Junior School - Pacific Hills Christian School
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Kindergarten to Year 4

Junior School at a glance

Classes per grade providing a focused learning environment from Kindergarten to Year 4.
30 +
Faith building and fun worship assemblies held each year.
100 %
of teachers and staff at Pacific Hills Christian School are Christian.
150 +
Ice creams devoured during the annual Kindy & Year 4 Buddy Walk.
Character building focus areas - Be Safe, Responsible, Respectful, Helper and a Learner.

Christian Community

Nurturing the Whole Child

Spiritual growth, holistic student care and community are highly valued at Pacific Hills. Students attend a daily Pastoral Care class in each Year group. Your child will know they belong as an important part of this caring community. They will build meaningful friendships, feel connected and support each other.

Christian Education

Solid Foundation

Our dedicated teachers passionately nurture and guide your child in their educational journey. We are committed to helping students shape their character, build their abilities and confidently use their individual gifts to flourish and find God’s purpose for their lives. They learn to serve and positively impact others.

Dedicated Teachers
Spiritual Growth
Biblical Worldview
Healthy Relationships
Academic Excellence
Community Service

Compassion, Courage & Wisdom

Serving others helps your child develop a sense of responsibility at an early age. Within our educational program, we offer a rich array of opportunities for students to actively engage in various service initiatives. Through these experiences, they develop qualities such as compassion, courage, and wisdom, which are essential components of their character development.

Nurturing Compassionate Leaders

Early Responsibility Instilled

Diverse Service Opportunities

Character Development Focus

Student-Led Impact

Our Values

Our Christian values are more than words...
They are lived.

Illustration of a flower


John 3:16

Love is the starting point

Illustration of a heart


Joshua 1:9

Keep on trying as you go

Illustration of a flower


1 Corinthians 13:4

Accept different & new things

Illustration of a heart


Romans 12:5

Care for others

Illustration of a flower

Year 3: PEACE

1 Thessalonians 5:13

Be kind with everyone

Illustration of a heart


1 Peter 4:10

Look out for others

Quality Interactive Learning

Meaningful Student Engagement

Age-specific learning paths designed to unlock potential and encourage meaningful student engagement.


Junior School provides a tailored curriculum based on NESA’s core learning areas, fostering curiosity, creativity, problem-solving and self-confidence.

Junior School Handbook

Our Junior School Handbook provides comprehensive information for parents - including subjects, pastoral care and life in Junior School.

But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”

Luke 18:16

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we have to be Christians to enrol?

No. Pacific Hills welcomes families of varied backgrounds and faith to enrol their children. However, all families with children enrolled at Pacific Hills are required to support and respect the Christian beliefs and values. Pacific Hills is required to deliver all teaching in alignment with the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) guidelines. As a distinctly Christian school, the curriculum is taught from a Biblical perspective and framed by the Christian worldview.

Can I come and visit the School?

Yes, we offer Group Tours and Open Days throughout the year where you can connect with our staff, see our campus and ask questions about how we educate, nurture and holistically care for your child. Click below to view available Group Tours and Open Days.

Where can I get the uniform?

Hannah’s Uniform Shop is located on the Pacific Hills campus for your convenience. All uniform requirements can be purchased directly from Hannah’s. New students will require a uniform fitting which can be booked online.