Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18 Review: Danger is All Around - TV Fanatic

Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18 Review: Danger is All Around

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Have you ever waited for something so long that the duration never feels enough, even when it happens?

Matthew Casey's much-awaited return happened on Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18, and it ended, leaving a lingering feeling of loss in its place.

He revealed that he was in Chicago on a special assignment from the government and was not sticking around for long. He claimed that the whole thing happened so quickly that he didn't have the time to announce his arrival.

L - Sylvie and Casey - Chicago Fire

Meanwhile, Gallo's aunt, who he had not seen in over fifteen years, tracked him down, opening old wounds he thought had healed already.

There was cause for celebration because Cindy was officially cancer-free. Herrmann worked hard to give her an amazing party, potentially putting the plan to have Tony break the CFD record in jeopardy.

Carver and Mouch - Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18

Casey's claim that the assignment was so last minute that he didn't have time to give people a heads-up that he was dropping by appeared quite odd. It takes minutes at most to call and tell someone that you will drop by unless he didn't want to call.

I should have said something, but it was so last minute.


Casey and Sylvie were not up to date on where the other person was in their romantic life, and making that call must have been intimidating for him.

What if that's the call that undoes her whole life? What if hearing his voice pulls her back in? What if he gave her fake hope only to end up crushing her when he leaves again?

What if hearing her voice makes him pack his bags for Chicago on a one-way ticket?

Ritter and Carver - Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18

He decided to soldier on and respond to events as they unfolded. He didn't do a great job of it, as he resulted to lying.

Sylvie: I'm just gonna put this out there. I've been seeing someone.
Casey: That's great. I knew you would find someone. And I have been seeing someone too, but it's not that serious.

His return was met with so much positivity it was almost like he'd never left. One could see the leader in him emerge as he listened to everyone's life updates with such keenness.

He gassed them up, which was something many of them needed. Stella appreciated having that much trust shown in her, especially after attending that meeting and hearing how serious the topic of discussion was.

Hearing words of affirmation and encouragement meant everything to Joe, who had been struggling with balancing the duties of a lieutenant.

Stella - Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18

Gallo appreciated his words of encouragement as much, if not more, than he'd appreciated the assist during the highrise rescue.

It wasn't all roses and sunshine, though. Matt was confronted with the reality of his feelings for Sylvie. He had tried to date but was still in love, and no other person could measure up.

Stella: There isn't anyone, is there?
Casey: Well, I'm out there but nothing sticks.
Stella: Why is that?
Casey: Why do you think?

Sylive was thrown head-first into the pool that is Matthew Casey. She had just begun getting her life in order and dating a new guy, but his return threw her off balance. Even during an activity with Dylan that was supposed to be easy and fun, she seemed absent.

Sylvie: Why didn't he tell me he was coming?
Violet: Well, the whole thing was so last minute, and didn't you guys agree to ease up on communication because it was so hard?
Sylvie: Then he showed up at the firehouse when I thought he was 2000 miles away. If he said he was coming, I could have at least been mentally prepared.

She was absolutely wrecked when she said goodbye to him.

Chief Boden - Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18

Chief Boden asked the question that every viewer had at the back of their minds. Casey did his best to skate around the question and didn't give a definite response. Talk about being saved by the chimes.

Chief Boden: So, when are you coming back?
Casey: The boys will be off to college next year, but some things have to fall in place first
Chief Boden: Like?

Gallo was in a world of his own when his estranged aunt showed up seeking to reconnect.

How he stays upbeat despite all the trauma he has been through is inspiring.

He had gone through loss when his whole family died in a fire. The aunt who took him in and made him feel safe abandoned him putting him through another loss. Her showing up out of nowhere was like reopening those wounds that he had worked so much to heal and was not there yet.

Jake Lockett as Carver - Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18

Carver identified with his plight because of his absolutely useless family. He understood deeply what losing your family as a kid in whichever manner does to a child.

He also offered solid advice. Gallo should have heard her out if she was willing to do the work.

Revisiting the old stuff from his family gave him the necessary closure he'd never gotten. He heard his voice as a child and realized that that boy and his life were no more. He could grieve and move on.

Gallo is a simple spirit who processes his trauma by talking about it and kicking ass during an emergency.

Blake and Joel - Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18

Extra thoughts

  • The dedication to keeping Tony from hurting himself was admirable, but keeping up the same spirit when the man had food poisoning was insane. What if it was serious, and he died?
  • I'm sorry, but Carver and Violet? Who saw that coming?
  • And three became four. Has Carver become part of the holy trinity? No one has ever been made part of Gallo, Ritter, and Violet's circle. I'm curious to know what they saw in him that made them make space for him.
  • There is a terror threat looming over Chicago, and when an emergency that big is teased, it reminds you that the season finale might be coming up soon.

  • Was it as throwing for you to hear a male voice make the announcements? I was so used to the female one it surprised me there for a minute.

"Danger is All Around" was a so-so episode that left the viewer wanting more but offered more to think about. It wasn't particularly entertaining regarding the emergencies, but it was engaging nonetheless.

What did you think? Was Casey's return unsatisfactory? Would you want to see him more? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

It is yours to watch Chicago Fire online any time right here on TV Fanatic.

Danger is All Around Review

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Denis Kimathi was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on X.

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Chicago Fire Season 11 Episode 18 Quotes

Sylvie: I'm just gonna put this out there. I've been seeing someone.
Casey: That's great. I knew you would find someone. And I have been seeing someone too, but it's not that serious.

I should have said something, but it was so last minute.
