Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl takes train to Glastonbury Festival - BBC News

Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl takes train to Glastonbury Festival

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Dave Grohl on a GWR trainImage source, GWR
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Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl met rail staff member Brendan Cropper on the way to Glastonbury

Foo Fighters front man Dave Grohl decided to take the train before a surprise show at Glastonbury Festival.

The singer - whose band played a set on the Pyramid Stage under the guise of The Churnups - and 40 others boarded the 11:00 BST service from London.

Grohl's entourage then got off at Bath Spa, where they caught minibuses to take them to the festival.

The star met rail staff member Brendan Cropper on the train from London Paddington, GWR said.

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GWR said the group had exclusive use of Paddington's First Class lounge all morning, with the first group arriving at 10:20.

Grohl was one of the last to arrive, in an apparent effort to keep his identify secret ahead of the surprise Glastonbury performance.

He later confirmed the widely-held suspicions that The Churnups were indeed the Foo Fighters, as they strolled out on stage prompting shrieks from the crowd.