Trimming Pablo + Q&A - Showroom Workstation - Sheffield

Trimming Pablo + Q&A 18

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This film was last shown on 31 August 2013

War, peace, art ... and a haircut

Sheffield, November 1950. Another cold day in Cold War Britain. And Spanish Communist party member Pablo Picasso steps off the train to attend the World Peace Congress at Sheffield City Hall. However, he discovers that the British Government, fearful of the growing Communist movement, has cancelled the event and moved the whole thing onto Poland.

But before the day is out, Picasso will give a speech to the party faithful, be approached by a sinister figure working for the American Government ... and touch the lives of many. One man in particular - the Sheffield barber who cuts his hair - will carry the memory of his encounter with Pablo Picasso far beyond a cold November afternoon.

Trimming Pablo is a fictional short drama inspired by the real events of a little-known day in British cold war history. A touching film about the personal cost of war and the political power of art.

Directed by Tim Newton, the film has been beautifully shot in black and white by cinematographer Mike Fox and stars the acclaimed British character actor Paul Freeman as Pablo Picasso.


Sheffield Hallam University and the Showroom Cinema proudly present the world premiere of Trimming Pablo – the story of Pablo Picasso’s visit to Sheffield in November 1950 for the Second World Peace Conference being held at the Sheffield City Hall. Director Tim Newton and Sheffield playwright Dave Sheasby provide a speculative musing on what did and what might have happened on that day. Tim Newton has made a beautiful and poignant short film adapted from a play and radio drama by Dave Sheasby, who sadly passed away during the film’s production.

Please note: the film is 20 minutes long.

The screening will include a short talk on the ill-fated conference and a Q&A session with Tim Newton. Actors Paul Freeman (Picasso) and Jeff Rawle (the Barber) will also be in attendance.



Tim Newton
90 mins
Paul Freeman


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