PRIMAL FEAR's MAT SINNER Has Spent Last Eight Months In Eight Different Hospitals - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

PRIMAL FEAR's MAT SINNER Has Spent Last Eight Months In Eight Different Hospitals

December 19, 2021

PRIMAL FEAR bassist and producer Mat Sinner says that he has spent the last eight months in eight different hospitals.

The 58-year-old German musician, whose real name is Matthias Lasch, shared his health update four months after PRIMAL FEAR announced it was scrapping all of its previously announced shows for 2021 and 2022 "due to a serious illness issue."

Earlier today (Sunday, December 19),Mat took to his personal Facebook page to write: "After 8 Months in 8 different hospitals, target - home Feb 12,2022." He added: "Light a candle for me on Xmas, we have so many things to do".

When PRIMAL FEAR first announced its concert cancelations, it said that it was "not able to foresee when the band will be able to continue what the love the most: playing shows."

Last April, PRIMAL FEAR released a five-track single called "I Will Be Gone". Also made available was the official music video for the title track, featuring a guest appearance by former NIGHTWISH singer Tarja Turunen.

PRIMAL FEAR's 13th studio album, "Metal Commando", was released in July 2020 via Nuclear Blast. The LP was produced by Sinner and mixed by Jacob Hansen.

Formed by Sinner in 1997 as an outlet for vocalist Ralf Scheepers (who had left GAMMA RAY and was a rumored candidate for the then-open JUDAS PRIEST vocal spot, but was considering early retirement from metal),PRIMAL FEAR has emerged as one of the most consistent European metal bands, rarely straying from its core PRIEST-styled power metal sound.

Sinner also leads his long-running namesake hard rock band SINNER, which released its latest album, "Santa Muerte", in 2019 via AFM Records.

For more than a decade, Sinner has been the musical director and co-producer for the prestigious European arena tour "Rock Meets Classic".

Status of my Odyssee
Xmas - After 8 Months in 8 different hospitals, target - home Feb 12,2022

Light a candle for me on Xmas, we have so many things to do ❤️

Posted by Mat Sinner on Sunday, December 19, 2021

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