithik Roshan.

    Neha Bajpai in a still from Fiza

    Neha Bajpai in a still from Fiza

  • In 2001, she played the role of Antara Pandit in the Bollywood film “Ehsaas: The Feeling” alongside Suniel Shetty.
  • In the same year, she appeared in the Tamil Film “Alli Thandha Vaanam” in which she played the role of Meena.
  • In 2006, she played the role of Neha A. Mehra in the 2006 Bollywood horror film “Aatma.”
  • In 2009, she played the role of Nandini S. Sanghvi in the Bollywood film “Acid Factory;” Manoj Bajpayee played the role of Sultan in this film. After this film, Neha distanced herself from the film industry.
  • In an interview, when Manoj Bajpayee was asked why his wife left the industry, he said,

    I never asked Shabana to quit. It was her decision.” Three years ago he said that he will make a short film in which he will star Shabana.”

  • In 2015, she was featured on the cover of Femina Parenting magazine along with Manoj Bajpayee and their daughter. Neha Bajpai with her family on the Femina Parenting cover page
  • In 2016, she walked the ramp for Western Basics, a kidswear fashion brand, along with her husband and daughter.

    Neha Bajpai promoting the Western Basics fashion brand along with her husband and daughter

    Neha Bajpai promoting the Western Basics fashion brand along with her husband and daughter

  • In 2020, Helping Hands Charitable Trust invited her at their event “go vocal for local,” where she said,

    Kudos to Helping Hand Charitable Trust for launching Shramik Sammaan. Unfortunately, the problems of our migrant brothers and sisters have not ended with returning home. It is a huge relief to know that this initiative aims to address these issues at the grass-root level. I’m honoured to be part of such a novel initiative.”
